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  • Robbu-chan

    • 2008 08 30
    • 49

    o man yahiko gaila, geras vaikas buvo, ir taip dar nagato gaila ir dar su jo ranka yahiko nusižudė, trauma dar didesnė paliko jam po to... bet šiaip, iš esmės, labai norėčiau, kad pasirodytų sasukė, ir pamatytų, jog sugriauta Konoha, ir tada jo gyvenimas vėl prarastų prasmę, kurią jis buvo suradęs po itachio mirties varšas nelaimingas vaikas, nesiseka ko tais jam vis sužlugdomi jo pasaulinio mąsto planai dar išprotės po tiekos nesėkmių virtinės ir į kokius kalnus pabėgs lol


    • Izzo
      one vs all, DIE AZ!

      • 2007 02 25
      • 1530

      Jo, galėtų išprotėt ir nusižudyt.


      • Deadalus
        Forumo maniakas

        • 2009 04 22
        • 470

        Konoha bus atstatyta. Labai laukiu ka Naruto pasakis Pain'ui, kai išgirs visą jo istorija. Be to nemanau, kad Sasuke greitai pasirodys (nors galiu ir klysti dėl šito). Bet Danzou yra tikras niekšas. Dėl jo žuvo Yahiko, dėl jo šį karta ir Konoha buvo sunaikinta. Naruto tikrai neatleis Danzou už tokius dalykus.


        • Aramis

          Autorius Deadalus
          Konoha bus atstatyta. Labai laukiu ka Naruto pasakis Pain'ui, kai išgirs visą jo istorija. Be to nemanau, kad Sasuke greitai pasirodys (nors galiu ir klysti dėl šito). Bet Danzou yra tikras niekšas. Dėl jo žuvo Yahiko, dėl jo šį karta ir Konoha buvo sunaikinta. Naruto tikrai neatleis Danzou už tokius dalykus.
          Danzou vienas iš patarėjų. Narutas tegali pasakyti tai Tsunade, ką dar?
          Negi sukels pilietinį karą? ANBU vs ANBU ROOT?
          Labiau įtikėtina, kad Sasuke užvers Danzou dėl Itachi, juk jei neklystu Itachi buvo ANBU root. Uchika buvo išžudyti ne trečiojo įsakymais, taigi telieka Danzou, negi Sasuke nesupras to?
          The clan lost hope in Itachi, and his father began shifting his focus to Sasuke instead. Meanwhile, the Third's attempts to negotiate a bloodless end to hostilities between the two parties were proving ineffective so, against the Third's wishes, Danzo and the Konoha Council ordered Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha.

          Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2009-05-14, 21:26.


          • Bagy

            • 2008 05 24
            • 289

            Vat cia tai superinis Chapteris, kazkodel as nujauciau kad Naruto neuzmus Nagato. Butu geras jai jis Stotu Akatsuki pusen. Tada as juokciaus iki asaru..
            Idomu kur tas Tobi bastos Ir visas The Sasukes Temas...


            • Suiram
              • 2007 11 24
              • 85

              Vo ir paaiskejo kodel Painas reikalingas sealinti Bijuu, del Naruto vs Pain taj speju Narutas sukals Peina tik paliks ji gyva kad yrodytu kad pasaulyje yra gerio or smth.


              • IbuDreamer
                ラブラブアッタク o(>__<)o

                • 2009 02 16
                • 69

                Kažkaip manga mane dar sugeba intriguoti ir galima sakyti kuo toliau tuo labiau laukiu kiekvieną savaitę, o vat anime jau senokai nebežiūrių gal kada ir grįšiu pažiurėti,bet dabar man labai įdomus šitas reikalas su Nagato ir koks jo pačio dabar atsakymas bus į Naruto sprendimą..


                • Suiram
                  • 2007 11 24
                  • 85

                  As taj jau seniai supratau kad jeigu ziuri anime pagaryta pagal manga taj mangos nereikia skaityti nes paaiskes kad manga skaityt yra idomiau negu zet anime


                  • Deadalus
                    Forumo maniakas

                    • 2009 04 22
                    • 470

                    Na man tiek manga tiek anime patinka žėt. Tik tiek, kad animėje veiksmas buna ištemptas Naruto atsakymas manes nenustebino


                    • Aramis

                      Autorius Suiram
                      Vo ir paaiskejo kodel Painas reikalingas sealinti Bijuu, del Naruto vs Pain taj speju Narutas sukals Peina tik paliks ji gyva kad yrodytu kad pasaulyje yra gerio or smth.
                      After discussing his past, Nagato wanted to hear Naruto's answer. Naruto answered him with a combination of Nagato's and Jiraiya's plan greatly confusing Nagato. He became even more shocked as Naruto broke the cycle of hatred by not trying to kill Nagato.

