heh ^_^ 11 iš 18 Pretty Good.You may have a talent. Yay i'm talented
kiniečiai. japonai. korejiečiai. koks skirtumas?
9 iš 18. Hmmm atvirai pasakius tikėjaus blogesnių rezultatų, bet gavosi gan normaliai. Bet jie tikrai žiauriai panašūsŠirdies tvenkiniai, džiaugsmo bangos.Comment
exam 1 faces: Very bad. Obviously you can't tell the difference. 6 Out of 18.
exam2 art: Bad. Needs a lot more work. 8 Out of 18
exam3 buildings: Normal. You are OK. 9 Out of 18
exam4 traveling pictures: Hopeless. Might as well toss the coin. 5 Out of 18
exam5 traveling photos: Normal. You are OK. 9 Out of 18
exam6 urban scenery: Inversely Amazing. Not easy to get all that wrong. 3 Out of 18
exam7 food: Very bad. Obviously you can't tell the difference. 6 Out of 18
exam8 architecture details : Very bad. Obviously you can't tell the difference. 7 Out of 18
conclusion i fail ^^Society is a market where we sell our soulsComment
Exam #1: Faces 5/18 Hopeless. Might as well toss the coin.
Exam #2: Modern Art 8/18 Bad. Needs a lot more work.
Exam #3: Traditional Architecture 4/18 Hopeless. Might as well toss the coin.
Exam #7: Food 6/18 Very bad. Obviously you can't tell the difference.
Exam #8: Architectural Details 5/18 Hopeless. Might as well toss the coin.
Nebedristu bandyti dar ka norsComment