Keletas trumpesniu

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  • radament666
    "Umi no Suna" Dark

    • 2007 02 18
    • 154

    Keletas trumpesniu

    Kadangi mano fanfic "Misija" nelabai rasosi (smegenys nedirba) Todel nusprendziau imesti keleta savo senesniu ir trumpesniu kuryniu.

    -(WARNING)- rasiau prie 3 ar daugiau metu. Todel perdaug nesmerkit.

    Pabėgimas iš mėsinės
    (karvių skerdyklos)

    Gyveno šiam pasaulį du vaikinai, buvo jie labai gudrūs ir alkani tik neturtingi ir vieną vakarą jie nusprendė atsigerti pieno, bet pinigų pienui nebuvo, tačiau jie sugalvojo kaip gauti pieno be pinigų.
    Šitie vaikinai sugalvojop persirengti viena didelia karve ir naktį nurėplioti į fermą prisimelžti pieno.
    Ir štai atėjo ta diena, tas vakaras, kada jiedu išėjo, nuėjo į laukus prie karvių ir kaip tik atvažiavo fermeris su savo sunum. Draugai apsimete miegančia karve, o tėvas su savo sunum pradėjo švilpti ir stumti karves į sunkvezimį, na kagi teko ir užsimaskavusiai karviai lipti į sunkvežimi.
    Bevažioujant vienas iš jų paklausė -kur mus veža?
    O, kitas atsakė -į mėsine.
    -Tada mum reikia pabegti kol mūsų nepavertė kumpienos žlėgtainiais.
    -Ir pabėgsime tik reikia palaukti kol mus išlaipins.
    Po kiek laiko
    Priklauso Klaipėdos Japonų Animacijos Klubui
  • dattebayo
    random fangirl syndrome

    • 2007 11 18
    • 207

    pasakojimas toks linksmokas, mintis patiko, bet labai panasu i lietuvaitiska pasakaite patarciau istaisyt rasymo klaidas. ju nemazai. sorry, jei labai jau ziauriai issireiskiau, bet visumoj, man patiko.


    • nejiten
      3;2;1; click boom cicaboo

      • 2007 11 19
      • 65

      Wow.. nu ir pasakele ,o pabaiga.. nu saip OkaY pasakele ... mane lb nustebino sitas pasakojimas .. zodzu man patiko....


      • radament666
        "Umi no Suna" Dark

        • 2007 02 18
        • 154

        Zodziu seniai nebuvau animezonoj, daug priezasciu, bet prie reikalo, mano ten kaskokia rasyta FanFIc seniau yra nepasisekusi, ten net ne fanfic, as rasau kita bet neplanuoju deti kol nebus bent jau pirma dalis parasyta. O siaip yra keletas idomesniu istoriju, tai as jas tiesiog desiu cia.
        Taigi, as idesiu ne visai seniai sukurtas dvi nesusijusias istorijas, taciau jos angliskos, i lietuviu neversiu nes manau kad tik sugadinsiu. Tai va.

        -// Sometimes dreams are something more than they seem, that’s why even in dreams we must be cautious, who knows, you might even meet death in your dreams. //-

        The Face of Death

        I was standing in an old crossroad, the wind was cold, like in the middle of the winter, but the grass and the trees were still green although somewhat grey. Grass was growing in the middle of the road, the paint on the signs was falling of, and some of the signs were already rusted to the core, the trees were just randomly growing here and there.
        As I walked on I came across and old building, it was built from blocks. I didn’t notice before, but the whole place was like in a large pit, so that no one could leave this place, wonder why. My thought was interrupted by a mans voice, well you couldn’t call it a voice it sounded like the man was really scared and was making some strange voice like sounds.
        It got me curious so went in the direction of that sound, it was coming from that old building. As I came closer I saw that the building had balconies sticking out, it seemed that the sound was coming form somewhere near the third floor, so climbed fearing of nothing, like what could happen to me.
        I finally got to the third floor, there was a yellow light coming from the room, I came closer to the window and opened it a little the man inside the room didn’t notice me. The room was also weird, it had no doors and the windows were so high, that the man could possibly newer reach the window, there was a small wooden table in the corner of the room, a bed and a rug on the floor.
        I saw the man sitting near the table holding a string with something attached to its end, he was pointing the string to a peace of paper on the table, mumbling something, he reminded me of a game I sometimes play with my friends, you would call spirits using the string with needle attached to it and a peace of paper with an eye on it, he was doing it for about a minute, then he suddenly stud up, his eyes opened wide, his mouth was open, but no words were coming out, tears started flowing from his eyes as he looked at the paper, he suddenly ran to the other side of the room sat in the corner, hugged his knees and started shaking and crying, and there it was again that sound that I heard before, it appears that the man was trying to say something but only a weird moaning came from his mouth, I wanted to ask him what happened but then I heard a woman crying.
        It was coming form the other window of the house, also in the third floor. As I opened the window I saw the there was something like a balcony in her room, so I quietly got in her room and closed the window behind me. The room looked the same as the man’s room that I just left. One table, one bed, one rug and a pit like room with no doors so you couldn’t get out. The woman had a dark skin an, well looked like a shaman, she was praying or making had seals, I couldn’t tell, she also seemed scared, but not like the man she noticed me. She was staring at me with eyes wide open, unable to understand what am I doing there. I began too think that I should leave, because things were getting weird, just as I turned around I saw a door and behind them there was nothing, pure darkness, for some reason I saw myself running in that darkness, I tried to stop myself but steped in there myself.
        It was dark, it was black beyond imagination, and there I felt a chill running down my spine, it became so cold that I thought that I was going the freeze in there, fear, I felt that I was so afraid in there, millions of thoughts were running in my head, crushing my mind, driving me mad, and then, I felt somebody standing beside, that someone or something was the reason I’m so afraid and helpless right now, I turned my head in the direction of “it” looking from the bottom of his body to his head. I couldn’t see his feet because they were covered with a robe blacker than the room, as I raised my head to his face, it became colder and colder, more and more fear was seeping in my heart and when I got to “its” face.
        And within a second, HORIBLLE fear was inflicted in my body, raping my mind and soul, devouring the last drop of hope that I had within me, killing me from the inside and before I could take any more, I woke up, screaming all covered in sweat, shaking from what I saw, but then it all stops, and sit in my bed thinking why am I so scared, just a second ago I knew the face of fear and now I can’t. I try to remember, I can remember where I was, I can remember the people I saw, I can remember everything up to the point where I look at the face of my fear. The horror was so strong that my mind automatically deleted it from my head so I wouldn’t die.

        -// We think that Dreams are just trick of our mind, we think that we dream what we think of at the moment we fall asleep. But maybe dreams aren’t just a silly trick of our minds, maybe in dreams we can see the places that we newer been too, or the people that we newer met, but they might be all real, so maybe in our dreams we can even see the face of Death. //-
        Nu vo pirma, klaidu bus, bet pasistenkit iskentet jeigu skaitysit
        Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo radament666; 2008-03-30, 17:10. Priežastis: vistiek nieko ensigavo
        Priklauso Klaipėdos Japonų Animacijos Klubui

