A way to happiness (DBSK, fictional) [R]

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  • Veliona
    Vis daugiau atrandanti
    • 2009 07 07
    • 19

    Chapter 14 : Foreign thoughts

    Micky's side story
    I woke up at noon.
    Japan welcomed us with squealing girls and I couldn’t get it yet; what’s with that screaming and crying? I tried to be nice and smile but my head was still dizzy because of the flight. I know I should be used to airplanes by now but it’s just that I preferred cars more. Maybe I was ungrateful, but this fame was tiring me as hell. It would be enough for me to just compose and know that people like and respect my music.
    Not to mention the fact that everyone knew everything about me and was stalking my every move, I had to pretend a lot, and maybe that was the worst part of it. For example, if I feel sleepy, tired, in a bad mood or even sick, I still have to act as everyone wants me to.
    Of course I shouldn’t complain, I was young rich and famous, but I wished something else, like more meaning in life…
    I wondered what really makes your life purposeful; could it be working till late hours and seeing the fruits of your work blossoming, doing what you want and living to the fullest or fulfilling your dream? But haven’t I already done it at least in some way? I was working hard, having fun and making my dream come true on the stage. But still it doesn’t seemed real, like it would need some other element to make everything complete.
    -Hyung, food is ready,-Junsu came in smiling.
    -Give me five minutes, - I said and went to have a shower.
    The water helped to wash my thoughts away, and that was good, because keeping them would make me flustered again.
    The smell from the kitchen was good so that means that JaeJoong has placed his hands on our meal. It was long time since he cooked.
    -Sit, Chunie, we made it together with Jae, it will be so delicious that you’ll feel grateful to us for the rest of your life!-Junsu said with his cute dolphin voice.
    -Than maybe I shouldn’t eat it.
    -But…but you have to chunie, I cried while chopping the onions for you,-he said with bitter eyes.
    -I was kidding Junsu. Lets eat.
    -Is something wrong today?-Junsu asked me.
    -Don’t talk while eating. You may choke.
    -I just finished,-he chuckled.
    -You mean you just sit to the table? I should be the one asking what’s wrong with you then.
    -Jae, don’t talk to Yoochun, he woke up with the wrong foot and will scold you as he scolded me,-Junsu said complaining while washing his plate.
    -I’ll keep silent because you’re starting to piss me off and I’m not in the mood to listen to your squealing,-I said more to myself because no one was listening.
    -So what where you saying, Jae?-he tried to ignore me.
    -Nothing. I was eating and you kept talking to yourself.
    So what now, dolphin boy, hyung is on my side?
    -Someone should bring a girl to wash the dishes,-Junsu said again.
    -But didn’t Changmin had a girlfriend?-I asked.
    -He did. But he fucked up. But he still cares for her,-dolphin replied.
    -Maybe we should talk to him, he’s the youngest …
    -And the biggest Casanova too,-JaeJoong interrupted me.
    But we went silent as Changmin came in. He took everything he found in the frying pan and suspiciously looked at us.
    -What? Are you talking behind my back?
    -No,-Junsu said quickly.
    -As you say it I begin to believe in that even more.
    -How are you feeling? About that girl I mean…-I asked cautiously.
    -I feel…sorry. I really do. But it’s not your business.
    -You know that we can help, if you need us,-I patted on his shoulder.
    -Well I don’t! I don’t need anyone’s help! It’s useless anyway…-Changmin said holding his head as if his thoughts were too heavy for him to handle.
    -You should go for her. If you really care about her, and you are able to prove it to her, she may forgive you,- I replied.
    -I do hyung, but the more I think about it, the more my mind tells me to let her go. It was the first time I hurt her and it was because of the stupid thing that I forgot and even had no intentions to do…Just a stupid thing… but what will be, when photographs will start running after her and journalist will be coming up with every personal detail of her life, what will be if our fans or antis will try bulling her? There are so many things she’s too fragile for, and they don’t even contain me, who may hurt her the most, you know I’m a player and I’m not sure myself if I can be just with one woman…I’m so afraid hyungs, I’m afraid that it’s wrong for me to be with her, I’m afraid to hurt her, to leave her, to make wrong decision…
    -It’s okay Changmin, just do what you need to and we’ll be by your side,-I said and hugged him.
    I truly felt sorry for Changmin, because I wouldn’t know what to do either.
    You may forget feelings in time and live safe and sound; I think this is what he thought about letting her go. She had to be special in some way if Changmin looked at her, so I’m sure she would overcome this in time. You know, things that come into media stay there for the rest of your life time and even when it’s finally forgotten someone still may dig up something and ruin your life.
    I do understand his doubts.
    Maybe if they wouldn’t have a chance to separate he wouldn’t have thought about it in this way…
    Our kid is certainly growing up to a man. A year a go he would simply ******** around with girls just for fun, and now finally, I could sense maturity from him.
    But even if I felt sorry for him, I was a bit jealous also, because he had deep feelings to a person, maybe he even felt love.
    And then a thought popped up in my head. I know it may sound cheesy, but wasn’t love the thing I missed in my link?
    But there again, this feeling has to be strong and come up from the depths of your heart, but the only strong feeling that usually led me through the day was irritation because of Junsu stupidity.
    I can not just fall for someone and begin to carry a special feeling. I’m pretty sure I would be better at composing then, but nevertheless, I have no choice as to wait for it, right?


