Devil May Cry fan fic

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  • Miki-chan
    DMC maniac
    • 2007 04 16
    • 10

    Devil May Cry fan fic

    yo, mano fan fic ^^ gomene tik anglu kalba ^^


    It seems like an evening like any other. But it wasn‘t that ordinary.
    Vergil‘s in a library, reading some book. From the shadows appears a person. A bald man with a scar, or maybe a burnt, covering half of his head.
    -So, you are looking for the book of ancients legends, the tale of the demon warrior Sparda? - asked he.
    Vegril closes the book and puts it back to where it was.
    -That's not what I'm looking for. Leave me.- answered Vergil.
    -Then what are you looking for?
    A small pause. Then the bald man continues:
    -A demon that impregnates a women who then bares twin sons. That's the story, isn't it?
    Vergil suddenly pulls out his katana and turns the swords blades toward Arkham.
    -Leave me, I won't tell you the third time - he said.
    Arkham looks at swords blades. He touches the blade with his thumb, as blood drips on the floor he slowly walks forward and continues speaking:
    -People inherently fear evil. However occasionally, a person may become seduced by evil.
    Vergil looks at Arkham with his cold ice blue eyes and putts his sword back.
    -What are you getting at?- asks Ver.
    -Share with me the story of Sparda.
    Vergil with out a word walks away, but Arkham somehow looks pleased.

    The two are standing before the entrance to a so called temple. A temple where lies the door to the demon world.
    -The activation method as I described before. It should be a simple mater for you. I will go to his place. I believe that I know where the item we seek is located. You should dispose of any obstacles quickly.
    Arkham disappears in the shadow leaving Vergil alone. Only a second later the Abyss appear. They surround Vergil and slowly are getting closer to him. One Abyss attacks him. A sudden movement and the Abyss is cut in half. It took Ver less than a minute to beat the other demos.
    As he puts his katana back to the scabbard demons surround him again. Ver looks to sides. Those demons are nothing. He quickly slashes his opponents. It becomes a rain of blood.
    From the rain Vergil‘s hair straightens up and carelessly falls down like Dante‘s. Know he looks just like his twin. But with an easy move of the hand he puts his hair up like before.
    Vergil walks up the stairs. He stops at the door.
    -It begins- he says and walks forth.
  • Dark-Tarou
    I'm a woman on a mission

    • 2008 07 14
    • 486

    Visi matau tingi skaityti anglų kalba xD Na, aš apie DMC žinau nedaug tai nlb supratau kame esmė ir pan.

    Graži sakinių struktūra ir veiksmų aprašymas (ypač patiko vieta apie kardą ir pirštą xD)

    Kai kuriuose vietose pamačiau nežymių trūkumų kaip:

    -People inherently fear evil. However occasionally, a person may become seduced by evil. Manau antrą "evil" reikėtų pakeisti į "it".

    Man taip pat nelabai patiko tas vardo surtumpinimas..."Ver" ar kaip ten buvo...Viskas atrodytų daug rimčiau jeigu tokių dalykų nebūtų.

    Bet čia tik mano nuomonė :3

    Gerai rašai angliškai, taip ir toliau


    • Izzo
      one vs all, DIE AZ!

      • 2007 02 25
      • 1530

      čia fan fic? čia DMC3 Vergil story pradžia


      • Miki-chan
        DMC maniac
        • 2007 04 16
        • 10

        Dark_tarou >> nieko negaliu padaryt tokie orginalus Arkham zodziai. o vardo trumpinimas del to kad as labai jau tyngiu pilnai ji rasyt, bet daznai pasitaikys ir pilna versija vardo. as didziuosi siuo fan fic XD

        Izzo>> Taip, tiesa pasakius mano fan fic apims visas 4 zaidimo dalis daug darbo rasant XD


        • Fujin-kun
          • 2007 06 12
          • 11

          Pora kritikos zodziu:

          Visu pirma, kaip jau pastebejo izzo, tai siuzhetas yra gryna kopija. Visu antra, jegiu rashai anglishkai deretu bent jau suprasti kalbos stiliu, nes dabar tekstas atrodo kaip labai prastas tiesioginis vertimas ish lietuviu kalbos. Sakiniu strukturos, ir pats "kurinio" stilius atliktas labai ir labai silpnai. Ir galiausiai manau deretu savo rashliava priesh ja skelbiant vieshai perskaityti bent jau pora kartu ir pataisyti gramatikos beigi logikos klaidas.
          Jeigu gali nerasyti - nerasyk!


