Psichas: jo, ignoruokim tą faktą jog žmonės tokias klaidas daro.
Pradedančiųjų keverzonės
Ši gija yra iškelta
Dark-Tarou god damn it as juokavau. tu geriau nusimanai sitam reikale nei as. ir as nekritikavau taves o tik pasijuokiau taip pat kaip tu pasijuokei kad nks nebepaiso ju. I'm so sorry don't beat me plzthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment
Įdėdu ir aš savo teplionę keverzonę, vienas iš pirmųjų mano tokių darbų,
na, jame pilna trūkumų.
labai neproporcingas ir šiaip daug dar visokių klaidų klaidelių.
Atsiprašau už prastą kokybę, kažkaip skeneris nenorėjo normaliai man atskanuoti, nes truputi pagedęs yra.
huh (-_-") net baisu:
Pažiūrėjusi į kai kurių piešinius tikrai negalėčiau pasakyti, kad pradedantieji, kai kurie tikrai labai gražūs. (n_n)Comment
Hoshii plastakos tikrai per mazos, veidas sukreivotas, akys ne viedodos. kaire koja issukta ir mazesne, nebent ji zengianti norejai pazaizduot arba cia poza tokia. pataisius matomas ryskiai klaidas gautusi lb puikus piesinys
the one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment
Pinokio labas labas kieti seseliai ir desine akis visas atrodo lb puikiai bet plaukai neisipaiso i bendra vaizda. pamegink juos kazkaip pagyvint gal td atrodys geriau nes db atrodo kad jie visiskai ne nuo sito zmogeno. Congrads with another great art workthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.👍 1Comment
Pagaliau isigijau skeneri tj va zinau matos linija per viduri, ten gavos tas del to kad padariau is dvieju daliu nes a3 formatas perdidelis...Comment
Benuli am.. nezinau kaip tau pasakyt... bet pataikei ne i ta skilti... manau turetum i pazengusiuju ar kaip ten vadinas zdz.. manau auskaras galejai apacioj ausies kabint o ne virsuj, bet tavo reikalas. desines rankos bevardis ne proporcingas pagal kitus pirstus iki sanario. siaip tj lb puikiai mldcthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.👍 1Comment
Na, ignoruojant rankų pirštus ir dešinės rankos alkūnės dalį (aišku, pakelk raktikaulius, nes kai jie per žemai kaklas keistas atrodo)galėčiau pasakyt, jog jeigu toks piešimas išties pastovus tai kraukis daiktus ir dingsti iš čia.
Aš manau, kad pažengusiuose neturi būt tobulybės, ten jau ištobulėsi eigoje.
Uuu ir tik db pastebėjau, jog ten Lineage xD Fainai fainaiPaskutinis pakeitimas nuo Dark-Tarou; 2009-09-17, 23:20.👍 1Comment
Bendras vaizdas neblogas, bet dar niekas nepaminėjo, kad rankos, lyginant su kūnu yra per ilgos. Nedaug, bet vis tiek per ilgos. ; )👍 1Comment
Sketchas if you wanna say boobs you should say it xD
Pinokio eilinis puikus piesinys ye... realy big and nice boobs she has manau ir tau laikas kraustytis i pazengusiusthe one with Reaper over his shoulder shall never forfeit. shall never fear of what one has become. shall never have a though of he is never to late to change. the one with the Reaper over his throat shall never think that he doesn't hate everything in this world. for he is the one bearing the scythe. he is the Reaper of those who are around him.Comment
Pinokio- uuu.... nice ;DDD she got some bigs boobs ;DDDDD nors nzn kaip istikro atrodo ta pana bet atrodo viskas puikiai ;DDD gal tu kopijavai??? ;DDDDD joke ;DDD o dar noriu paklaust tie papai jai ne per dideli??? :]if life gives u lemons...
then make a lemonade ;3Comment