    • Veliona
      Vis daugiau atrandanti
      • 2009 07 07
      • 19

      Chapter 15 : Mad man

      Chapter 15

      Mad man

      [Never follow your heart if you’re not able to hear it.
      Never listen to your heart if you’re not able to follow it.
      Never give an opportunity to your heart to love, if you’re not able to give all yourself to it.
      Never dream, if you’re a person, who’s afraid to realize his dreams.
      Never stop looking forward to the next day, because new morning will bring a new hope again.
      Never be afraid of changes, because they’ll fill your every cell, and even it’s not a good feeling…
      Never regret it, because it will make you a better man.
      Never lie, if you know that’s just a fraud for this moment.
      Never forget what’s important for you, if you have nothing more then just your beliefs.
      Never stop cherishing what you have, because the next moment you may know that everything is gone.]


      JaeJoong side story

      __________________________________________________ ________________________________

      It was a total mess. No one said anything but I could feel it in the air. Something was bothering every member; they became lost and reserved. Micky was not in this world, thinking about staff that won’t gave peace to him; Junsu was mad at Micky, I knew it’s just a matter of time when they’ll be joking again, but I could see something different in his expression. Yunho still wasn’t talking to me after that incident and Changmin…Changmin was completely out of this world. After every show he would just sit in his locked room and not come out until the next event. But this wasn’t the worst thing. The worst thing was me and my guilt towards him.
      When Junsu came to Changmin’s apartment to call him, because we were leaving Seoul, I did have a feeling that this trip won’t bring anything good. I don’t know from where this flair came, but I decided to go up to and try to talk to both of them maybe we could go a day later or something.
      And just when I stepped from the car I couldn’t believe in my eyes. A girl with bare feet and fluttering hair in the wind ran past me. Her scent made me to turn back and I noticed her teary eyes.
      I know it may sound weird, but I wanted to follow her, to embrace her and protect from everything that made her look so hurt. But I couldn’t move an inch, I was paralyzed and I knew I needed to breathe, but I just watched her every movement in slow motion until she disappeared behind the corner.
      I blinked and realized that I am already able to move again so I ran as fast as I could to Changmin’s apartment, but I was amazed again as I saw Changmin with blank face kneeling on the ground.
      -What’s going on here? - I asked.
      -Changmin just broke up with a girl. End of the story lets go now. Manager is waiting,-Junsu said.