          • Miki-chan
            DMC maniac
            • 2007 04 16
            • 10

            Fuji-kun>> as neverciau is lt kalbos, per daug jau problemiska taisyklingai isversti ju zodzius. Taigi story ir iskart angliska.
            sutinku, kad prologas yra Vergil story pradzia, bet nauji veikejai cia neatsiranda. jie kitam skyriuje atsiras. ir siuzetas nera kopija, tai perdaryta DMC story su keliais mano ir mano draugiu veikejais.
            kas del gramatiniu klaidu - pasitikrink regejima. klaidu nera
            Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Miki-chan; 2008-09-06, 21:20.


            • xx karolis xx
              • 2007 08 17
              • 14

              Autorius Fujin-kun
              Pora kritikos zodziu:

              Visu pirma, kaip jau pastebejo izzo, tai siuzhetas yra gryna kopija. Visu antra, jegiu rashai anglishkai deretu bent jau suprasti kalbos stiliu, nes dabar tekstas atrodo kaip labai prastas tiesioginis vertimas ish lietuviu kalbos. Sakiniu strukturos, ir pats "kurinio" stilius atliktas labai ir labai silpnai. Ir galiausiai manau deretu savo rashliava priesh ja skelbiant vieshai perskaityti bent jau pora kartu ir pataisyti gramatikos beigi logikos klaidas.
              O ar tau nederėtų pasitikrint rašybą prieš skelbiant komentarą viešai?


              • Nakviša

                • 2008 09 03
                • 180

                Na, šiokių tokių klaidelių tikrai yra. Gal ne rašybos, bet stiliaus tai tikrai. Plius, manau, jei jau apsiimi rašyt kažką, tai jau nepatingėk pilnus vardus parašyt, nes taip truputuką atmestinai atrodo. Bet šiaip, labai žaviuosi tuo kad rašai angliškai. Aš pati fanficą rašau, bet su anglų kalba nenorėjau prasidėt. ;D Laukiu tęsinio!


                • Miki-chan
                  DMC maniac
                  • 2007 04 16
                  • 10

                  Nakvisa> bet kai vardu trumpinimas tai taip mielai skamba


                  • Nakviša

                    • 2008 09 03
                    • 180

                    Na, jei tie vardų sutrumpinimai tyčiniai, tai gal ir gerai ;D Ždž, greičiau dėk tęsinį


                    • Miki-chan
                      DMC maniac
                      • 2007 04 16
                      • 10

                      Butinai XD


                      • Dark-Tarou
                        I'm a woman on a mission

                        • 2008 07 14
                        • 486

                        Iš pradžių norėčiau pasakyti, kad čia susirinkę kai kurie kritikai tikriausiai yra tikri anliškų fan fic'ų profai kurie niekad nedaro jokių klaidų....Aš nesuprantu, tokių žmonių kurie čia ieško tobulų rašliavų ir ie6ko tik kad prisikabinti.... Mane labiau supykdino nepati kritika o jos pateikimas: "Išsitaisyk klaidas bla bla bla" - kokias klaidas? Pavyzdžių 0! Ir kaip žmogus paskiau tobulėt gali?

                        Na dėl to ar čia iš kažkur paimta ar ne nediskutuosiu nes DMC istorijos žinau tik pačius griaučius. Mano manymu kaip fan fic'as - kūrinys parašytas gerai. O savo argumentuotą kritiką išreiškiau praeitame post'e.


                        • Miki-chan
                          DMC maniac
                          • 2007 04 16
                          • 10

                          Chapter 1

                          A phone starts ringing. The piercing sound rings through the big room it’s in and echoes further.
                          The sound of running water stops and a white hair boy enters the room tousling his hair.
                          Are you gonna pick it up already? – asked a black haired girl.
                          He threw a little smile at her. He kicked the chair at the table. It spun in air for a bit and just before it landed the boy sat on the chair lifting his legs on the table. With a strong thump the handset went up flying. He caught it. Sigh, Dante what a show off…
                          Sorry, not opened for business yet – he said and threw the handset back on the phone. – I haven’t even picked a name for this joint yet and I’m already getting calls.
                          He picked up a slice of pizza and in a second it disappeared in his mouth.
                          Tch – the girl walked back to her room.

