Todel ir klausiu,nes viduje nera :/
Klausimai: kas? kur? kaip? kodėl? ir iš kur?
Ši gija yra iškelta
Spoileris:Anyone would be jealous of such as (one’s) intelligence
(But) no one can imitate the aesthetic value
It dwells within me;
The unsatisfied sublime spirit
It has no illusion
It shows no affections
“Everything by this hand”
The girl in the mirror with an exact resemblance of me is watching
Those eyes, they know everything
Why is she sneering at me?
Truth of wisdom
Even if I was asleep or awake
The disturbing voice echoes somewhere in my head
Let’s give everyone some love
Let’s fill (our) hearts with kind love
There is no fake love
I don’t want any hypocrisy
“Destroy everything”
The rhythm the body desires life, and the soul desires death
I danced and shook violently
Then I proceeded to be torn away
The girl inside of me watched the vortex at the back of my mind
Her eyes saw everything
Why is she laughing at me?
She peeled off of her affections from the exposure of the moonlight
She watched me
Because only my eyes can save everything
Truth of wisdom👍 1Comment
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