Naruto teorijos.

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  • nemesis
    Super mega ultra rašytojas

    • 2010 11 08
    • 1178

    Naruto teorijos.

    sveiki, naršydamas plačiąjame youtube pasaulyje, radau įdomia teorija apie Naruta ir nutariau ja pasidalinti. Prasau pažiurekit šita video ir issakykit savo nuomone.

    Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2011-02-10, 22:06.

  • ero-senin
    Ghost Buster
    • 2009 01 27
    • 64

    Tikiuosi narutas su sasuke nesusidraugaus


    • PaperAngel

      • 2008 12 01
      • 249

      teorija gera, bet Sasukės būtų baisiai gaila


      • Sharous
        • 2010 11 08
        • 81

        nepatinka man tokia teorija. tiksliau, antra dalis.


        • nemesis
          Super mega ultra rašytojas

          • 2010 11 08
          • 1178

          ir dar manau Yamato neveltui buvo pasalintas is kadro(pagrobtas), kaskas turi nutikti su nine tail fox.


          • arc9944

            • 2010 01 30
            • 92

            Prie daug ko galima prisikabinti. Na siaip mazai sansu kad panasus dalykai atsitiks.

            O siaip manyciau siuo metu kad, 5 Rikudo's ginklas=Itachi dovana narutui


            • nemesis
              Super mega ultra rašytojas

              • 2010 11 08
              • 1178

              na man zymiai realesnis faktas, kad narutas igaus rinnegan, nei 5 Rikudo's ginklus. Ir is vis Itachis tu rRkudo nenaudojo is kur jis juos ištraus?


              • Aramis

                Autorius nemesis
                na man zymiai realesnis faktas, kad narutas igaus rinnegan, nei 5 Rikudo's ginklus. Ir is vis Itachis tu rRkudo nenaudojo is kur jis juos ištraus?
                Primenu Susanoo:

                Itachi's version was first shown in an incomplete skeletal form that was reconstructing after saving Itachi from Sasuke's Kirin. It is able to turn into a humanoid being complete with skin, armor and an actual face. It is further able to gain a layer of armor which resembles a yamabushi. In this final stage, it wields the sacred Yata Mirror (八咫鏡, Yata no Kagami; Eight Span Mirror) as a shield in its left hand and the legendary Totsuka Sword (十拳剣, Totsuka no Tsurugi; Ten Hands Long Sword) in its right hand. The mirror is considered one of the three sacred treasures and is endowed with all nature transformations, it can change its own characteristics depending on the characteristics of the attack it receives, making the technique ineffective.
                Dabar pažiūrime Sasuke versiją:

                As his battle with the Raikage and his allies progresses, Sasuke begins further developing Susanoo as a large skeleton with some musculature on it, which envelops him more completely and includes giving it horns on its head and three hands that have six fingers on them. At this stage, Susanoo can use its fists or a chakra blade to attack but can still act as a defense for Sasuke. During his fight with Danzō Shimura, Sasuke is able to complete Susanoo, giving it the appearance of a demonic and evil-looking humanoid being with a bow that doubles as a weapon and shield. In this form, Susanoo can also produce chakra arrows from its right hands, which can travel at such speed that evading them is nearly impossible.[5] While fighting Kakashi Hatake and driven by hate, Sasuke's Susanoo gains a layer of armor, similar to Itachi's, but with jagged sharp teeth around the hooded area and with a much darker and menacing appearance. The orb in its third hand also changes to a pitch-black color, while the bow in its left hand also took on a different shape. This form was seen only briefly, though, as Sasuke's deteriorating eyesight caused it to fade away.[6]
                Viena Rikudou vertybė galėjo būti būtent legendinis kardas arba skydas, kadangi aiškiai jis nėra Susanoo dalis. Tai galėjo būti užsealinta Narute. Chronologija kiek prasilenkia, tačiau kol kas tai apčiuopiamiausias dalykas, kuris skiria Sasuke ir Itachi.
                Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2011-02-14, 20:59.


                • arc9944

                  • 2010 01 30
                  • 92

                  Autorius nemesis
                  na man zymiai realesnis faktas, kad narutas igaus rinnegan, nei 5 Rikudo's ginklus. Ir is vis Itachis tu rRkudo nenaudojo is kur jis juos ištraus?
                  Ne 5 ginklus o penkta ginkla.


                  • ♥MiKi_LT
                    • 2011 02 13
                    • 8

                    PLZ SASUKE DONT DIE


                    • Kenčis-Himura

                      Autorius arc9944
                      Prie daug ko galima prisikabinti. Na siaip mazai sansu kad panasus dalykai atsitiks.

                      O siaip manyciau siuo metu kad, 5 Rikudo's ginklas=Itachi dovana narutui
                      Kas tas 5 Rikudo's ginklas?


                      • nemesis
                        Super mega ultra rašytojas

                        • 2010 11 08
                        • 1178


                        Na atkrinta si versija, kadangi Madara turi 5 ginkla kolkas


                        • Sakurafan450
                          • 2012 04 08
                          • 15

                          Kad nerodo šito įrašo , man


                          • svajuncikas
                            • 2012 05 17
                            • 13

                            norėčiau kad saskė mirtų jau nusibodo


                            • Deadalus
                              Forumo maniakas

                              • 2009 04 22
                              • 470

                              Apačioje kairėje

                              Į ką jums panašus tas apskritimas ant Obito nugaros po to, kai jis užrakino Jyuubi savyje? Palyginus tuos du ženklus jie man atrodo įdentiški.

