Eureka 7 (Psalms of Planets)

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  • slicKrox
    Catching some Zzzzs...

    • 2012 08 01
    • 2161

    hehe... ziuriu nevienas as cia buvau labai ziauriai uzsikabines ir uzsiciklines beziuredamas ji.
    Knyga, kuria kartais buvo labai sunku uzversti. Kas liecia pratesima, yra biski update:
    Alright, let me just go over a few things here. For one, BONES has announced E7 will continue for 2 more years. How? They didn't officially say. Second, a new rumor has emerged claiming that the E7 movie will be released in Fall of this year. And Third, Gallo (who does scetches for E7) has just posted up his newest scetch of a Trapar Airship never before seen in the series! This add's more and more to the ever more increasing evidence that the E7 movie is on it's way!

    Artimiausiu laiku tikrai kazkatai sulauksim, tik dar neaisqu ka...


    • Blood_Wolf
      • 2006 10 28
      • 112

      Greiciau galetu viskas paaisketi!


      • slicKrox
        Catching some Zzzzs...

        • 2012 08 01
        • 2161

        Eureka Seven- A New Beginning

        At the same time that the crew was thinking about them and attempting to locate them, the most amazing thing ever was beginning to happen. In the middle of a huge forest just on the outskirts of Bellforest, two lights were flashing in unison- one red, one blue. Those two lights were signalizing the final awakening of Renton and Eureka after a year of being missing.Renton was the first one to slowly start waking up after their year of slumber. As he started slowly opening his eyes, he carefully focused them on his surroundings. As he carefully sat himself up, he started wondering to himself about what had happened....

        "Your wings, Eureka." he replied. She then looked behind herself and then gave Renton a worried look. Renton chuckled a bit and said "Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to either hide or disguise them. They're beutiful but I don't know how some people are towards coralians right now and I don't want to see you get hurt by anyone."....

        It has been one year since the second summer of love. Life on earth had finally gotten back to normal for most people, though there were others of whom it affected differently. Holland, Talho, and the rest of the crew on the Gekko State were still doing what they always did best- fighting off rebels who still believed in the plans Dewey had made for the scab coral and the coralians.

        "What just happened?"

        hehe... iki ko tik zmones nedavaziuoja.. fanu klubas jau pradejo savo megejiska pratesimo scenariju kurti... jau parasyti pirmi tris epizodai
        Ir kas keisciausia visai uzvedantis... nors visu dar nespejau perskaityt. Ka interisuoja:


        • Blood_Wolf
          • 2006 10 28
          • 112

          Noreciau kad tai butu tikra istorija. Damn kad gi isseis naujos serijos?!


          • Botaro

            • 2005 11 17
            • 196

            NU stengiausi,ishtempiau 7 serijas.Fu tie robotai :rolleyes:
            I have the Holy Lance


            • Evil_of_Darknesz
              Suicide is painless...

              • 2006 04 09
              • 998

              Na tikrai idomus anime, net nesitikejau, kad busu toks suzavetas, pamates kelis, galiu tik pasakyti "MORE, MORE, MORE..."


              • pittass
                • 2005 09 03
                • 20

                ai puse velnio anime... idomio ideja, piesimas gal nelabai patiko, bet pabaiga tai jau sumalta... jeigu jie dar butu taip ir dinge ir neparode ju visai dar geriau butu negu dabartinis variantas....


                • Katsu

                  • 2007 01 18
                  • 192

                  Autorius pittass
                  bet pabaiga tai jau sumalta... jeigu jie dar butu taip ir dinge ir neparode ju visai dar geriau butu negu dabartinis variantas....
                  Jei būtų tokia standartiška pabaiga, tai ir diskusijų tiek nebūtų . Dėl tokios pabaigos štai ir yra tiek daug trokštančių, kad pasirodytų koks nors tęsinys...


                  • pittass
                    • 2005 09 03
                    • 20

                    Cia ta prasme kaip NGE tesinio lauke po tos "unikalios" pabaigos? >_<


                    • Evil_of_Darknesz
                      Suicide is painless...

                      • 2006 04 09
                      • 998

                      Man kuo toliau tuo idomesnis sitas anime, tiesa sakant geriausias anime koki tik esu mates, neitiketina linkme pasisuke ivykiai, tikrai mane nustebio.


                      • slicKrox
                        Catching some Zzzzs...

                        • 2012 08 01
                        • 2161

                        Kaip bebutu gaila, bet jokiu oficialiu pranesimu apie pratesima ar filma net neeina kalba, muset teks pamirst viska taip kaip ir pasibaige. Biski neblogaus fanu piesinuko, kurie kelia savotiskai malonius nostalgiskus prisiminimus.

                        Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo slicKrox; 2007-06-28, 23:16.


                        • Blood_Wolf
                          • 2006 10 28
                          • 112

                          Crap. Tikrai gaila. Turbut kurejai nenorejo sugadinti sio anime su pratesimu


                          • Master

                            Gaila kad nera tesinio


                            • Evil_of_Darknesz
                              Suicide is painless...

                              • 2006 04 09
                              • 998

                              Katik pabaigiau ziuret Eureka 7 po savaites pertraukos... Galiu pasakyt 10 balu is 10 ir maziau nedrysciau duot... Po tokios pabaigos, tikrai noretusi tesini isvyst....


                              • slicKrox
                                Catching some Zzzzs...

                                • 2012 08 01
                                • 2161

                                BONES Announces E7 Continuation!!!!!! ( From Eureka Seven )

                                Ok, sorry guys for not being on lately, been busy and stuff.

                                Just to tell you all, COMES BACK! lol Post, talk, we all want it. Don't leave us.

                                Especially now, because remember how we already learned that BONES was going to continue E7 for 2 more years?

                                Well, they are following through with that promise. In a reply to a letter from a member, BONES has stated that talks about the future of E7 are underway and the rights to all the E7 franchise have been bought.

                                Check it out here:

                                It would seem our hopes of an E7 movie are possibly coming true.
                                GREAT NEWS!
                                Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo slicKrox; 2007-08-13, 21:54.