                      Va ir žlugo tavo smurtinė vizija... Naruto neketina žaloti Nagato
                      Nemanau, kad įvyks kautynės, Narutas nebent su Konan susiremti gali Bet ir tai. Paskaityk kas chapter pabaigoje parašyta:
                      "His feelings for Jiraiya helped him overcome hatred".
                      Nagato summons the giant statue used in Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals, which releases multiple chakra rods to pierce them in his back to absorb and use Nagato's immense chakra reserves. When the rods are in place, Nagato uses the statue to spew a dragon-like creature from it's mouth, which removes the person's soul when it touches him/her. After serving it's purpose, the statue disappears, but leaves parts of the chakra rods still wedged in Nagato's back. However, this technique seems to take a toll on Nagato, as his body becomes more and more emaciated and frail as his keeps using the technique.
                      The statue looks exactly like it's future counterpart, except that it has a cloth over it's eyes and it's arms aren't shackled. This is most likely because no tailed beasts were sealed in the statue yet and all of the eyes were closed.

                      Bet man įdomiausia Kam saugoti bijju toje statuloje? Kad tik Nagato gali ją iškviesti buvo seniai aišku. Nors kam tada kiti akatsuki nariai sealin'ant? Juk pati statula ištraukia sielą, šiuo atveju Bijju.
                      This jutsu is used by Pain and the other members of Akatsuki to forcibly drain the spirit and chakra of the Tailed Beasts from their still-living Jinchūriki, then seal it in what appears to be the Demonic Statue of Heretical Doctrine. The jutsu takes three full days to complete if nine of the Akatsuki members are present. Kisame Hoshigaki comments that it "takes longer without Orochimaru."

                      To prepare for the jutsu, Pain summons the sealing statue and each member stands on one of its fingers, corresponding to their specific ring finger. When performed, this jutsu causes the bit to fall out of the mouth of the statue. Each of the Akatsuki members concentrates, causing the kanji of their rings to appear on the nail of the finger they're standing on. Nine dragon-like effigies then pour from the statue's mouth, surround the captured host, and remove the Tailed Beast from them (the process seems quite agonizing to the host). In the case of an unsealed Tailed Beast, the same thing happens to the beast itself, and still takes as much time as if it were sealed. After the process is complete, the beast is sealed within the statue, and one of the statue's nine eyes opens. The host then dies because of the removal of their Tailed Beast. The beasts must be sealed in a specific order with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox being sealed last

                      P.S.Radau Akatsuki narių tikslus:
                      Madara's Goal: Madara plans on using Akatsuki to gain the Tailed Beasts for himself and use their power to restore the strength of his Mangekyo Sharingan. Since the early years of Konoha, he has showed great interest in destroying Konoha.

                      Pain's Goal: Pain later goes into further detail on the Tailed Beasts' role in his plans. The beasts would be used to create a deadly Kinjutsu technique that could wipe out one of the five great nations in an instant, so if countries go to war and do not have ninja villages to fight for them, they would turn to Akatsuki and their "weapons." Whichever side makes Pain use the technique first would wipe out the opposing country, which would scare them into never using their weapon again, and scare the other countries to never start a war or they would be wiped out too. Through the mutual fear, war would cease to exist and the world would know peace, until the people forget that fear and use the weapon again. Thus the cycle would repeat, creating small periods of peace in an endless chain of hatred.[7]

                      Apparently, Pain and Konan are the only Akatsuki members aware of this.

                      Itachi's Goal: After the Uchiha Massacre and leaving Konoha, Itachi, instead of using the Tailed Beasts for his own self-interest, continued to protect the village by joining Akatsuki and keeping an eye on them (especially Sasuke) from the outside. During his time in the group, Itachi would delay his own attempts to capture the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, indirectly leaked information about the organization to Konoha, and attempted to kill Madara through Sasuke. Before his death, Itachi gave Naruto some of his "power," telling him to continue protecting Konoha and Sasuke, should the event occur that Sasuke would plan for their village's destruction. The "power" that Itachi gave to Naruto remains unknown.

