"Yowita ( mailto:jovituke3@gmail.com ) has reported this visitor message:
This is part of this user's profile:
This is the reason that the user gave:
ot dėkui dėkui :}}
This message has been sent to all moderators of this area, or all administrators if there are no moderators.
Please respond to this post as applicable."
Geriau, kad tokių daugiau nepasitaikytų nesusipratimų, o tai trins msg
This is part of this user's profile:
This is the reason that the user gave:
ot dėkui dėkui :}}
This message has been sent to all moderators of this area, or all administrators if there are no moderators.
Please respond to this post as applicable."
Geriau, kad tokių daugiau nepasitaikytų nesusipratimų, o tai trins msg