Sailor Moon

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  • Luna-chan
    • 2008 12 01
    • 70

    Autorius Original_Prankster
    Jei jau ir dėl tokių dalykų verki, tai tikrai neišaugai...
    Nu tai kad niekas dėl nieko lygtais neverkia... ;D Šiaip nežinau kodėl man nuėmė reputaciją.
    Feed Me! Adopted from Valenth


    • usakou
      Rimtas forumo narys
      • 2009 04 19
      • 188

      manau,kad sailormoon visu mergaiciu vaikystes anime nors dbr man jis vaikiskas, dar paziuriu kelis amv ;D

      __________________________________________________ ____
      Bishoujo demo baka


      • Aramis

        Pasakyčiau, kad šiam anime netinka epitetas "šūdas". Geras anime,aišku nepretenduoja siužeto gilumu patekti į topus, bet vis tik. Nors ir skirtas mergaitėms, bet pažiūrėdavau vaikystėje. Buvo jame vietų ir juokingų (ypač paskutiniame sezone), ir liūdnų pakankamai. Piešimas ne ypač geras (anime jei neklystu 1990+ metų), nors man visai patiko. Jei neklystu, per LNK mačiau jau vokišką perdirbinį, gal kažkas galėtų pasakyti, ar stipriai jie skiriasi? Jap ir Deu versijos?
        Dar į temą - antrą kartą žiūrėti šio anime neįstengiau. Buvo kažkaip nuobodu...
        Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2009-06-21, 13:44.


        • aKi

          • 2007 10 24
          • 289

          Autorius pilkasis_kardinolas
          Pasakyčiau, kad šiam anime netinka epitetas "šūdas". Geras anime,aišku nepretenduoja siužeto gilumu patekti į topus, bet vis tik. Nors ir skirtas mergaitėms, bet pažiūrėdavau vaikystėje. Buvo jame vietų ir juokingų (ypač paskutiniame sezone), ir liūdnų pakankamai. Piešimas ne ypač geras, nors man visai patiko. Jei neklystu, per LNK mačiau jau vokišką perdirbinį, gal kažkas galėtų pasakyti, ar stipriai jie skiriasi? Jap ir Deu versijos?
          Dar į temą - antrą kartą žiūrėti šio anime neįstengiau. Buvo kažkaip nuobodu...
          Na, vokiškas įgarsinimas švelniai tariant buvo nekoks, be to jie kažkodėl visiems 5 sezonams uždėjo pirmo sezono OP ir ED.


          • ColdOne
            And Who Am I?
            • 2009 06 10
            • 41

            Jap šitą kažkada žiūrėjau ir aš :} Anime dailiajai lyčiai,šiaip graži istorija :} Tik kartais erzino pagr. veikėjos kvailumas ;D

            Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo ColdOne; 2009-06-20, 12:08.


            • cikinkira
              • 2009 06 08
              • 27

              Vienas kvailiausiu anime turbut...kazkokia fantastika maziems vaikams, siuzetas neidomus isvis ... ziureti toki kankyne...


              • Drambliukas
                • 2008 08 29
                • 46

                Nūū,prisidėsiu,aš prie kai kurių žmonių,kurie giną šitą anime,ir pasakysiu,kad,taip,anime yra labai,labai senas,jis irgi buvo mano pirmasis kelias į anime,jeigu sm nebūtų buvę,abejoju ar kas nors lietuvoje,ir paskritai kitose šalyse galėtų apibūdinti kad yra anime,trumpai. Va,tarkim,dabar populiarūs anime yra tokie kaip Naruto,Bleach,Death Note,FMA ir panašiai... Po kelių metelių,na tarkim,kad ir po kokių 10-15 metų visi tie Naruto ir panašiai tiesiog atsibos ir pradėsit irgi ant jų stumti ,ania? Pamatysit.Taip ir bus :3 Aš gerbiu šitą anime,ir jis man vis dar truputį patinka,kartais užeinu į kokius fan šaitus,pažiūriu kelis amv,fan-art'us,paskaitau fan-fiction. Na taip,iš tiesų šitam anime yra..Lygiai 15 metų. Galima sakyti Pus-jubiliejus : DD Ir,aš tikrai pabrėšiu dar savo kelią į anime per cosplay,nes jau seniai norėjau cosplayinti kurią nors iš jų,ir tą padarysiu Birželio 26. . . Beto,kiekvienam patinka tas kas patinka... Atrodo viską išsakiau : DD


