Žaisdavau LineageII, bet pagaliau man jis atsibodo ir pasveikau nuo tos ligos. Šiuo metu žaidžiu Team Fortress 2.
Kokius žaidimus žaidžiate? (Pakomentuokite)
Autorius Lucion666man reiktu kazko panashaus i diablo 2/diablo 1 , wow, l2, silkroad.. aisku butu gerai kad butu jau d3, taciau kol jo nera tai reik kazka ish rpg palosht
Pats siuo metu ruosiuosi pazaisti klasika o tai yra Resident Evil 2 ir 3 po to kai ziauriai nusiviliau Aion ... daugiau niekad nezaisiu Korieciu zaidimu NEVAH.Jai kas losiat ir manot kai pasieksit 50 lvl baiksis grind fest ha! ten jo bus tiek daug kad is burnos baltos putos pilsis upe...
Taipogi Siulau zmonems Borderlands gan idomus game action + rpg + 3 Gazilions guns.Beje jai kas noretu Co-op butu gan smagu.
Taipogi Ruosiuosi ismeginti Left 4 dead , draugas sake kad per neta tiesiog nerealiai smagu.Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Mahiko; 2009-11-17, 21:15.Comment
Pamegink Torchlight kazkas panasaus i Diablo 2 o ir uzima ~500mb.
Pats siuo metu ruosiuosi pazaisti klasika o tai yra Resident Evil 2 ir 3 po to kai ziauriai nusiviliau Aion ... daugiau niekad nezaisiu Korieciu zaidimu NEVAH.Jai kas losiat ir manot kai pasieksit 50 lvl baiksis grind fest ha! ten jo bus tiek daug kad is burnos baltos putos pilsis upe...
Taipogi Siulau zmonems Borderlands gan idomus game action + rpg + 3 Gazilions guns.Beje jai kas noretu Co-op butu gan smagu.
Taipogi Ruosiuosi ismeginti Left 4 dead , draugas sake kad per neta tiesiog nerealiai smagu.Comment
Lineage 2 zaidziu db, nu neseniai pradejau zaist draugas pasiule pazaist... bet dar yra neblogas zaidimas Jade Dynasty tik jis jau lb ilgasComment
zaidziau lineage2, atsibodo. siuo metu aion globale spatalos serve uz eleyos, bet jau pradeda atsibost. age of empires3 the asian dynasties. K.O.SComment
Vakar pradėjau lošti online FPS šaudyklę ELIMINATE ant iPod Touch, tikrai kabinantis geimas, paprastas valdymas, ir puikiai išvystytas rpg varikliukas, keli levelį, renki kreditus perki naujus ginklus šarvus ir dar visokį velnią,paskui juos tobulini ir varai taškyti priešininkų iš visų pasaulio kampelių...
O ant kompo karts nuo karto pereinu vieną kitą Manhunt lygį, ko gero mėgstamiausias mano geimas, niekaip neatsibosta...Comment
zaidziu Dragon age origins visus kitus atidejau .. ilgai lauktas dalykas tikruju rpg megejams visiem su nustalgija prisimenantiem baldur's gate saga, planescpe ir pan kurinius. siaip bioware retai kada nuvilia tiek story tiek personazai atidirbit gerai.. yra trukumu zinoma ir baldur's gate 2 vis tiek bus best bet dragon age laukti vertejo.I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to death. Nor known to life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Yet, those hands will never hold anything. So as I pray, unlimited blade works.Comment
Isleistas Symphonic Rain 99% eng patch'as! Kiek skaiciau, labai gerai vertinama novele, jei atmintis neapgauna su Ever17 lygio plottwist'u. VN ir patch'as cia
Symphonic Rain takes place in a fictional city of apparently Italian heritage, where rain falls everyday. The locals there have adapted to this peculiar phenomenon, and carry on with their lives as if the rain was never there. No one takes an umbrella, no one wears a rain coat.
The main character of the story is 17 year old Chris, a Fortelle student of the famous Piova Communal School of Music (Scuola Comunale di Musica Piova, in Italian). Separated from his childhood sweetheart Arietta when he left his home town for the city, he keeps in touch with her through the means of weekly letters. Penning their thoughts on those letters, Chris treasures and keeps her weekly writings, for he had promised her that should his drawer becomes totally filled with them, he would return to her.
The game starts during Chris's third year as a student, a few months before he has to take the school's final graduation examination: a staged performance. As an instrumentalist, he is required to search for a vocalist partner before he is eligible for the examination.
Beside the adventure parts that makes most of the game, Symphonic Rain includes musical sequences. In which the player is required to press keys on the keyboard in correct timing to accompany the current song. These sequences can be turned to automatic if the player doesn't wish to participate.Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo IVXXX; 2009-11-22, 13:22.I want to go on a date! We'll play MMORPGs all night long! And then I want you to confess your love to me by saying 'let's grind together, baby!👍 1Comment
Isleistas Symphonic Rain 100% eng patch'as! Kiek skaiciau, labai gerai vertinama novele, jei atmintis neapgauna su Ever17 lygio plottwist'u. VN ir patch'as ciaComment
Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo IVXXX; 2009-11-23, 18:16.I want to go on a date! We'll play MMORPGs all night long! And then I want you to confess your love to me by saying 'let's grind together, baby!👍 1Comment