Some Habits Die Hard ...

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  • Dwz

    Some Habits Die Hard ...

    Kazi ar i ta skilty pataikiau, bet norejau pristatyt istorija kuria sukuriau jau gan seniai .... su anime visiskai nesusije, bet gal kam patiks


    A light breeze swipes the room softly touching a man
  • Dai-Katana
    Podcast or Death

    • 2004 10 04
    • 686

    Čia gal labiau prie fanfiction tokie dalykai, nes saviraiškoj ar kur kitur paprasčiausiai tokie dalykai gali "pasimesti" po kiek laiko. Ir kodėl būtinai angliškai parašyta?

    Šiaip gana įdomiai pradžia skamba. Būtų įdomu paskaityti daugiau.

    Kažkada "Imperija" žurnale skaičiau lietuvaičio fantastinį kūrinį "Pjūvis". Likau giliai sužavėtas tada. Dabar kažkoks panašus jausmas buvo ;]
    Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Dai-Katana; 2007-10-11, 21:29.



    • Dwz


      Tai gal galetu koks mod'as perkelt I Fanfic ? Buciau dekingas

      O angliskai del to, jog man asmeniskai geriau mintys liejas anglu kalba nei lietuviu nes nereik jaudintis del lietuviu gramatikos :P

      More to come ....


      • Evil_of_Darknesz
        Suicide is painless...

        • 2006 04 09
        • 998

        Idomiai cia... Tikrai noretusi paskaityt daugiau, nes kiti kai privaro savo kurybos kol perskaitai uztrunki kelioka minuciu, o tavo kurinys galeciau pasakyt net gi per trumpas.... keep it up


        • Dai-Katana
          Podcast or Death

          • 2004 10 04
          • 686

          Kaip trumpas? Prologas gi čia.



          • Evil_of_Darknesz
            Suicide is painless...

            • 2006 04 09
            • 998

            Nu tai jau supratau, skaityt gi moku...


            • kypshius

              • 2007 04 17
              • 254

              tik perskaitęs prisiminiau alkatrasą. gal ir nieko, tik įdomu kodėl angliškai?

              Užkalė visus langus ir augina pingviną.


              • Dwz

                Dekui uz komentarus ir dekui mod'am kurie perkele skilty ten kur ji priklauso

                Ten tik prologas buwo, izanga taip sakant ... seip is esmes wisi chapter'iai bus labai skirtingi wieni nuo kitu tik du dalykai juos wisus sies

                1. Moraliniu normu pazeidimas
                2. Bus atskleista gale

                O anglu kaip ir sakiau del to, jog man taip lengwiau

                [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Chapter I


                • 1616

                  • 2006 11 03
                  • 79

                  nu zinokit man visai patinka tokie dalykai ,Nes ash asmenishkai pazhystu Autoriu esu perskaites shita jo kurini ,ir zinokit ko toleu to gereu


                  • Dwz

                    Tai va pristatau ....

                    [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Chapter II


                    • Dwz

                      Chapter III


                      • Dwz

                        Tiem kas dar nepawargo skaityt pristatau:

                        Chapter IV – “Remorse”

                        “The swelling will subside by the end of the week, it’s just a twisted spleen, these pills will ease the pain”
                        “Thank you doctor”
                        “No need to thank me, just doing my job”

                        Upon exiting the room his phone rings.

                        “Hello ?”
                        “Hey, Richard, we’re going out tonight to party, want to join us ?”
                        “Ohh christ, I’m working tomorrow …”
                        “C’mon man, it’s Friday for crying out loud … spend some time with us for a change, eh ?”
                        “Hehe, yeah, I suppose I could relax for a change”
                        “There you go … we’ll pick you up at around 9”

                        The usual day at a hospital follows with patients coming in with all sorts of problems for him to diagnose and help out. It’s nearly nine PM by the time he gets home, just after he wonders where his friends are the front door bell rings.

                        “Richard!!!. You ready to party tonight ?”
                        “Hey Mike, well I’m not sure about the partying bit, but I need to relax, that’s for sure, being a doctor is hard”
                        “That’s what I’ve been saying all along, it’s party time!!!”