                          Outside the building was standing Arkham.
                          Dante was still finishing of his pizza when Arkham came in. Dante glanced at him.
                          You a costumer to? – With no reply from Arkham he continued – well if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. The toilet’s at the back.
                          Arkham at the time was looking around Dante’s office. When he reached the pool table he finally spoke:
                          Is your name Dante? Son of Sparda?
                          Where did you hear that? – suspiciously asked Dante.
                          Arkham walked to Dante’s desk.
                          From your brother – he replied.
                          Dante looked asquint at him, while Arkham’s eyes were caught by the silver amulet with a red stone on Dante’s neck.
                          He sent this invitation for you – Arkham symbolically lifted his arm. Lowering it he finished his words – Please accept it.
                          He slightly touched the edge of the desk and overturned it setting off to fly the table, Dante, his pizza, the phone and a gun lying on the table.
                          With a loud smash the desk hit the back wall. Dante landed on it, caught his gun and point at Arkham, but he had already disappeared.
                          Dante put the gun behind his belt and jumped of the desk.
                          Invitation, huh?
                          He reached out his arm a bit catching the pizza box and the pizza.
                          Who was that? – asked the girl from before.
                          Some crazy dude…
                          But he mentioned something about Vergil
                          Sayo, you are worried about something?
                          Well, I haven’t heard anything about Vergil until now.
                          Me to.
                          Dante picked up a slice of pizza and was about to eat it when demons appeared nowhere. Four demons around him pierced him with their scythes.
                          He pushed the demon in front him. It flew through the room and hit the wall. Dante was left holding its skull. Spinning it like a basketball Dante walked towards the jukebox. Halfway he picked up a slice of pizza and Sayo prepared for battle while the demons where following him.
                          This party is getting crazy! Let’s rock! – Dante said trying to turn on the jukebox.
                          He tried to turn it on but as it didn’t work, Dante just smashed it. Thou the music did start to play. Now it’s showtime.
                          Even if there was a number of demons Dante and Sayo didn’t even break a sweat.
                          It’s been a while since I fought someone – said Sayo.
                          Why did you stop killing demons?
                          Hey! I don’t want that my big brother Dante would get bored.
                          They ended the fight quickly. Dante was sitting on his desk twiddling Rebellion and Sayo was judging the mess. The boy stood up went to get the pizza. But as he was reaching it a demon stepped on the pizza. Dante shot it the same moment.
                          Even demons think that you should stop eating pizzas THAT much – his sister grumbled.
                          He ignored this phrase of hers and walked to the door picking up his red coat from the hanger.
                          I can already tell. Looks like this is going to be one hell of a party!
                          He kicked out the door went through. Sayo grabbed her weapons and went after him.

                          Dante stepped outside and looked around. Everything was more or less devastated. And many demons, called Hell Pride’s, Lust’s, Wrath’s, slowly moved towards the office. He went a bit forward.
                          Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! – Turning around he yelled. – And I haven’t even named it yet! – He ground his teeth and turned back to the demons – you’re going to pay for that.
                          I think that you made more damage to it than anyone else – said Sayo.
                          At least smile a bit when you’re joking – muttered Dante.
                          I’m not joking…
                          Dante threw Rebellion in the air and with a show put on his coat. He caught back his sword and… sneezed from the dust.
                          The ground started to shake as the building behind Dante and Sayo collapsed. They looked back at what was left from the office.
                          I hope you all have enough to cover all this! – said Dante pointing his sword at the demons.
                          The fight starts. Dante fought his usual, slice-and-dice, style. And Sayo was just blocking attacks with her two katanas. Then she unexpectedly threw them in air and used magic. Before the swords reached the ground she caught them and attached them to her belt. After that she used her guns and shot at every enemy’s head. They killed of those 3 Hells’ quite quickly and within a moment appeared the Hell Vanguard. He was a bit more of an opponent, but beating him wasn’t hard.
                          Before the final blow the ground began to shake. A few blocks away the ground split. An enormous tower rose; the tower of Temen-Ni-Gru.

