Japonijos imperatorius

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  • tamagochi
    Suši valgytojas

    • 2005 10 19
    • 138

    Autorius Koaru
    Nematau prasmes vaziuoti prie katedros ir paziureti i senuka su jo zmona
    Gal kam ir idomu, bet logiskai pagalvojus: Ka tu is to ispesi?
    Nauda ta pati kaip ir is anglijos karalienes vizito jei jau materialiai ziurint. Spauda vel rasys kiek daug pinigu be reikalo isleista ir t.t.

    IMHO kitos salies simbolio apsilankymas turi siokia tokia sentimentalia reiksme, nes tuo jis atiduoda pagarba Lietuvai.

    Dar girdejau, kad nemazai japonu turistu ketina tomis dienomis atvaziuoti (tam tarpe ir tas mano sutiktas, kur lietuviu kalbos mokosi) - taigi dairykites gatveje


    • Kuronii
      Boom, like that

      • 2007 04 01
      • 144

      oho...del imperatoriaus i Lietuva vaziuos jie...juk nepigu ir ju atzvilgiu manau^^
      http://www.acvilnius.lt/ - VAK - Vilniaus Anime klubas


      • Hellsing_lover
        Purinsesu no Darukuneso

        • 2007 02 15
        • 1318

        kuo toliau tuo įdomiau - tai Anglijos karalienė neseniai lankėsi, o dabar ir pats Japonijos imperatorius atvyksta... O kas toliau?... XD

        Prieina Alucard'as su savo plačiakrašte skrybele prie Raudonkepuraitės ir sako: So, who's the the Little Red Riding Hood now?


        • Kuronii
          Boom, like that

          • 2007 04 01
          • 144

          O toliau: visas pasaulsi is LT juoksis, nes kai pvz koks imperatorius japonijos ar karaliene anglijos pakvies Adamku i savo sali, valstybe neisgales is savo biudzeto jo isleisti xD
          http://www.acvilnius.lt/ - VAK - Vilniaus Anime klubas


          • narusegawa

            o !musu klase kaip tik eis su juo susitikti kazkada geguze.) tai va. nesigiriu ,tik siaip prisiminiau


            • Blood_Wolf
              • 2006 10 28
              • 112

              Mano klasei irgi buvo pazadeta kad nuves bet kaip bus pamatysiu tik 05 26


              • Usotsuki

                • 2007 04 20
                • 67

                isties is to imperatoriaus mums jokio tolko.

                Adamkus, ciuju, prades japonu kalbos mokytis XD

                reiks nueit ten paziuret, kaipt ai atrodys... kazkodel man atrodo kad apsaugos ten turetu but daugiau negu per karalienes apsilankyma (ARAI ant stogu XD ) (tas tai juokingas dalykas buwo... bet ko nepadarysi kad isiteigt...)
                btw: man atrodo kad wiskas turetu wykt prie prezidenturos...

                damn... noreciau ir as bent is arti pamatyt imperatoriu. o jei dar ir pasisnekeciau, tai butu penktasis japonas su kurio buciau pasikalbejes lietuvoje
                butu funn... gaila kad as taip neformaliai mokaus japonu kalbos ir nepatenku i jokias grupes
                Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo zio; 2007-05-06, 13:46.
                Grant my enemies a long life. So they can watch my victory.


                • Koaru
                  • 2007 04 24
                  • 63

                  oyo, as nezinau kiek jam metu ^^; as ji toki isivaizduoju, nes tas zodis man primena "seniena" (grubiai issireiskiant)


                  • Kuronii
                    Boom, like that

                    • 2007 04 01
                    • 144

                    Nebus Imperatoriui ka veikt kaip su mumis, paprastais valstieciais kalbet xD pasakys savo sekretores sukurta kalba ir tiek is to viso mandagumo. hm...05 26 bus sestadienis...man kursai^^ nepamatysiu jo didenybes xD
                    http://www.acvilnius.lt/ - VAK - Vilniaus Anime klubas


                    • dansu

                      Imperatorius atvyksta 05 26, bet pasitikimas ne katedroje, o rotušės aikštėje. išeina šeštadienis berods.
                      būsiu aš ten;D


                      • narusegawa

                        Autorius Blood_Wolf
                        Mano klasei irgi buvo pazadeta kad nuves bet kaip bus pamatysiu tik 05 26
                        galbut tuomet mes susitiksime tenai. jei pazadas bus istiesetas.)
                        ir su taip pat)


                        • DarkSide

                          Seip ne rotuseje gerbiamieji, o daukanto aiksteje. Susitikima su imperatorium surenge Japonijos ambasada. O tikslas susitikimo nebutinai turi buti materealus, seip jus patis pagalvokit Japonijos didziosios imperijos imperatorius atvaziuoja i Lietuva, pagalvokit kokia yra mum garbe. Kodel zmones viska jus vertinat materealiai. Mes pamatisim zmogu kuris valdo ta sali kuria mes visi zavimes, ziurim anime, mokomes japonu kalbos. todel pagarba tam zmogui isreikt reiketu. pamatiti ji taip pat.


