Japonijos ir Lietuvos draugiškų santykių šimtmečiui paminėti skirti renginiai

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    Japonijos ir Lietuvos draugiškų santykių šimtmečiui paminėti skirti renginiai

    2022 metais minime Japonijos ir Lietuvos draugiškų santykių 100 metų sukaktį.
    Siekiant, kad ši ypatinga sukaktis būtų kuo plačiau paminėta bei toliau skatinant abiejų šalių tarpusavio mainus, šia proga yra planuojama daug įvairių renginių.

    Dalinamės šių jubiliejinių metų renginių sąrašu ir mielai kviečiame dalyvauti.
    Sąrašas nėra baigtinis, jis bus periodiškai atnaujinamas.

    Anniversary events in 2022
    Date Event name Organizer Location and more details

    February 3 –
    March 6

    The Japan Foundation traveling exhibition

    "Variation and Authonomy: The Prints of Contemporary Japanese Painters "

    Embassy of Japan in Lithuania;

    M.K.Čiurlionis Museum of Art;

    The Japan Foundation
    Kaunas Picture Gallery,
    K. Donelaičio g. 16, Kaunas

    https://ciurlionis.lt/veikla/padalini ai/kauno-paveikslu- galerija/parodos/pokyciai-ir- individualumas-siuolaikiniu- japonijos-menininku-grafika/


    February 24
    International conference
    “National and International Attempt of Rescue World War II Jewish Refugees in Lithuania (1939-1941): Efforts by Lithuania, Poland, Japan, America, and others”

    Faculty of History, Vilnius university
    Aula Parva (Mažoji aula), 2nd floor, Vilnius university, Universiteto st. 3, Vilnius
    Available to watch online as well.

    https://www.facebook.com/even ts/1099979824128774/?ref=new sfeed
    February TBC "The Person of Tolerance Awards" Sugihara Foundation "Diplomats For Life" Kaunas

    https://www.facebook.com/sugiha rahouse

    March 3-4
    International academic conference “A Century of Connections: Historical ties Between the Baltic and East Asia Regions”

    Conference to commemorate memorable historical events uniting Baltic and East Asian regions since interwar to these days: de jure recognition of the Baltic states; interwar diplomatic communication, ties during the period of Soviet occupation, contemporary state-level, cultural and societal relations.

    Asian Studies Center, Vytautas Magnus University

    Vytautas Magnus University https://asc.vdu.lt/lt/

    March 3

    Meeting with Japanese artist Tei Kobayashi

    Japanese artist Tei Kobayashi, who has created a sculpture installed at the Europe Park dedicated to Marija Gimbutas at Europos Parkas will present a new performance YONI: Ho¥mage to Marija Gimbutas.

    The National museum of Lithuania

    House of Histories, T.Kosčiuškos st. 3, Vilnius

    Online event. https://lnm.lt/en/events/meeting- with-japanese-artist-tei- kobayashi/
    April (TBC) Sakura Festival in Alytus Mr Kęstutis Ptakauskas,
    President of Lithuanian Bonsai Association
    Alytus Sakura Park


    April 24

    Sakura Festival at Chiune Sugihara Sakura Park in Vilnius

    Sakura trees planting and concert by New Ideas Chamber Orchestra (NIKO)

    New Ideas Chamber Orchestra (NIKO)
    Chiune Sugihara Sakura Park in Vilnius

    https://www.facebook.com/Sakur ų-parko-atgimimas-ir-Hanami- šventė-100516802095664

    https://www.facebook.com/Nauju IdejuKamerinisOrkestras

    April 24 –
    May 1
    Days of Japan in Kaunas "WA!"