                • kakava

                  • 2007 01 22
                  • 108

                  kažkada seniai seniai, kai dar tebuvau ištysusi antrokė, tai buvo mano mylimiausias 'multikas', kurį kiekvieną pavakarę, laukdama iš darbo pargrįžtančių tėvų, spoksodavau per vokiečių kanalą... ir koks baisingas nusivylimas ištiko, kai vieną kartą įsijungus tą kanalą supratau, kad jo neberodo...

                  ech, tie saldūs vaikystės prisiminimai... gal prieš metus (ar kada čia rodė...) įsijungus šitą anime per lietuviškus kanalus vos neęapsivožiau supratus, kokias pievas kadaise žiūrėjau... mislyju, kad daugiau niekada nebandysiu atradinėti vaikystės anime iš naujo...
                  ...nes žmonės kartais myli, bet daug dažniau jie tiesiog mylisi...


                  • voiceofdeath
                    Rimtas forumo narys

                    • 2006 10 23
                    • 119

                    Autorius Drambliukas
                    Nūū,prisidėsiu,aš prie kai kurių žmonių,kurie giną šitą anime,ir pasakysiu,kad,taip,anime yra labai,labai senas,jis irgi buvo mano pirmasis kelias į anime,jeigu sm nebūtų buvę,abejoju ar kas nors lietuvoje,ir paskritai kitose šalyse galėtų apibūdinti kad yra anime,trumpai. Va,tarkim,dabar populiarūs anime yra tokie kaip Naruto,Bleach,Death Note,FMA ir panašiai... Po kelių metelių,na tarkim,kad ir po kokių 10-15 metų visi tie Naruto ir panašiai tiesiog atsibos ir pradėsit irgi ant jų stumti ,ania? Pamatysit.

                    Atleisk bet pasakysiu tik tiek jog stumia ne del to jog senas o del to jog iš esmes ten šlamštas. Nemanau jog daugelis stums ant FMA ir DN, o ant Naruto jau dabar stumia taipogi nes šlamštas IMHO
                    Did you feel how the bullet took you? Did you feel easily your life got shed?
                    Did you feel how the system shot you, 9 mm rape your f.u.c.k.i.n.g head!!!


                    • Airiz

                      • 2004 01 09
                      • 1657

                      Autorius kakava
                      kažkada seniai seniai, kai dar tebuvau ištysusi antrokė, tai buvo mano mylimiausias 'multikas', kurį kiekvieną pavakarę, laukdama iš darbo pargrįžtančių tėvų, spoksodavau per vokiečių kanalą... ir koks baisingas nusivylimas ištiko, kai vieną kartą įsijungus tą kanalą supratau, kad jo neberodo...

                      ech, tie saldūs vaikystės prisiminimai... gal prieš metus (ar kada čia rodė...) įsijungus šitą anime per lietuviškus kanalus vos neęapsivožiau supratus, kokias pievas kadaise žiūrėjau... mislyju, kad daugiau niekada nebandysiu atradinėti vaikystės anime iš naujo...
                      Baisus "praregejimas" KOKS AS BUVAU VAIKAS KAD ZIUREJAU..
                      Apart tokiu pasisakymu daugiau nieko neishmastot...


                      • Aramis

                        Autorius Airiz
                        Baisus "praregejimas" KOKS AS BUVAU VAIKAS KAD ZIUREJAU..
                        Apart tokiu pasisakymu daugiau nieko neishmastot...
                        Kreivo ir grabas neištiesins. Nemanau, kad pastabos naudos duos.
                        O ant SM ar Naruto nereikia stumti, nebent pats esi sukūręs kažką didesnės meninės vertės, ypač tokiai amžiaus grupei kuriai SM ir Naruto skirti. Jei ne, savo epitetus "šlamštas", "šūdas" sau pasilaikykit, jau atsibodo. Nuomonė turėtų būti panašesnė į "ne, nepatiko,nes" Ir dar. Pasidomėkite ir "kita nuomone". Ne aš tai rašiau, bet tai tik patvirtins, kokie nerimti Jūsų argumentai:
                        Sailor Moon

                        Tsukino Usagi is your normal, everyday, 14-year-old, stereotypical dumb blonde. Her life is suddenly changed one day after a chance encounter with a talking cat named Luna. Luna gives Usagi a magical brooch, and reveals to her that she is the legendary pretty soldier of justice that she has been looking for. Queen Beryl has returned and seeks to conquer the Earth, a feat she was denied hundreds of years ago by the Moon Kingdom. And so the story begins... a story that has become the most well-known anime series of the last decade.

