Range Murata - ArtDeco anime saldainiai

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  • Hellsing_lover
    Purinsesu no Darukuneso

    • 2007 02 15
    • 1318

    Range Murata - ArtDeco anime saldainiai

    Range Murata
    ArtDeco anime saldainiai

    » Range Murata (村田 蓮爾) - vienas garsiausių Japonijos anime/manga iliustratorių, kurio braižas atpažįstamas ir matytas kiekvienam didesniam otakui. Ir nieko čia stebėtino, kai jam priklauso Shangri-La, LAST EXILE bei Blue Submarine No.6 - vienų ryškių anime žvaigždžių - piešinių koncepsija. Jo darbai siekia nuo žurnalų, kalendorių iki anime ir žaidimų.

    » Muratos stilius ypatingas savo gebėjimu sukurti skoningas anime iliustracijas artdeco stiliumi. Aukštos kokybės darbai pasižymi kruopščiomis detalėmis ir šiltu koloritu. Matyti, kad gerbiamam dėdulei labai prie širdies limpa mergaitės, neretai ir naivai gundančios. Daugumoje jo darbų dominuoja žavios, apvalainos lolės.
    Įgytos žinios ir pašaukimas industriniame dizaine neabejotai atsispindi ir dabartinėse jo iliustracijose. Įvairių prietaisų ir mašinų dizainai ne ką mažiau verti dėmesio.

    Ištrauka iš 2005m. interviu (tikrai įdomus ir rekomenduotinas besidomintiems šia asmenybe).

    Ginger Mayerson: Okay, back to art questions. What artists in the past do you admire?
    Range Murata: For like manga artists or artist artists?
    GM: Artist artists.
    RM: For American art, I like Norman Rockwell.
    GM: And for Japanese art?
    RM: I really haven't been influenced by Japanese art. I really haven't been really influenced by any one artist; I've taken bits and pieces from the eras of art more than from the individual artists.
    GM: In modern time, in anime and manga, what artists do you read and do you like?
    RM: In animation, right now, I'm looking at Garasu No Kamen (Glass Mask), it's an anime from a manga by the same name. It's airing in Japan right now. The original manga is a Shojo comic, a girl's comic, that's been around about twenty-five years, and is still being written, so right now there's forty-two volumes of it (the manga). I'm watching the show every week.
    GM: What media do you work most in? How do you create your work?
    RM: I draft in pencil and then scan them into computer. I've been using Photoshop for about three years. But before that I did my drawings on paper and then colored them in with markers.
    GM: Is Photoshop better?
    RM: In the beginning it was hard to learn all the functions, but now I find it better.
    GM: What is your favorite media to work in? For your own pleasure?
    RM: Computer.
    When I used to use markers, markers seemed to promise you endless possibilities, but they really don't (deliver). In the beginning, when I was drawing with markers, for my drawing skill, markers did fulfill their purpose and I was able to express my feelings through markers. But when I tried different styles, the markers kind of hindered my expression. But with computers, unlike markers, there are billions of colors out there for me to choose from, and I can actually go back and fix up certain elements. For computers, the bad thing is that there is only one piece (one color) like this in the world and it can't be varied. I think it's a fair trade: the markers limited my ability to express feelings, and on the computer, I'm not hindered by this.

    » Reziume: Futurizmas retro spalvose. Vienas aukščiausių savo klasės atstovų.

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