    Big scale festival with concerts, workshops, exhibitions, movie screenings and other events presenting Japanese culture.
    Organized as a part of “Kaunas European Capital of Culture 2022” program.
    Kaunas 2022, MB Azija LT,
    Dance Theatre AURA, VšĮ Cultural and Organizational Ideas (KOI),
    VšĮ Kyūmeikan Kendo

    -dienos-Kaune-WA- 101790272406012/
    April 29 Sakura planting ceremony in Kurkliai and Užunvėžiai (Anykščiai district)

    April 24 –
    May 10
    Photo Exhibition

    "Pilgrimage of 88 temples of Shikoku" by Evaldas Karalius

    Evaldas Karalius, traveler
    Kaunas Puppet Theater, Laisvės al. 87A, Kaunas

    May (TBC) The opening of the original Japanese Ukiyo-e artworks exhibition Franciscan monastery in Klaipeda Savanorių st. 4, Klaipėda


    April or May (TBC)
    Japanese Tea ceremony

    Event at the Japanese garden in Klaipėda to celebrate the sakura season

    Klaipeda Pedagogical Psychological Service
    Debreceno st. 41, Klaipėda https://www.klaipedosppt.lt
    June 10 Bonsai Exhibition opening in Alytus Mr Kęstutis Ptakauskas, President of Lithuanian Bonsai Association Alytus

    Summer (TBC) Japanese culture festival Japanese garden in Mažučiai village, Kretinga distr. Mažučiai village, Kretinga distr.


    July - November
    International Vilnius Calligraphy Competition Exhibition

    Presenting Japanese and European calligraphy.

    National Museum of Lithuania
    Kazys Varnelis house – museum, Didžioji st. 26, Vilnius


    September 15-18
    Silent movie Festival "First Wave"

    Presenting early sound and silent movies. Expected to present several Japanese early silent movies as well.

    VšĮ “Kino Aljansas”
    Vilnius https://www.pirmojibanga.lt/lt

    Autumn (TBC)
    "nowJapan 2022"

    The largest and oldest Japanese culture festival in Lithuania. Japan related exhibitions, performances, workshops, lectures and more.

    VšĮ Cultural and Organizational Ideas (KOI)

    https://www.facebook.com/nowJa pan/

    September 22 –
    October 22
    Kaunas architecture festival "East-East"

    It is a long-term cooperation project that laid the foundations for the exchange of Lithuanian and Japanese architecture and develops cooperation between the Lithuanian and Japanese architectural communities. A forum, exhibitions, professional lectures and a competition for architectural students are going to take place.

    Lithuanian Architects Union, Kaunas branch


    https://kultura.kaunas.lt/renginys/ kauno-architekturos-festivalis- projektas-rytai- rytai/5809?prev=all
    Autumn (TBC) Japan culture presentation event in Vievis

    Lecture and workshops about Japanese culture

    Vievis Culture Centre

    https://www.facebook.com/vievio kulturoscentras/

    November 5
    “Sugihara Symphony

    A large symphonic work featuring solo cello, choir, and orchestra commemorating the incredible and singular heroism of Chiune Sugihara.
    Ms Kristina Reiko Cooper (Cellist);
    Ms Lera Auerbach (Composer, librettist); Kaunas Symphony Orchestra;
    Kaunas State Choir; Yad Vashem.


    https://www.sugiharasymphony.c om/

    November 7-14
    100 year Anniversary Events at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

    Big scale events with Japan-Lithuania related exhibitions, workshops, lectures, discussion panel, movie screenings, concerts.

    Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania

    Vilnius https://www.lnb.lt

    December TBC
    Anime contest

    A contest for university students to create their own anime. Award ceremony would also include a lecture about the significance of anime, as well as anime movie screening.

    Mykolas Romeris university

    Vilnius https://www.mruni.eu


    21st Japanese Film Festival

    Annual Japanese film festival organized by the Japan Foundation and the Embassy of Japan in

    Embassy of Japan in Lithuania



    January – March (TBC)
    Japan Foundation Photo Exhibition

    A photo exhibition "Built in environment. An alternative guide to Japan", featuring 80 examples of buildings, civil engineering works and landscapes, etc., from all the prefectures of Japan. The exhibition presents a rarely considered aspect of Japan, taking the built environment of the various regions of a country that is geographically diverse and often struck by natural disasters, with the aim of examining how Japanese people have engaged and struggled with the natural environment and how they have carried on and created locality.

    Embassy of Japan in Lithuania



    Informacijos šaltinis: Japonijos ambasada Lietuvoje
    Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Reader; 2022-02-11, 12:33.
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