                        I admit to this right now: I am the original "Moonie". I remember when I first saw this series back in 1992, when I first happened upon an article on this "up-and-coming hot series" in an Animage. Little did I know then how this series would literally change the world of anime fandom as I and the world knew it. It all seemed innocent enough. The original series is a fun, if slightly childish romance, which had all the elements to make a successful magical girl show without being stereotypical. Seeing a group of 14-year-old girls go into battle with ridiculously altered versions of their school uniforms was both charming and hilarious. The animation quality was surprisingly good for early '90s TV animation, though not the best. The Japanese soundtrack was catchy and captured the mood perfectly. It even had a neat story to boot, alluding to past lives and reasons behind their reincarnations. Even then, I don't think anything could have prepared us all, and especially Takeuchi Naoko, for the impending blitzkrieg that this series would become.

                        Sailormoon truly has something for everyone. It has exciting fight scenes for the action fan, just enough romance, and truly memorable characters you come to care for very deeply. What makes this show such a standout is that it originally focused more on the characters themselves than on the obligatory Monster-of-the-Week. Specifically the character of Usagi.

                        Usagi was NOT your standard magical girl. In most previous magical girl shows before, the heroine was given magical powers, but primarily told to have fun with them, and do as they please, which was why in so many of those shows, they would transform into models and idol singers. They got to live out their dreams. For Usagi, it is a dream deferred. In modern Japanese society, young people are told to shut up, study, take their tests, and get a good job. You can worry about dreaming only after you've settled down, have a set career, and made your fortune. Usagi wants nothing more than to hang out at the video arcade with her friends and flirt with cute guys, like any young girl would. Yet now, she now has this familiar nagging her to be a better fighter, telling her the fate of the world rests on her shoulders. She is being forced to grow up when she should be revelling in her childhood. What Japanese child, or any teenager for that matter, -wouldn't- relate to that? By the end of Sailor Moon R, she was rewarded for toughing it out ... the world was saved and her dream came true. She was allowed to be young forever with the one she loved, and not be denied a family in the process. And the story should have ended there.

                        But unfortunately for Usagi, and the rest of us, it didn't.

                        By the end of R, Sailor Moon had become such a huge hit, and nobody wanted it to end. Fans and producers alike wanted more adventures. So then came Sailor Moon S, which introduced the "Outer Senshi", as well as more villains for her and her friends to fight. While still fun, it was starting to deviate from the story of Usagi, and focused more on the weekly villain. It was starting to stretch itself too thin. SuperS tried to set up a continuation of the heritage based, not on Usagi, but her future daughter, Chibi-Usa (Little Usagi), but it fell quickly into the formula of magical girl show as previously known. Chibi-Usa seemed less to be training for the future, but blowing off steam by adventuring because she thought the peaceful future was boring. The franchise was obviously faltering, so the producers decided to do a total makeover of the series. Thus, we have Sailor Stars, which not only reinvented the entire purpose of Sailor Moon, alienating the Japanese fandom, but revealed Usagi wasn't the main focus of the series after all, but Sailor Galaxia. Not to mention the gender-shifting Sailor Stars themselves, who according to previous storylines, should never have existed anyway. This was the end for the TV series ... but the marketing blitz continued elsewhere. Specifically, here in America.

                        At the time the series was breathing its last in Japan, it was being reborn for the North American market. DiC's surprisingly faithful dubbing (including keeping most of the names as close to the original as possible without sounding manufactured) caught everyone off guard, and became an instant underground hit. The original run of the show did not last long, but a successful campaign by American fans prompted DiC to rerun and expand its run of the series. (And yes, this dub did result in the current Reviewing Editor's fandom, and he'll readily admit it.) This series has brought a lot of attention to anime fandom in general in North America, especially the United States. But only time will tell if the effect will be positive or negative.

                        Sailor Moon IS one of the better series to come out of Japan in the last decade. It truly deserves its popularity. It appeals on such a wide level that a family can sit down to watch the show, and all can find something to enjoy in it. Although the music in the North American dub is flat, unoriginal, and basically standard kiddie fare (read HOKEY), and the cringeworthy "Sailor Says" segments seem to be conjured out from nowhere to pass the show off as educational, it IS educational, but through the interactions between the characters rather than a 30-second blurb about crossing the street without looking. At its heart, Sailormoon is the story of a girl striving for the balance between duty and life itself. But it loses itself in the process. The real tragedy of Usagi is that, quite possibly, her fans love her too much. The series is suffering backlash it really doesn't deserve, because the quality of the later series really does not compare to the first two seasons. And limiting anime fandom to only this show, as so many Moonies do, is a disservice to the entire medium. Sailormoon is not the be-all, end-all of anime, as so many want to believe. Funny enough, maybe it could've been, if it hadn't been so popular.