      Could it be her?
      My mind was racing and I needed to get out of here.
      -If you fucked up, you can leave everything like it is or go for her and solve everything. But this is not the right time anyway. We are going to Japan tomorrow. So stand up,-I said as calmly as I could. They followed me and it means that my acting worked.
      No one was speaking in the car and it gave me some time to think. But actually there was no point. ‘It’s Changmins girl, don’t be a fool’-I said to myself. I have to erase that memory of hers. But what if they really broke up? Then maybe there’s nothing wrong? But how would I look if I would ask her number from Changmin? God, I’m crazy, maybe it wasn’t even her. Maybe it’s just some stranger I won’t meet aver again.
      ‘Yeah, calm down JaeJoong, you’ll have wrinkles; everything will be fine, just fine’-I thought.


      The week was passing by and I couldn’t live a day without repeating her image, but in my mind she was running to me, into my arms, pressing her soft skin to mine, looking with her deep eyes into mine…
      Then Junsu came in my room and offered me to make some food with him. Of course I agreed, I needed to do something because my mind would go mad, spending the rest of the day thinking about a person I don’t even know.
      -Hey Junsu, have you saw that girl…I mean the one with Changmin, which broke off with him?
      -Sure, I saw her couple times. But she didn’t break off with him. It’s more like Changmin did. You know we were eating together at some café, where we saw that pretty waiter, she was a foreigner, but she spoke Korean fluently, so she attracted our attention. At first I thought that she doesn’t know that we are famous, but then maybe she did, because she looked nervous and such. Anyway we thought she will ask us a signature or something, but she was cold to us…Well she was nice as a waiter, but nothing more than that, you know that girls usually squeal and such when we’re around, but she was conservative. So we decided to have this bet, it wasn’t serious, actually I thought he won’t even do it ,but you know, we had nothing to do or talk about so we thought why not to try that.
      - About what you were betting?-I interrupted him.
      -Well…if Changmin had got her phone number, I would have paid for the dinner, and if he would, you know, slept with her, I mean had sex, I would have treated him with dinner at the best restaurant in Seoul. And now this jerk screwed everything up. Because I don’t know how many wons I’ll have to spend for his ************** luxurious dinner.
      I almost chocked on his last sentence. I wanted to smash this pan into his head. How could they? How could they do such a cruel thing?
      And now I realized everything. Her tears weren’t for nothing it was because of them.
      -I’ll ask Yoochun to come,-Junsu said.
      Thanks God, he went out, and I stabbed meat with the fork I was holding.
      I couldn’t hear what they were talking about anymore, I just tried to chew food putting all my rage in to it, even if it slide down my throat hardly.
      -So what where you saying, Jae?-Junsu asked.
      I was too mad to answer, but I didn’t want to look suspicious so I forced myself to answer as normal as possible.
      -Nothing. I was eating and you kept talking to yourself.
      When after few moments Changmin came in they started asking him about that girl and now my ears were catching every noise.
      While Changmin talked it seemed that he needed her, that he missed her. But it was too late, he did miss his chance, didn’t he? I couldn’t watch as members pitied him. So I said that he’s a Casanova, but no one really listened.
      I know that my acts were strange, they were my friends and still I was angry at them. And for what? For a girl I saw once in my life time and no longer then few seconds?
      ‘JaeJoong, control yourself. Let Changmin do what he has to. He didn’t give up yet’-I thought-‘he’s your friend who deserved happiness…’
      But deep down in my heart I knew that I won’t be able to stay calm if he makes a mistake again.


