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Hellsing (isleista Lietuvoje)
Nusipirkau, bet jau savaitę neprisiruošiu paskaityt...Don't forget kids: the higher your postcount, the bigger your penis is!
There's the known. And there's the unknown. And what separates them is the door, and that's what I want to be. I want to be the door.'- Jim Morrison, 1967.Comment
Don't forget kids: the higher your postcount, the bigger your penis is!
There's the known. And there's the unknown. And what separates them is the door, and that's what I want to be. I want to be the door.'- Jim Morrison, 1967.Comment
Don't forget kids: the higher your postcount, the bigger your penis is!
There's the known. And there's the unknown. And what separates them is the door, and that's what I want to be. I want to be the door.'- Jim Morrison, 1967.Comment
Gal kas zinot kada antra dalis bus? ir kas kiek laiko vis nauja dalis pasirodys?Dar neskaitei Berserk??? Tada nežinai kas yra TIKRAI GERA MANGA!!!
Kam leist pinigus, kai gali pasiskolint? Be to, kai skolinausi dar nezinojau, ar man patiks... O jei ir butu nepatike? Nors labai dziaugiuosi, kad perskaiciau... LIUX manga . Net mano brolis susidomejo, nors jam vampyrai atrode labai nuvalkiota tema, bet paskaite ir jau klausineja, ar hellsing anime yra xDComment
as uzsisakinejau per interneta bet teko laukti 3 su virsum savaites ir dar tox piktas pacanas atveze xDDD kazkaip net nemalonu xD anyway visai patiko hellsingas xD isskyrus "slept slept ir kapt kapt" bet nieko nepakeisi xDthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment