Kokios muzikos klausot? (Pakomentuokite)
Ši gija yra iškelta
Nu va pasigirsu. Atlaikysu visą kritiką iš popserių, nes ji dažniausiai atsiduria po stalu(reikia ko nors, kad galėčiau pasidėt kojas). Neseniai grįžau iš VA(Velnio Akmens), jei kas sekat delfi, tai manau matėt apie švedus Ten šiaip spauda per daug nesąmonių pripasakojo, mūsų(metalistų) tikrai nešokiravo. Muzika dar ir dabar gaudžia ausyse, jos dar vis užgultos, galvą dar skauda nuo headbanginimo, balsą iš vis praradau, akyse vis dar žaižaruoja šviesos efektai. O jeigu trumpiau, tai: It was fu*kin awesome. O šiaip, kadangi prarėkiau balsą, tai dabar klausau lengvesnių dainų, kaip kad pvz.
Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Bardakas; 2011-07-18, 01:41.Comment
Nu va pasigirsu. Atlaikysu visą kritiką iš popserių, nes ji dažniausiai atsiduria po stalu(reikia ko nors, kad galėčiau pasidėt kojas). Neseniai grįžau iš VA(Velnio Akmens), jei kas sekat delfi, tai manau matėt apie švedus Ten šiaip spauda per daug nesąmonių pripasakojo, mūsų(metalistų) tikrai nešokiravo. Muzika dar ir dabar gaudžia ausyse, jos dar vis užgultos, galvą dar skauda nuo headbanginimo, balsą iš vis praradau, akyse vis dar žaižaruoja šviesos efektai. O jeigu trumpiau, tai: It was fu*kin awesome. O šiaip, kadangi prarėkiau balsą, tai dabar klausau lengvesnių dainų, kaip kad pvz.
Atrodo, stengies pabėgt žmogus, bet niekada neišeis išplėšt to, kas esi iš tikrųjų. O esi europietis nuo vaikystės pratęs prie pop ir dance muzikos. Pastaruoju metu visos Kpop dainos nu ŽIAURIAI neša ant europop. Klausai ir galvoji, čia Asian ar ne. Taip ir šita daina, nu toks jausmas, kad klausytum kažko savo ir seniai pažįstamo...
Chu chu reiškia bučinio garsą, o lyrikos :
Spoileris:Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
That girl tears off her rock and roll panty hose, and reveals her burning hot body!
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!
Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl s*x!
Aluminum, aluminum, aluminum, aluminum, aluminum (in a way, it's rock)
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
A thin waisted master piece, Este Host Club is immortal
The stress of helping, the stress of responsibilities; Man and woman is an eternal phrase
A justice game? A s*x slave can't suppress those desires
In that suticase if a coil of rope, packing tape, and a cutter knife
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
I just want to see you naked! I want to see how you look! It's a life of m*****bation, for a guy!
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!
Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl s*x!
Polyester, polyester, polyester, polyester, polyester Soboro
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
A thin waisted master piece, Este Host Club is immortal
The stress of helping, the stress of responsibilities; Man and woman is an eternal phrase
A justice game? A s*x slave can't suppress those desires
In that suticase if a coil of rope, packing tape, and a cutter knife
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
A college student would be good, a high school student would be good, a middle school
would be good
An elementary school student would be good, it would be great if they were tantalizing,
kindergartener would be good
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura muraComment
Max parašo aukštis 130Comment
Chu chu reiškia bučinio garsą, o lyrikos :
Spoileris:Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
That girl tears off her rock and roll panty hose, and reveals her burning hot body!
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!
Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl s*x!
Aluminum, aluminum, aluminum, aluminum, aluminum (in a way, it's rock)
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
A thin waisted master piece, Este Host Club is immortal
The stress of helping, the stress of responsibilities; Man and woman is an eternal phrase
A justice game? A s*x slave can't suppress those desires
In that suticase if a coil of rope, packing tape, and a cutter knife
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
I just want to see you naked! I want to see how you look! It's a life of m*****bation, for a guy!
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!
Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl s*x!
Polyester, polyester, polyester, polyester, polyester Soboro
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
B***h you! Get you! A bunch of middle aged phantom killers
The dying hour all year 'round, foreigners taking up permanent residence, amongst reconstruction
A thin waisted master piece, Este Host Club is immortal
The stress of helping, the stress of responsibilities; Man and woman is an eternal phrase
A justice game? A s*x slave can't suppress those desires
In that suticase if a coil of rope, packing tape, and a cutter knife
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
A college student would be good, a high school student would be good, a middle school
would be good
An elementary school student would be good, it would be great if they were tantalizing,
kindergartener would be good
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura
ChuuChuu = the sound of sucking
MuniMuni = the sound of squeezing something soft
MuraMura = the sound of being horny
PurinPurin = the sound when some scandalize cleavage is showing
Boron = the sound when something pops out
Nururu = the sound of fingers moving in "wetness"
ReroRero = the sound your tongue makes moving around
Ohh... Ir jie atvažiuoja į Dievo užmirštą kampelį - Lietuvą. Vadinasi aš privalau nueiti.... Taipogi, jų muzika tikrai įkvepianti - man padeda piešiant, grojant gitara ir šiaip daugumoj kūrybos užduočių. Daugumai patinka J.L. dėl savo ''sexy smexy išvaizdos'', bet manęs netraukia. Grožiuosi balsu, kuryba, muzika... Daina gan išdidi, ir galbūt norėta perteikti tam tikras mintis... Ilgiau nekalbėjus tieisog paklausykit, nors ir dauguma ją žino atmintinai.
Max parašo aukštis 130Comment