      • Veliona
        Vis daugiau atrandanti
        • 2009 07 07
        • 19

        Chapter 16 : The party


        __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _

        This can’t be true.
        I turned around and started going towards the direction we came.
        -Stop! What’s wrong with you?-Eulgia shouted.
        -Do you know who those guys are? Do you even imagine what jerks and idiots they are?! They’ll leave you the next moment they take out their cock from your ass!-I shouted.
        -But Alex…
        -Alex? Alexandra? Is it really you?-one of them came closer to us,-Whoa!!! I can’t believe. It’s her! Look, Micky! -Junsu screamed, - This world is so small!
        -God, you changed a lot! This is what dress and make up does to a woman, Junsu. So keep that in mind, it doesn’t matter if you like ugly woman, of which I doubt a lot, just buy her make up and she will be as fuckin’new as from the super market,-Micky laughed.
        -******** off. Idiot, - I showed him my middle finger.
        -Well can’t you stop it! Both of you,-Junsu looked at Micky who was already moving towards me,-She’s a girl, Micky, and moreover our friend, you should be more friendly.
        -Friend?-I asked, - Is this is how you treat your friends, Junsu? Then I’m really sorry for them. I truly am. But don’t include me in that list. Get it?
        -Hey, there’s no point to be harsh. I’m sorry okay; there were things I shouldn’t have done. But it’s past, right? And we are not going to build our future from the past, so there’s no point in grieving. I’ll make it simply. We have no intentions in ************** or whatever else that may hurt you, but can we just have a couple drinks and talk? Please?
        -So… You know each other already…?-Eulgia asked not understanding what’s going on.
        -See! We already have a topic to chat! - Junsu came back to his squealing voice again, how could I ever I thought it was beautiful?

        I may regret it, but I followed them and entered the red corridor again.

        Soon we were covered by darkness and humming music. Yoochun ordered drinks and Eulgia was already leaning to him. I really didn’t want to know where this will lead so I just looked to the dance floor. These people really seemed free…free and drunk at this cheap place. Despite that, I couldn’t look away since their moves were hypnotizing me. So maybe cheap things can look cool sometimes I thought. I took my glass and tasted the drink. It was bitter, ice-cold and made me shiver. But I liked as my brains froze and blood started running faster. I never drank such shit before, so I was wondering what it was.
        -Where did you get this? - I turned to Junsu, because Micky was already sucking Eulgia’s neck while she was sitting on his knees.
        -You like I it, don’t you? It’s our secret formula, - Junsu chuckled.
        Then he took my already empty glass and filled it with vodka or tonic I wasn’t sure because I couldn’t really read the label. Then he dragged a small plastic bag and took out a white pill. It wasn’t bigger then few millimeters. Then he putted it in to my drink and I saw small bubbles coming of as the pill was melting.
        -Try this,-Junsu said again while doing double for him, - for everlasting friendship then?
        -Yeah,-I said and took the glass to my lips. This time it hit me harder and I chocked on last gulp since I was missing oxygen.
        -Are you ‘k?-Junsu patted my back.
        -Yeah, - was the only thing I answered while my lungs were filling up with air.
        -I’m sorry; I thought you’re used to this shit.
        -I’m not, but I may get. The first one slide down pretty good, - I admitted.
        -Then do you want a smoke?
        -Sure, - I said. He took a cigarette into his mouth and sucked it while lighting up. Then he gave it to me.
        - I know how to light it up.
        -Who knows, I mean aren’t you our cute and innocent angel from not discovered worlds?
        -Yeah, and I usually eat pokemons for dinner with Xena, - I laughed, - if I don’t have narrow eyes it doesn’t mean I’m less fucked up then you.
        -So you are?
        -Tell me who aren’t? Sure, I did have a normal life, but somehow I guess it was too boring so I ended up having fun all the time… even if it wasn’t funny, more like pathetic, but the point is, I’m not an alien from a suburb, who doesn’t know a thing how to party.
        -Okay, miss party princes, shall we dance then?-Junsu said stretching his hand.
        I took it without a word, with no care leaving Eulgia and her butt, which was already Micky’s property.
        He dragged me to the center of the dance floor where all lights were flashing the most. I could feel my heart beating to the bass rhythm and my body slowly giving in to music.
        -You like it here, don’t you?-he shouted into my ear.
        -No,-I lied, - how did you found this place anyway?
        -I didn’t have to. It’s mine, - Junsu laughed.
        -Well not technically, because it may not be good for my image, but I bought it, because I wanted to have a calm place with no paparazzi and stuff.
        -You call it calm?! But how can you be sure that there are no stalkers here?
        -On weekends we do not let in no one, just our friends, who are mostly celebrities, so they don’t really have a need to stalk us when they can simply talk to us whenever they want.
        I nodded and looked around again. Most of the people had perfect bodies, botox smiles and Gucci or Prada on them. So I wasn’t really surprised.
        -Do you want to look around? - Junsu asked.
        I nodded again and followed him. Actually Junsu wasn’t such a jerk as I thought at first, and if I would remember his cute expression when I first met him or his nice butt, I had no choice as to let him lead me.
        -Do you have favorite song or something?
        -Nothing in particular that could be played at a club,-I said.
        -It doesn’t matter if it suits here not; I’m the mood maker here, so just tell me when will come to DJ.
        -Okay,-I was a bit surprised, because it was sort of nice thing, to play something I like in a place that doesn’t really go along with me.
        As we passed a bar we took a couple more drinks and then we were at the red corridor again away from the noise and people. The dusk made it look cozy. When I noticed a small balcony aside, I began to like it even more.
        -Who designed this place?
        -JaeJoong hyung, but you don’t know him I guess.
        -No, is he a famous designer or what?
        -No,-Junsu laughed, - He’s our lead vocals, baby. Don’t tell me you never listened to our songs?
        -Oh, I did, I have your album, but somehow I wanted to smash it, so I didn’t really notice who’s corrupting the cover.
        -He will kill you if he would hear you saying that, - Junsu laughed.
        -Why? Is he Korea’s representative for miss world or something?
        -Din! Din! Din! You hit the jackpot!
        I don’t know if it was because of the drinks or our constant laugh, but it was quite fun.
        Then we entered the door that I didn’t notice at first.
        -Do you already know the song?-Junsu asked,-because this is the place where magic happens.
        -Yeah, it’s not like it’s my favorite, but I heard it recently and it was pretty good…You know Pink-I don’t believe you?
        -Sure, it’s a bit torturing, but whatever. You heard that DJ?-he turned to a guy who was near the apparatus watching everyone dancing through a window. The guy nodded and we left the room through other door.
        -I believe you already been in VIP before?-Junsu asked before opening the door.