                      * Pain: wants "world peace," having "suffered enough" in his childhood, and wishes to stop war, ironically with more war, now that he has the power to do so.
                      * Tobi: banished from and desires vengeance against Konoha, as well as wanting more power by restoring the strength of his Mangekyo Sharingan.
                      * Konan: presumably due to her unwavering loyalty to Pain; According to Pain, her reason is "Love."
                      * Itachi: feigned defection from Konoha (while secretly remaining loyal to it) by joining the most dangerous organization known to all five countries (after killing his clan under the secret orders of the village's elders) while secretly watching over his younger brother, Sasuke; Acording to Pain, his reason was "Ideology."
                      * Zetsu: According to Pain, his reason is "Land."
                      * Kisame: According to Pain, his reason is "Spite."
                      * Kakuzu: presumably because of desiring more money; According to Pain, his reason was "Resources."
                      * Hidan: presumably because of Akatsuki practicing religious-like activities (i.e. a ritual that concerned the sealing of the Tailed Beasts) suited to his liking; According to Pain, his reason was "Religion."
                      * Deidara: was forced into Akatsuki's service, due to Itachi's "insistence"; According to Pain, his reason was "Just Because."
                      * Sasuke: desires vengeance against Konoha in retribution for his clan's near-extermination at the expense of his older brother, Itachi.
                      Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2009-05-17, 09:54.


                      • Mahiko
                        Its pain time

                        • 2009 04 12
                        • 71

                        Its perfect Time for Tobi To Jump in ANd Save The day!

                        Arba bus kas nors neidomaus arba koks Tobi Will save da day by kiling Pain tada jis mirs naruto glebi pasakys naruto kad jis gali viska pakeista ant bla bla bla.O tada net neisivaizduoju kas bus

                        P.s Tai tik mano ir TIk mano vaizduotes padariniai


                        • Deadalus
                          Forumo maniakas

                          • 2009 04 22
                          • 470

                          Autorius pilkasis_kardinolas
                          After discussing his past, Nagato wanted to hear Naruto's answer. Naruto answered him with a combination of Nagato's and Jiraiya's plan greatly confusing Nagato. He became even more shocked as Naruto broke the cycle of hatred by not trying to kill Nagato.

                          Va ir žlugo tavo smurtinė vizija... Naruto neketina žaloti Nagato
                          Nemanau, kad įvyks kautynės, Narutas nebent su Konan susiremti gali Bet ir tai. Paskaityk kas chapter pabaigoje parašyta:
                          "His feelings for Jiraiya helped him overcome hatred".
                          Nagato summons the giant statue used in Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals, which releases multiple chakra rods to pierce them in his back to absorb and use Nagato's immense chakra reserves. When the rods are in place, Nagato uses the statue to spew a dragon-like creature from it's mouth, which removes the person's soul when it touches him/her. After serving it's purpose, the statue disappears, but leaves parts of the chakra rods still wedged in Nagato's back. However, this technique seems to take a toll on Nagato, as his body becomes more and more emaciated and frail as his keeps using the technique.
                          The statue looks exactly like it's future counterpart, except that it has a cloth over it's eyes and it's arms aren't shackled. This is most likely because no tailed beasts were sealed in the statue yet and all of the eyes were closed.

                          Bet man įdomiausia Kam saugoti bijju toje statuloje? Kad tik Nagato gali ją iškviesti buvo seniai aišku. Nors kam tada kiti akatsuki nariai sealin'ant? Juk pati statula ištraukia sielą, šiuo atveju Bijju.
                          This jutsu is used by Pain and the other members of Akatsuki to forcibly drain the spirit and chakra of the Tailed Beasts from their still-living Jinchūriki, then seal it in what appears to be the Demonic Statue of Heretical Doctrine. The jutsu takes three full days to complete if nine of the Akatsuki members are present. Kisame Hoshigaki comments that it "takes longer without Orochimaru."

                          To prepare for the jutsu, Pain summons the sealing statue and each member stands on one of its fingers, corresponding to their specific ring finger. When performed, this jutsu causes the bit to fall out of the mouth of the statue. Each of the Akatsuki members concentrates, causing the kanji of their rings to appear on the nail of the finger they're standing on. Nine dragon-like effigies then pour from the statue's mouth, surround the captured host, and remove the Tailed Beast from them (the process seems quite agonizing to the host). In the case of an unsealed Tailed Beast, the same thing happens to the beast itself, and still takes as much time as if it were sealed. After the process is complete, the beast is sealed within the statue, and one of the statue's nine eyes opens. The host then dies because of the removal of their Tailed Beast. The beasts must be sealed in a specific order with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox being sealed last

                          P.S.Radau Akatsuki narių tikslus:
                          Madara's Goal: Madara plans on using Akatsuki to gain the Tailed Beasts for himself and use their power to restore the strength of his Mangekyo Sharingan. Since the early years of Konoha, he has showed great interest in destroying Konoha.

