3min man uztenka visam piesiniui.;D o tokiai akytei paskirciau 15s.;D
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bent jau galėjai ką nors meniškesnio sugalvoti, daugiau papaišyti ar paspalvintiComment
Negąsdinkite žmonių. Nepatinka, nekomentuokite.Comment
vis del to su jais sutinku. jei rodai tai ka nors del ko verta gaisht laikaComment
Tokie išpuoliai pakeis poziuri i Fanarta, keverzones, mena vadink kaip nori..... jei jau nupaisiai kazkoki nupiepusi daikteli nereik iskart jo postinti ir tiketis kad nebusi išpeiktas..... nesvarbu kad cia prededanciuju gija, bet to darbelio kitaip ir komentuot neina nes nera KA ir komentuot.... Sakau nupaisyk kazka normalesnio kad pasimatysu stilius, klaidos, o gal kaip tik viskas puiku bus ir tada mokykis is kritikos....Comment
bandysiu spet kad cia is soul eaterio tas kur buvo ikalintas... vienas is tu shinigami kuris isprotejo ar kazkas tokio... nepamenu pavadinimo bet galiu pasiziuret kazkur diskas dar metosi..
Paziurejau tai ne tas... bet manau cia jo fanartas gali but ar panasiai.. vadinasi Asura jisai jei idomu gali pasiieskot jo picsu x)Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Psichas; 2009-09-19, 09:03.the one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment
Nu tai sakau kad ne Asura xD bet 50prc duociau kad cia jo fanartas. nors gal ir ne. zdz jie giminingos sielos - abu megsta apsivynioje galvas ir prisipaise akiu vaiksciot xDDDDDDDthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment
na kunas atrodo normaliai bet veidas labai smailus juk ji ne koks monstras neisizeisk bet veidas atrodo bjauriai :// o peilis turi toks but nes manau kad jis turetu but labiau kreivas arba tiesus :]if life gives u lemons...
then make a lemonade ;3Comment
1, Galva kazkaip netaisyklingai ant kaklo uzmauta...
2, kaklas kazkoks nelabai mergaitiskas... kaip kokio uzsikacialinusio chiuvogreiciau
3, nesuprantu ar ten skydas ar apsiaustas bet neatrodo kad ten galetu normaliai tilpt ranka (ar ji be rankos vienos?)
4, Daugiau kruopstumo ir (cia mano asmeninis patarimas) nenaudok tokiu uztynimu pirstu
5, Nenukirpinek koju tokiam aukstyeje (nes atrodo kad nemoki piest pedu todel jos ir negavo garbes pabuvot sitam piesineli...)Comment
Pagirkit zmogu xD taip stenges o jus tik ispeiket xDD Manau kunas puikiai gavos isskyrus koja desine ir kakla (very nice boob xD) pasirode kad nosis siek tiek nevietoj. veidas pagal mane nrm xD smailas bet prie tokios mergiotes tinka xD treniruokisthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.👍 1Comment