                        The alarm clock rings hard, Richard retracts drastically and finally throws the clock of the table silencing it for good. Even though it’s silent now, he has this feeling of urge swirling inside him. He has never been late to work, nor has he skipped a day. Richard swipes of the cloth he was under and sees a young girl is sleeping beside him.

                        “Mike, I knew he’d pull something like this”

                        Coffee never felt this good so early in the morning, after a night like that, he left the girl to sleep as he knew she was most likely a friend of Mike’s. He had to get to work as soon as possible, he was almost late.

                        His head was pounding, this was the worst hangover ever. He told himself to stay away from the surgery department today, he wasn’t sober enough. He just needed to get through the day as soon as possible, no big deal, no surgeries where planned for today.

                        “Aching stomach ? Some antiseptics will subside the pain”
                        “Thanks you”
                        “Don’t mention it”

                        “These will help you”

                        “Take these two times a day before a meal”

                        “Two drops every three hours”

                        “If these don’t help come by in five days”

                        Person after person they all needed something, he just prescribed anything from the top of his head. He was on his way to grab another cup of coffee, his arms where tingly and his head pounding. On his way to the coffee vendor a man stopped him.

                        “Richard ? Thank god you’re here, we have a mid-aged woman on the table in the operation room, I couldn’t find any other surgeons that are free at the moment and we cannot waste time, c’mon we have to operate her now, you’re one of the best surgeons we have”
                        “What ? No, you do not understand I cannot do this now”
                        “What the hell are you talking about ?!? You must do this, she won’t last long if we do nothing, hurry!”

                        The man pushed Richard towards the operation room

                        This wouldn’t be a big deal on a normal day but today wasn’t normal, he had no choice though, he simply had to put all his concentration into this and go through with it.

                        “Are we ready ?”
                        “Yes, prepare the suction tubes for removal of any excess blood, monitor her condition at all times, lay the tools to my right, let’s start”

                        He was sweating hard during the procedure as he tried to concentrate as much as possible not to let his hand tingle. By the end he was almost done and as he relaxed he grazed and artery.

                        “Ohh Christ, quickly, suck out the excess blood, I must find the artery“

                        He struggled to find the artery he so irresponsibly cut. Concentration was overwhelmed by panic and finally it turned into guilt as the woman was gone.

                        He went outside to face to tell the horrible news to the man waiting outside.

                        “You what ?!?”

                        The man threw the surgeon all over the hall beating him up and finally he took out one of the surgeons pens and stuck it into his knee. Richard never struggled as he felt responsible before this man for he was the one to kill his wife.

                        Beat up and bruised all over he went back into his cabinet and took tranquillizer pills one after the other, he stopped when started feeling dizzy and quickly collapsed on his table.


                        He woke up holding the scalpel in his hands, this time though he felt a deep sense of anger twirling inside him. It felt as if he had experienced what he saw in his head just before, he thought he was the surgeon he saw there.

                        Yet again someone was coming his way, but he already had enough of these dreams or whatever they where, he gripped the scalpel hard in his hand and eagerly awaited for the door to open.

                        And as it did he saw the same man with a gas mask on coming inside, he quickly jumped from where he was sitting and swung the scalpel at the guard, slashing his throat a deep and growing feel of satisfaction spread inside him. The guard had no weapon, he had to rely on this little knife to make his escape, it was now or never.

                        He carefully went down the hall, concentrated and alarmed, he was not going to be caught again he made sure to eliminate any signs of him cutting the cable from cameras as he went. A big wooden door with old and yet benevolent carvings lay before him. This door had some significance, it was the only one that looked like a door instead of all those metal ones he saw all over the halls. He turned the handle.


                        • Dwz

                          Ir pabaigai nors ir taip aisq, kad nelabai kas skaito, pristatau:

                          Final Chapter


                          • 1616

                            • 2006 11 03
                            • 79

                            great story keep it up !!


                            • pienĖ
                              Mėlynoji bedugnė
                              • 2009 06 04
                              • 15

                              dar nespejau baigt skaityt, bo skaiciau tai sulei per infa, bet patiiiiiiiiko!!!!!