        I didn’t answer as the view turned me aback completely.
        It was him.
        On the same black couch as I saw Micky back then, with his spread legs, a bottle of whiskey in left hand and his right pressing some whore’s butt who was riding him,
        I saw Changmin.
        My stare was blank; at first he didn’t notice me, but after few seconds his gaze met mine, when suddenly the cowboy girl moaned as Changmin came for her.
        I stepped forwards him stretched my hand above him and spilled all my cocktail on his head watching as every drop fell on his face. I smiled.
        - I can’t believe I loved such a whore like you,-I said to him and then faced the girl, who still was on his leap, with his dick in her pussy, - suck him, he likes it, - and I placed the glass on her head.

        As I ran through red corridor I could still hear my requested song… It seemed so ironical.

        I didn’t wanted to believe it’s over, when I finally begun to hope that we can make it. When I finally thought that we can turn back time, make new lines to our story. When I finally was determined not to leave his side. He did. And this time it was for real.
        So right now, I don’t mind it. I don’t mind to burn every memory of his in my head, because this truly was the end. The last my nightmare about him.


        Pink-i don't believe you

        I don't mind it
        I don't mind at all
        It's like you're the swing set
        And I'm the kid that falls
        It's like the way we fight
        The times I've cried
        We come to blows
        And every night
        The passion's there
        So it's got to be right

        No I don't believe you
        When you say don't come around here no more
        I won't remind you
        You said we wouldn't be apart
        No I don't believe you
        When you say you don't need me anymore
        So don't pretend to
        Not love me at all

        I don't mind it
        I still don't mind at all
        It's like one of those bad dreams
        When you can't wake up



        • Veliona
          Vis daugiau atrandanti
          • 2009 07 07
          • 19

          Chapter 17 : Sobering down


          Changmin’s side story
          __________________________________________________ __________________________

          My headache seemed to achieve such level of soreness that I couldn’t even think.
          Mission accomplished then, huh?
          My drinking hard yesterday had its consequences this morning of course.
          I wasn’t surprised of spiteful taste in mouth nor of the bruises on my body, which were caused by my constant ‘hit the wall’ act.
          I always remembered everything after such nights, maybe because I was able to stay conscious all the time.
          Anyway, yesterday was an exception.
          Every moment, every memory came like flash backs to me when I woke up from my nightmares. Nevertheless, I wished I wouldn’t have opened my eyes, because every recollection hurt ten thousand times more then wounds on my body.

