is sito chapter iseina, kad tobis pazysta kakashi, bet jei tobis yra obito tai nesamone butu :d
Shinobi World War Arc aptarimas.
Kakashi... You always open your mouth so easily. It's no wonder you've lived a life of regret. "Skirtas Gai"....Seems Legit
Po šio chapterio taip sustiprėjo įtarimai, jog Tobi yra Obito.... Na... jei Kishis sugalvojo pateisinama istorija, tai gal visai ir nieko bus, o ne taip, kaip su Izanami..... Tipo Izanagi gali naudoti žmonės, kurie turi tiek Uchiha, tiek Senju genų, (pasak Konan, tai yra Rikudo-senin galia) ir pagal Itachi, tokių žmonių buvo tiek daug, jog reikėjo sukurta atskira technika jiems nubausti, kuri taip pat pareikalauja vienos akies "šviesos"....... Seriously Kishimoto ?Comment
Tobi turėjo šnipų pavyzdžiui tokiu kaip Zetsu, tai nėra staigmena kad jis viską žino apie Kakashi ir Gai.Visų pirma aš darau tai, kas man patinka ir kas mane „veža“ ir tik antroje vietoje yra tas faktas, kad man už tai moka pinigus...
Legendary ninja of nine tails...Comment
Sviezias Masashio Kishimoto interviu
Question: Let us ask you something about your exciting work, that is so greatly admired. Has the end of Naruto already been decided?
Kishimoto-sensei: Not everything is set in stone just yet. For example, I haven’t decided on the events that lead to the end, but the end itself has been decided pretty clearly. So from here on out it will just be a matter of running towards that point.
Question: In that case, do you have in mind how the very last volume will flow?
Kishimoto-sensei: No, you won’t be able to read something like that just yet (laugh). The story really hasn’t progressed as much as I was expecting. About three years ago, at Jump Festa, I said that I would give Kakashi more to do in the manga. However, I still haven’t been able to do that. Honestly, I myself don’t know how much it will take. Nishio-san, who takes care of the character designs for the anime, also asked me for how long the story would continue and I answered “About one year and a half”. But it seems like it will take longer than that.
Question: Can we expect any more surprises?
Kishimoto-sensei: There are still quite a few. Some characters who originally weren’t going to appear will come up again. And then, well, things are going to get exciting with Naruto, so please give me your support.
Question: Is there any material that you weren’t able to include in this year’s movie?
Kishimoto-sensei: I intended to include all of the things that were inside my head. It’s just that I also have some novel ideas. There is some material that I probably won’t be able to insert in the original work, but if I get the okay of the editorial department, secretly I’d like to include it somewhere, like in a non-serialized story. Some suspenseful developments, the details are a secret, but there are many challenges that I’d like to face.
Jei kam reikai isiversti|lt|Comment
Na pats Kisis yra sakes, kad planuoja pabaigti uz 1-1,5 metu, taigi liko kazkur 1 metai.Comment