                          • DarkSide


                            The Imperial House of Japan (also referred to as the Imperial Family or k


                            • DarkSide

                              There are presently 23 members of the imperial family. Their personal names appear in parentheses:

                              His Imperial Majesty The Emperor (Akihito) was born at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on 23 December 1933, the elder son and sixth child of the Shōwa Emperor and Empress Kōjun (Nagako). He was married on 10 April 1959 to Her Imperial Majesty The Empress (Michiko). The Empress, formerly Miss Shoda Michiko, was born in Tokyo on 24 October 1934, the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Shoda Hidesaburo, president and honorary chairman of Nisshin Flour Milling Inc.. Emperor Akihito succeeded his father as emperor on 7 January 1989.

                              His Imperial Highness The Crown Prince (Naruhito), the eldest son of the Emperor and the Empress, was born at the Tsugo Palace in Tokyo on 23 February 1960. He became heir apparent upon his father's ascension to the throne. Crown Prince Naruhito married on 10 June 1993 to Miss Owada Masako. Her Imperial Highness The Crown Princess (Masako) was born on 6 December 1963, the daughter of Hisashi Owada, a former vice minister of foreign affairs and former permanent representative of Japan to the United Nations. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess have one daughter:

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Aiko, who was born on 1 December 2001 at 2:43 pm Japan time weighing just over three kilograms (six pounds 12 ounces) and who holds the childhood title Princess Toshi (Toshi-no-miya).
                              His Imperial Highness Prince Akishino (Fumihito), the Emperor's second son, was born on 11 November 1965. His childhood title was Prince Aya (Aya-no-miya). He received the title Prince Akishino (Akishino-no-miya) and permission to start a new branch of the imperial family upon his marriage to Miss Kawashima Kiko on 29 June 1988. Her Imperial Highness Princess Akishino was born on 11 September 1966, the daughter of Dr. Kawashima Tatsuhiko, professor of economics at Gakushuin University. Prince and Princess Akishino have two daughters and a son:

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako (born 23 October 1991)

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Kako (born 29 December 1994)

                              His Imperial Highness Prince Hisahito (born 6 September 2006) at 8:27 AM (2327 GMT) and weighed 5.64 pounds.

                              His Imperial Highness Prince Hitachi (Masahito) was born on 28 November 1935, the second son and seventh child of the Emperor Shôwa (Hirohito) and Empress Kojun (Nagako). His childhood title was Prince Yoshi (Yoshi-no-miya). He received the title Prince Hitachi (Hitachi-no-miya) and permission to set up a new branch of the imperial family on 1 October 1961, the day after his wedding. Her Imperial Highness Princess Hitachi (Hanako), was born on 19 July 1940, the daughter of the late former Count Tsugaru Yoshitaka. Prince and Princess Hitachi have no children.

                              His Imperial Highness Prince Mikasa (Takahito) was born on 2 December 1914, the fourth son of the Taisho Emperor and Empress Teimei (Sadako). He is the surviving brother of Emperor Shōwa and the surviving paternal uncle of Emperor Akihito. His childhood title was Prince Sumi (Sumi-no-miya). He received the title Prince Mikasa (Mikasa-no-miya) and permission to start a new branch of the imperial family on 2 December 1935. He married on 22 October 1936. Her Imperial Highness Princess Mikasa (Yuriko) was born on 6 June 1921, the second daughter of the late Viscount Takagi Masanori. Prince and Princess Mikasa have two daughters and three sons. Their youngest son, Prince Takamado (Norihito), is deceased.

                              His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito of Mikasa is the eldest son of Prince and Princess Mikasa and a first cousin of Emperor Akihito. He is also heir apparent to his father's title, Mikasa-no-miya. He was born on 5 January 1941. Prince Tomohito married Miss Aso Nobuko on 7 November 1980. Her Imperial Highness Princess Tomohito of Mikasa was born on 9 April 1955, the daughter of the late Mr. Aso Takakichi, chairman of Aso Cement Co. and his wife, Kazuko, a daughter of former prime minister Yoshida Shigeru. Prince and Princess Tomohito of Mikasa have two daughters:

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Akiko (born 20 December 1981)

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Yōko (born 25 October 1983)

                              His Imperial Highness Prince Katsura (Yoshihito) is the second son of Prince and Princess Mikasa and a first cousin of Emperor Akihito. He was born on 11 February 1948. Originally known as Prince Yoshihito of Mikasa, he received the title Prince Katsura (Katsura-no-miya) and authorization to start a new branch of the imperial family on 1 January 1988.

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado (Hisako) is the widow of His Imperial Highness Prince Takamado (Norihito) (born 29 December 1954, died 21 November 2002), the third son of The Prince and The Princess Mikasa and a first cousin of Emperor Akihito. The princess was born 10 July 1953, the daughter of Mr. Tottori Shigejiro. She married the prince on 6 December 1981. Originally known as Prince Norihito of Mikasa, he received the title Prince Takamado (Takamado-no-miya) and permission to start a new branch of the imperial family on 1 December 1981. Princess Takamado has three daughters:

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Tsuguko (born 6 March 1986)

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Noriko (born 22 July 1988)

                              Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako (b. 15 September 1990)


                              • DarkSide

                                Visa seima.

                                trumpai apie juos:

                                The 1947 Imperial Household Law defines the imperial house as: the empress (皇后, k