          I was strolling about the streets alone; remembering school times, when everything doesn’t seemed so difficult. But I made it myself I guess, because every thing has consequences and if you’ll struggle too much, of course you’ll get caught. And now I guess it was the right thing to describe it. I was caught, caught in crime place; like God is making me realize that I should already hit the brakes and stop fooling around. At first I was a calm boy and when I felt that I’m finally breaking the loose, I couldn’t do much as to enjoy every moment. Even if I was drinking, lying in bed, that I never saw before or simply racing with time in my car, everything was cool; I was free, free of my actions but not of my mind and soul.
          I didn’t really care back then and every day I was simply postponing reality away from myself.
          But something changed and I know who’s that something.
          Simply by looking at her eyes I could feel the difference of being a man and just a plain puppet.
          I could feel real. I could feel myself, because there was nothing to be afraid of. She greeted me the way I was, and never told me to change, do something different or teach me, as others did. She accepted me.
          I felt poor at that time, poor because I couldn’t boast at nothing more then my apartment, car or money. I don’t know how’s that possible, but she enriched me. Day by day. Every her text message or call made to think what I can tell to her, and when I realized that it’s just shows and such, it frightened me. Am I that hollow? Anyway, she didn’t care, and I don’t know what she saw in me, because there really was nothing to hook up about. Despite the times when she wasn’t there with me, I still could feel her presence, because everything I did after we met, was because I wanted to show her what kind of a man I can be, that she can be proud of me, and think ‘he’s my man’ . Sure I missed her light skin, her sweet scent and tender touch. But longing for her made me even more exited, in my mind I even counted the days and left events after what’s, I could finally see her.
          And when I did met her everything seemed like a tale. Now I could feel what real freedom was. Freedom to be yourself, freedom to explore yourself.
          I don’t know if you can call it love, I never felt it before and I can not be sure now. I don’t know is this feeling should be warm and soft or ripping apart. Besides it’s just few days, that I know her and everything’s so fast, that sometimes it seems I can’t keep up with the speed, it just flows like no one of us could really control it.
          I wasn’t ready to part with her and I don’t know if I ever would be able. But image of her leaving me hit me like 10 tons van and I was paralyzed to do something.
          Maybe I was thinking too much if I should fight for her or let her go. In some way I wanted with every my cell to run after her when she left with broken heart. But I couldn’t.
          I knew that soon I will depend on her, I’ll need to see her every day, to feel her presence. But I also knew that I won’t be able to, not just because of my schedule and events, I knew that we won’t be allowed to be together, that the world was against it before it even started. Maybe I was a fool that I already let it go too deep, because it was already hurting too much, but if I would kept her in my arms, won’t it be even harder later?
          And if to be truly honest with myself, I had doubts. What if I won’t make her happy, what if it ends like scandal or something? Moreover, I faired to loose my independence, because I knew I would do whatever she says to me, and it made me feel weak. I was already the youngest member in the band and I always had to try harder to prove others that I’m capable to be in DBSK. So after such attempts I couldn’t be weak and fragile, like feelings for her caused me to be.