                        The first two seasons are classic, and recommended to everyone. — Christina Carpenter

                        Recommended Audience: Seven and over, for both the American and Japanese versions. Yes, the Japanese version had nudity, but never in a gratuitous or sexually-oriented way, and never detailed at that. The fight scenes are standard, as the enemies turn to dust, with a few exceptions, which are handled tastefully.

                        Sailor Moon

                        14 year-old Tsukino Usagi was klutzy, stupid, and a crybaby; definitely not heroine material. But her life was changed one day when, running to school (she was late), she met a black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead. She tried getting close to it, but the cat ran away. The cat later met up with Usagi again after school in her bedroom, where the cat, Luna, told Usagi that she had the power to transform into the warrior Sailor Moon. Usagi reluctantly agreed, not knowing of all the enemies she would face, the friends she would make, the experiences she would encounter, and even...romance??

                        The first season of the five-season Sailor Moon series revolves around Usagi, your typical teenage girl turned superheroine, her fellow comrades (Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus), and their battles against the Dark Kingdom, led by the evil Queen Beryl and her generals.

                        Although Sailor Moon was far from the first anime I ever saw, it was the first anime that I got really into. And even after nearly 13 years, it's stood the test of time well enough to be considered a classic, which it is.

                        But being old isn't what makes Sailor Moon a classic. Heck, even having a large fanbase doesn't make it a classic (which, at its peak, put the Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, and Naruto fandoms to shame). What makes Sailor Moon so great was that it was able to take a genre, and re-define it.

                        Like Christina pointed out in her review, up until 1992, every magical girl series revolved around a girl having either some sort of device that allowed her to do fun things such as being an idol singer or something of the like, or battled against evil so minimal that battles never lasted more than one episode. In short, the genre was fluff for little girls and only little girls, and names and character designs were the only thing that set each magical girl series apart from one another.

                        Sailor Moon changed all that. It added the concept of a group of magical girls working as a team, and although it wasn't the first time the team concept was used (Studio Pierrot did something similar in the 1980's in an OAV with their magical girl characters), it was the first time a whole TV series revolved around the concept. The result was something like Power Rangers animated, but with magical girls (Toei produces Power Rangers even to this day in Japan, so maybe they were looking for something similar to that, but at a younger audience).

                        Sailor Moon also added the idea of an ongoing plot to the magical girl genre, with both heroes and villians going through stages of character development. One example would be on one of Usagi's allies, Hino Rei (Sailor Mars). At first, she thinks Usagi is just a whiny, unlikable klutz who has to rely on others to save her hide, but an event later her allows Mars to see how trustworthy and brave she can really be, and how she can defend her friends, instead of the other way around.

                        There are also lots of surprise twists in the plot: for example, Sailor Moon's love interest, the handsome, mysterious Tuxedo Mask, who would save Sailor Moon whenever she was in danger, suddenly wants to see her dead later on in the series. Another example would be Queen Beryl's ultimate goal, which isn't exactly world domination, but something more..personal.

                        A character driven series needs good characters to stay afloat, and Sailor Moon has plenty of them. Usagi herself, although a little absent-minded and even annoying sometimes, shows signs of true character when the problem arises. She was a different kind of character at the time: whereas most magical girls had fun, for Usagi it was work, going against her laid-back, carefree nature, which she makes clear to Luna many times through usually amusing / important conversations. Luna herself was also different at the time; most magical girl mascots were just there to be cute, but Luna actually is part of the plot of the series. There are also times where she can be just as ditzy and boy-crazy as Usagi is too, which is amusing.

                        As for the rest of Usagi's friends; first we have Mizuno Ami (Hisakawa Aya's first moajor role), the shy, quiet, smart girl. We also have Hino Rei, the temple priestess with a hot temper (which leads to her and Usagi bouncing off one another); Kino Makoto, the tall, tough, yet nature-loving girl who likes to cook and clean; and lastly Aino Minako, a girl whose Usagi-esque klutziness and weird wording of phrases make you wonder if she and Usagi were seperated at birth. These characters are stereotypical, even for their time, but the thing that really breathes life into them is through Usagi herself. Before she met any of these girls, they lived lonely, depressing lives, with no friends, and in Makoto's case, no family to comfort them. But Usagi seems them as girls who needs friends when they really need them the most. Slowly they all open up, and starting living the fun, happy lives they've always wanted to, and it's all thanks to Usagi.

