Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - 2007
Vat as turiu problema, parsisiunciau is linkomanijos sita anime h246 (ar kazkoks ten formatas, net nezinau ar galima vadinti tai formatu ) nu vienu zodziu man viska rodo, tik, kad labai stringa, garsas atsilieka nuo vaizdo, kartais net atvirksciai... Tai noriu suzinot ar ymanoma, kad nestrigtu? Ar mano kompas jau visiska atgyvena ir nebepavez sio formato?Comment
Vat as turiu problema, parsisiunciau is linkomanijos sita anime h246 (ar kazkoks ten formatas, net nezinau ar galima vadinti tai formatu ) nu vienu zodziu man viska rodo, tik, kad labai stringa, garsas atsilieka nuo vaizdo, kartais net atvirksciai... Tai noriu suzinot ar ymanoma, kad nestrigtu? Ar mano kompas jau visiska atgyvena ir nebepavez sio formato?
23.98fp" strigti.. idomu kaip jis elgtusi jeigu noretum paziureti koki normalu HD: HDTVrip or HD-dvd
720p (1280 x 720) ar 1080i (1920 x 1080) ?
Na optimaliausias variantas Tau butu cccp Combined Community Codec Pack, manau turetu padet,
kai ispakuosi kodekus kartu atsiras ir MPC (Media Player Clasic)
http://www.cccp-project.net/download.php?type=cccpPaskutinis pakeitimas nuo slicKrox; 2007-11-21, 21:26.Comment
Tada galima išbandyti Coreavc, Jis yra mokamas, bet per google galiam rasti kur atsisiusti gal 1-2 MB failas. Kai ji instaliuoji ir and CCCP setttings disablini H264 palaikyma, turėtų eiti žymiai geriau.
Bet šiaip tai arba kompas atgyvena arba žiauriai daug kitu dalyku resursus visus suryja. Reiktu išjunti nereiklians programas, kur atminti "valgo", kai žiūri.
__________________________________________________ _________
Manes šitas anime per daug nesužavėjo. Nelabai suprtatau ko jis visur tiek išgirtas.
Duodu 3.Comment
Kaip Gainax Gundam kure....
O gi pavyko! Patosas davestas iki absoliuto, grandioziski susiremimai, prikolni personazai..... ir visa tai praskiesta firminiais Gainax narkotikais. Is konteksto tik iskrenta ~ penkios serijos. Nelabai supratau kam buvo rodyti zmoniu silpnuma ir egoizma. Gavosis kazkaip ne i tema. Daugiau priekaishtu kaip ner. Dar buvau nepatenkintas Yoko vaidmeniu. Kazkaip labai ikyriai savizudzius jai i poras kisho... O tokia kawaina mergiote buvo.... Nia net arti nestovejo. Baisiai tie roziniai kryziukai akyse atrode o ir balsas bjaurus.
Serialo pabaiga primine Darker than Black. Kodel herojams butinai reikia vaidint atsiskyrelius neaisku.
P.S. daba aisku kodel taip primena Dead Leaves. Rezisierius gi tas pats.Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Killerbee; 2007-11-26, 09:51.Comment
Nu neblogas animeSpoileris:kai mire kamina dar istorija buvo normaliai isvystita, bet kai ten po 7 metu tos nesamone prasidejo tai jau bbd, kaip gali butu mechos kurios kalasi kaip songokai ir dar svarbiausia tos mechos uz zemes planeta didesnes... O kai ten su mecha pradejo mechas valdyt tai isviso galejai nor nusisau... KRC... ant galo parodija padare...Comment
Nu neblogas animeSpoileris:kai mire kamina dar istorija buvo normaliai isvystita, bet kai ten po 7 metu tos nesamone prasidejo tai jau bbd, kaip gali butu mechos kurios kalasi kaip songokai ir dar svarbiausia tos mechos uz zemes planeta didesnes... O kai ten su mecha pradejo mechas valdyt tai isviso galejai nor nusisau... KRC... ant galo parodija padare...Comment
Siaip vidutiniskas man kazkoks , o jau tos mechu "evoliucijos" tai isvis, bet del smagios pradzios galima 8 parasyt
P.S Radau internete ,,Gurren Lagann life lessons" :
Spoileris:- If your friend wants to commit suicide, punch him in the face.
- Punches to the face may lead to severe facial disfiguration.
- Don't believe in yourself. Believe in someone who believes in you. Should this person die, believe in yourself who believes in you, but only if he tells you to.
- If reason gets in your way, kick it to the curb.
- In the end, the fabulous stay fabulous while everyone else withers away.
- Homosexuals and furries are immortal.
- Fight for what you believe in no matter what obstacle that may block your path.
- If violence doesn't do the trick, more violence will.
- If your first drill doesn't work, get a bigger one.
- Sunglasses make good weapons.
- If any in your party resembles in any way, shape, or form Fei from Xenogears, keep him in close check. Chances are, he's going to stab you one in the back and do it with a gusto that only Iron Man can dream of.
- Holding phony trials and handing out death sentences is perfectly forgivable provided you cry, secretly, afterwards.
- Sentencing your friend to death, sacrificing millions of people's lives, and then attempting to commit suicide will cause the nerdy chick to fall in love with you, even if you had her strapped to a bomb before.
- Even if you don't know how to operate a machine, just look at a skeleton and pissed. It will work.
- If you find a giant box with a girl inside, you have found your soul mate!
- When trying to drill open a big coconut, you have to drill slower.
- Those who burn out quick and die burn the brightest. Those who burn out quick and live become hobos.
- Every robot has a smaller robot inside it.
- People die when they're in love.
- We are supposed to touch the untouchable and break the unbreakable while simultaneously doing the impossible and seeing the invisible.
- GAR is an alternative fuel.
- Being a hobo is the true way to live.
- 0% sounds like 100%.
- When you reach a certain level of manliness, your eyes turn into spirals.
- A Big Bang can be overpowered.
- If you target every single possible vector in the space-time continuum, you can't miss.
- If a 14-year-old girl with enormous boobs tries to kiss you, avoid her. It's a deadly trap.
- Having sex with Doombitch is like having sex with a hooker. Just don't kiss her on the mouth and you'll be ok.
- True men, like Genome, die a manly death. TWICE.
- Hobos once saved the world.
- Hot-blooded speeches make you stronger.
- Even if you work your ass off to save the universe / your waifu / whatever, you'll end up as a lonely hobo. So it's better not to do anything and enjoy yourself while you still can. On the other hand, being a treacherous suicidal bastard will lead you to becoming President.Comment
hehe... sita gerai atsimenu:
-Don't believe in yourself. Believe in someone who believes in you. Should this person die, believe in yourself who believes in you, but only if he tells you to.
-If your friend wants to commit suicide, punch him in the face.
cha man ir sitos frazes labai patiko , geras anime!Comment