                          Pain's Goal: Pain later goes into further detail on the Tailed Beasts' role in his plans. The beasts would be used to create a deadly Kinjutsu technique that could wipe out one of the five great nations in an instant, so if countries go to war and do not have ninja villages to fight for them, they would turn to Akatsuki and their "weapons." Whichever side makes Pain use the technique first would wipe out the opposing country, which would scare them into never using their weapon again, and scare the other countries to never start a war or they would be wiped out too. Through the mutual fear, war would cease to exist and the world would know peace, until the people forget that fear and use the weapon again. Thus the cycle would repeat, creating small periods of peace in an endless chain of hatred.[7]

                          Apparently, Pain and Konan are the only Akatsuki members aware of this.

                          Itachi's Goal: After the Uchiha Massacre and leaving Konoha, Itachi, instead of using the Tailed Beasts for his own self-interest, continued to protect the village by joining Akatsuki and keeping an eye on them (especially Sasuke) from the outside. During his time in the group, Itachi would delay his own attempts to capture the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, indirectly leaked information about the organization to Konoha, and attempted to kill Madara through Sasuke. Before his death, Itachi gave Naruto some of his "power," telling him to continue protecting Konoha and Sasuke, should the event occur that Sasuke would plan for their village's destruction. The "power" that Itachi gave to Naruto remains unknown.

                          * Pain: wants "world peace," having "suffered enough" in his childhood, and wishes to stop war, ironically with more war, now that he has the power to do so.
                          * Tobi: banished from and desires vengeance against Konoha, as well as wanting more power by restoring the strength of his Mangekyo Sharingan.
                          * Konan: presumably due to her unwavering loyalty to Pain; According to Pain, her reason is "Love."
                          * Itachi: feigned defection from Konoha (while secretly remaining loyal to it) by joining the most dangerous organization known to all five countries (after killing his clan under the secret orders of the village's elders) while secretly watching over his younger brother, Sasuke; Acording to Pain, his reason was "Ideology."
                          * Zetsu: According to Pain, his reason is "Land."
                          * Kisame: According to Pain, his reason is "Spite."
                          * Kakuzu: presumably because of desiring more money; According to Pain, his reason was "Resources."
                          * Hidan: presumably because of Akatsuki practicing religious-like activities (i.e. a ritual that concerned the sealing of the Tailed Beasts) suited to his liking; According to Pain, his reason was "Religion."
                          * Deidara: was forced into Akatsuki's service, due to Itachi's "insistence"; According to Pain, his reason was "Just Because."
                          * Sasuke: desires vengeance against Konoha in retribution for his clan's near-extermination at the expense of his older brother, Itachi.
                          Oho kiek tu čia informacijos iškasei Labai jau gerai apibudinai viską ir netgi Akatsuki tikslus radai


                          • Aramis

                            Autorius Deadalus
                            Oho kiek tu čia informacijos iškasei Labai jau gerai apibudinai viską ir netgi Akatsuki tikslus radai
                            O ką Tu manai Juk stengiuosi pateikti info Esu fanas iki pirštų galiukų
                            Its perfect Time for Tobi To Jump in ANd Save The day!

                            Arba bus kas nors neidomaus arba koks Tobi Will save da day by kiling Pain tada jis mirs naruto glebi pasakys naruto kad jis gali viska pakeista ant bla bla bla.O tada net neisivaizduoju kas bus

                            P.s Tai tik mano ir TIk mano vaizduotes padariniai
                            Madarai reikia Bijuu, kurie įkalinti statuloje, kuri yra summoninama tik Nagato. Įjunk savo logikos "varikliuką", žmogau. Kam tada Bijuu, jei jais negali naudotis? Nagato gyvens, bent iki turi statulą...
                            Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2009-05-18, 09:12.


                            • Blizzard
                              GFX maker

                              • 2009 03 25
                              • 224

                              statula sealina visi akatsuki, nes itariu bijuu reikalauja labai daug energijos uzsealint


                              • Deadalus
                                Forumo maniakas

                                • 2009 04 22
                                • 470

                                Joa gana daug norint subalansuoti bijuu. Todėl jie ir yra 8 ar 9