          Suddenly my vibrating phone woke me up from my thoughts.
          -Hey Changmin, are you dumb or what?!
          -What shit are you talking Xiah?
          -What shit?! I’ll tell you shit! Today I spend my whole free and supposed to be happy day arranging people to come to my gorgeous and amazing party, do I even have to tell how much I’m going to spend on drinks and make you all fuckin’ happy? But no, we have some kingkas here who need special invitation. Yunho disappeared in thin air, JaeJoong is totally ignoring me and if you are going to say that you’re not going to bring your ************** ass here, I promise I’ll make it hurt so much you won’t even bother to sit anymore!
          -Then why are you doing it if no one really cares?
          -Because I’m a good person, Changmin, I’m a ************** good person, and if you don’t want to know how bad I can turn, you better be there!
          And he hung up.
          Yeah, an interesting way to invite someone, don’t you think so?
          I drove back to club and Xiah was already waving to me at the front door.
          -I knew you’ll come!
          -You know you’re pissing me off; I’m not in the mood to party.
          -That’s the main reason why we have to party then, after couple drinks I’m sure you’ll be fine and hooking up the girl again,-he said taking me to the bar and handing me a glass of something I was not sure yet.
          -You know I’m not looking for girls either. It’s a bad idea,-I said and gulped liquid, which warmed my throat instantly.
          -I don’t get you Changmin. You are not willing to fight for that girl, but you’re not letting her go also. You have to make up your mind, either you search for her and plead for forgiveness on your knees, either you simply forget her and have fun tonight. I’m sure you’ll find help here, - he said while watching a girl with mini skirt passing by.
          If I’m already here I can at least drink on Xiah bill. So I ordered few drinks and let worries to drown for this night.
          Soon people were pouring to the ‘Cassiopeia’ and little by little I was getting drunk.
          Xiah disappeared but I wasn’t alone, because some girls always tried to talk with me or ask me to dance, I didn’t bother to look at them.
          -Give me something strong and make it double, - a girl with familiar voice said to the barmen.
          -Wrong day, Tiff?-I asked not knowing why; I wasn’t really interested how was her day, but I guess I couldn’t hold my tongue between my teeth already, since drinks were making me dizzy.
          -It doesn’t seem you had a good day yourself. We had a fight with Yuri.
          -I mean I had a fight with Yuri, she’s pissing me off with her cute lovey dovey goodness.
          -Hmm, she’s pretty,-I said because I wanted to irritate her.
          -Sure she is, if I would have boobs massage everyday I would be too!
          -So no one is massaging you boobs Tiff? - I said pouring whiskey into my glass.
          - It shouldn’t concern you.
          -But didn’t you like Hero? You were falling for him right?
          -It shouldn’t concern you either,-she said.
          -Yeah you did…Why do you think he’s not accepting your love, huh? Is it because of the age gap? Or maybe you’re not good enough? Maybe you can’t swing you ass the way other girls do or maybe…maybe you’re just not a good fucker. Haven’t you thought about it? - I laughed drinking. I know I sounded like a jerk, but this time I had no intentions to seduce a girl, like I would always do, so I just let myself to act whatever I want.
          -Everyone knows I ******** well.
          -Sure, sure…-I chuckled, because somehow everything seemed so funny to me,-hey, Jack can you give me Xiah special?
          -Mister, I think you shouldn’t…
          -Come on he didn’t created it just to lie there!
          Barmen rolled his eyes and gave me limpid drink who soon started bubbling after the pill was placed right were it belonged to.
          -********! Changmin, what are you doing?-Tiffany shouted into my ear.
          -Nothing that could already make it worst.
          I drank it in one shot and soon I knew that my word were a lie, because it was even hard to keep my balance on the chair.
          -Did I mention that you are an idiot?
          -No, but I know it already.
          -Go and sleep. I’m sure next day your head will be splitting apart.
          -Yeah, yeah, - I said standing up and walking like it was my first steps ever.
          -You’re pathetic,-she said and took my arm over her shoulder.
          -We all are, sweetheart, we all are,-I shouted as mad man.
          I didn’t understood how she laid me on the black sofa, because it seemed that everything flew past me.