                        And now to cover the technical aspects of Sailor Moon. First things first, the animation is really dated, with endlessly recycled scenes, and backgrounds during the day are almost entirely empty. And yet, it has its own charm. The character designs are cute, and the usage of colors, when the need arises, are well-done. And as you go through the season, the animation improves substanitally, something I wish was more visible in today's works, where shows tend to look worse over time.

                        The audio is wonderful. The show covers a wide range of music, from piano, to violins, to funky disco music during the transformations. The voice acting is well done, and features a cast of seiyuu that became staples forever in anime fandom after the series ended; Hisakawa Aya, Mitsuishi Kotono, Tomizawa Michie, Shinohara Emi, Furuya Toru, Shimada Bin, and more. Many of these seiyuu are still working on projects today; Shinohara Emi, the voice of Kino Makoto, was recently the voice of Mizuno Yoko in Maria-sama ga Miteru, Mitsuishi Kotono (Usagi herself) is the voice of Ramius Murre in Gundam Seed DESTINY, and Furuya Toru (Chiba Mamoru, dude who teases Usagi) is the voice of UFO Man in the crap-fest that is Ultimate Girls.

                        In reference to the dub...I honestly don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is. The plot was unchanged for the most part, and the name changes weren't that bad, if not a little inconsistent. My only gripe is the music, which is terrible, although there are some decent songs in the English soundtrack (the Japanese version just recycles songs from the CD releases in Japan. Lazy Toei).

                        In the last 11 paragraphs I've explained my love for this series, although I could go for far longer about how much I like the first season of Sailor Moon. Sure, it has a lot of filler, and it's not as deep (or dark) as later seasons would become, but it's the original, and in my opinion, when it comes to anime series, the original ALWAYS outshines its successors. Sailor Moon is proof of that.

                        An absolute classic that redefined the magical girl genre forever, and one of THE North American releases that got people into anime, myself included. Subtract a couple of stars if you're looking for something more serious or less kiddy, and go watch X. — Tim Jones

                        Recommended Audience: Seven and over, for both the American and Japanese versions. Yes, the Japanese version had nudity, but never in a gratuitous or sexually-oriented way, and never detailed at that. The fight scenes are standard, as the enemies turn to dust, with a few exceptions, which are handled tastefully.
                        Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2009-06-20, 23:34.


                        • cikinkira
                          • 2009 06 08
                          • 27

                          Autorius voiceofdeath
                          Atleisk bet pasakysiu tik tiek jog stumia ne del to jog senas o del to jog iš esmes ten šlamštas. Nemanau jog daugelis stums ant FMA ir DN, o ant Naruto jau dabar stumia taipogi nes šlamštas IMHO
                          zinai kiek zmoniu tiek nuomoniu ir visad bus puse kurie viena ar kita anime megsta ir puse kurie nekencia, bet jei Naruto butu slamstas tai nemanau kad ji ziuretu kas nors, aptarinetu ir panasiai... tad pasilaikyk tokia nuomone sau...


                          • n'Huun
                            Solid aggression.
                            • 2009 06 12
                            • 72

                            Na kažkada kai rodė per TV šitą animą tai buvau užmetės akį. Žinoma nepatiko... Išaugau aš jau iš tokių anime... O ir vaikysteje nemanau kad žiurėjas bučiau jį, visgi jis labiau skirtas mergaičių auditorijai.

                            Bet manau tai anime klasika. Nes daug žmonių pradėjo žiurėti anime būtent nuo Sailor Moon. Todėl nors ir įvertinau vienetu (na nepatinka jis man) visgi jaučiu šiam animui šiokią tokią pagarbą.
                            Carpe diem... and place no trust in tomorrow.

                            Metallica - ...And Justice for All...


                            • Arcueid
                              • 2009 07 03
                              • 49

                              Na... Kai vaikystėje žiūrėdavau visai patikdavo, tik man net vaikystėje atsibodo, kad tiek daug visko xDDD O siaube. Jeigu jis būtų penkis kart trumpesnis būtų žymiai įdomiau ir galbūt pasižiūrėčiau netgi dabar.
                              Bet vis dėl to, tai kažkada buvo mano mėgstamiausias "multikas" tad nostalgijos vardan 5/5.


                              • usakou
                                Rimtas forumo narys
                                • 2009 04 19
                                • 188

                                haha,prisimenu,kad paziureciau SM,begdavau arba prasydavausi is 7-os pamokos ;DD ar sestos.nuu anksti kokia 13 val rodydavo.. zdz nepraleisdavau