          -Hive me that,-she said pointing at my whiskey bottle.
          -No! He’s the only one I can trust here,-I said and hugged my bottle.
          She tried to take it from me fiercely, but I didn’t loose my grip.
          -Don’t act like a kid!-She said and pooled bottle with all her force. I let it go then and she fell on the sofa too.
          -Do you want me Tiff?-I asked, - I know you do, you wouldn’t be with a drunk guy then trying to take his last comfort away. You’re wicked, yes you’re, Tiff, and you know it.
          -Who do you think you’re?!
          -I? I guess I’m an idiot, but an idiot that every women wants to have in her bed.
          -Do you know what it means?
          -What means what?
          - Pff. P.F.F. is a code word used for such girls like you commonly. It means Please ******** Faster. But don’t worry I’m not interested in you, not because Hero is right that you can’t ******** well. You see when you have or at least had a girl that’s the best ever from the whole universe, you’re simply not interested in other simple girls, they’re just not good enough and they’ll never be. They’ll never compare to a queen.
          -We’ll see about that,-she said and threw herself on me. Her tongue parted my lips. I took her head, because I wanted to pull her away. Her hair was silky, it reminded me of Alex…Her image burst into my head, and I don’t know why, but my drunk head made me to think for a moment that’s really her. But then I opened my eyes and it wasn’t Alex, it was Tiffany.
          -Stop,-I said breathing heavily.
          -So she isn’t that good, huh? You answered to my kiss and I know you want more. Don’t force yourself, you know you want me.
          But it wasn’t her that I wished for, it was Alex. It was Alex kisses that I wished for like oxygen.
          She licked my neck and started unbuttoning my shirt, just like Alex did the night we were sleeping on each others naked bodies.
          -A…-I wanted to say her name, hoping that she’ll come and hug me tightly whispering that everything’s going to be okay, that we’ll make it and start everything from the beginning, but my lips were shut up by another kiss. I felt hands sliding slowly into my pants and starting to stroke my cock.
          -No… listen, - I tried not to give in. But Tiffany wasn’t listening and I knew it won’t take too long to turn me on.
          -You’re already hard,-she said and licked the top of me.
          I welcomed her mouth that was trying to cope me and pressed her head harshly. With other hand I took the bottle that was on my left and gulped the drink again. I didn’t wanted that the image of Alex would fade away in my head. It wasn’t hard to imagine her right in front of me as I saw her back then on her knees, because whiskey was blurring my view and Tiff doing her job.
          -Ah, harder… Alex, harder,-I whispered moaning.
          Tiffany hit me hard and I opened my eyes.
          -I’m not that whore!-she said and kissed me deeply forcing her tongue into my mouth.
          I don’t know how she loosed her panties or maybe she wasn’t wearing them at all, but she took my member and showed the way into her. She was tight at first, but as soon she started riding me, I was comfortably in.
          -Do it! Changmin, do it!-she moaned this time.
          I took her butt and pressed her hardly. I don’t know if it was good, because even how helplessly I tried to imagine Alex on me, it still wasn’t that of a pleasure.
          -Say my name,-I said hoping that it will turn me on. But as she screamed, it didn’t, so I just had to swallow another gulp of whiskey.
          I thought of Alex and came for her, but Tiff moaned again and it woke me up from my dreams.
          I opened my eyes and I couldn’t believe them.
          There she was as sexy and beautiful as ever standing in front of me and watching me closely.
          I was too shocked to say something, but she did.
          - I can’t believe I loved such a whore like you,-she said while spilling her drink on me.
          Her word crushed me completely. She…she loved…me.
          - Suck him, he likes it,-she said to Tiff and putted the glass on her head like on a clown.
          She turned her back to me and went away. I couldn’t watch her leave so I threw Tiff away zipped my pants and run after, but Junsu appeared suddenly and blocked the way out.
          -Enough! I really don’t get why you act like this, but if you wouldn’t be my friend I would hit your ************** grin,-Junsu said and left me to fall to my knees.


          • Eglaya

            • 2005 07 22
            • 561

            Šiaip, mmm.. galėtų būti ir lietuviškai. Negi taip sunku išversti? Jeigu postini kur nors angliškam forume, tai galėtum pritaikyti ir lietuviškai auditorijai... >.>''