                          It’s been nearly a year since we last met, - said Dante. – Where does the time go?
                          As Sayo and Dante’s attention was captured by the tower, the Hell Vanguard ran away towards it. Dante aimed to shoot, but he let the demon go. He put Ivory back in the holster and went forth to the tower.
                          No doubt you’ve got some fun planned for me. Right Vergil?
                          Tch… - scorned Sayo and followed her brother.

                          At the top of Temen-Ni-Gru Vergil was observing the town below. He glanced to the side
                          Well? Doesn’t it excite you? The Temen-Ni-Gru has revived. The Great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the Human World and the Demon World. Isn’t it a magnificent view? The greatest minds of their time, those who revered Evil, constructed this glorious edifice. Now, after two millenniums of confinement. It can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended. . .
                          That’s – interrupted Vergil – none of my concern. Did he have it?
                          Of course. He’s taking good care of it. After all, it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost.
                          Vergil was now looking at the amulet.
                          But he has no idea of its true power.
                          He just let go of the amulet as the Hell Vanguard jumped up to the top of the tower. Vergil turned around and walked away, thou the demon followed him. Ver stopped. With a very fast move he drew his katana and spun it. With an even faster move he stabbed the demon behind and put the sword back in the scabbard. As it shut the demon turned to dust. Vergil walked away. Arkham stepped closer to the edge watching the remains of the demons black robe fall down.
                          Back on the ground a girl was watching incident through binoculars.
                          I found it!
                          A few Hell Prides and a Hell Lust were trying to sneak up on her from the back but she started her motorcycle. With flames from the exhaust pipe she drove away leaving the demons to burn.

                          Dante and Sayo fought their way through the bar “Bull’s Eye” and were now at the Temen-Ni-Gru entrance. The entrance led to the Ice Guardian’s Chamber. As they entered the massive ice structure with chains at the other end of the room started to shake. Most of the ice fell off and a three headed dog emerged. Cerberus – the guard dog of Hell.
                          Leave now, mortal! – He roared out. – The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here!
                          Wow, I’ve never seen a talking mutt before. You know, in a dog show, you’d definitely take first place, - said Dante not one bit impressed.
                          You, a mere human, make a mockery of me?!
                          Cerberus took a deep breath and shot an icy wind at Dante, but he dogged it by jumping up. The wall behind turned to ice.
                          Easy, Fido! How about I take you out for a walk? Come on puppy, let’s go!
                          You’ll regret this, you worm!
                          It’s showtime!
                          Let’s fight already, - said Sayo.
                          The first attack was from Dante but he got frozen by Cerberus’ breath. Sayo used a fire spell to help out her bro.
                          Just break the ice from his body – she said and prepared another spell.
                          Okay, okay… - Dante muttered. – Wise-ass.
                          I think it would be better if I had left you frozen like that; - the girl gave him a bitter look.
                          The Cerberus attacked this time. It was a bit harder to avoid because the Cerberus tried freezing the floor. Dante and Sayo jumped up. Dante landed on Cerberus’ back and cut of one of the heads. With a painful howl Cerberus shook the boy off.
                          Do you need any help, bro?
                          Naaah. I’ll handle it myself so prepare for an amusing show!
                          It would be an amusing sight if you got yourself killed.
                          In a minute or two Cerberus lost his second head. Cerberus backed up to a wall.
                          You are not human, are you?
                          Who knows? I’m not even sure myself.
                          Regardless, you have proved your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth! You have my blessing!
                          Cerberus broke to pieces and the glowing light that was left of him flew to Dante. As he touched the glowing thing it turned into a tripartite nunchaku. Dante started showing off to see what he could do with the new toy.
                          Too easy!
                          Show-off, - said Sayo.
                          The two moved forward to the door.
                          Suddenly a girl with a motorcycle crashed though the outside wall to the room. Dante and Sayo moved to the side as the girl would have landed on them.
                          Are you going to the party? What’s the hurry, didn’t ya get an invitation? – asked Dante.
                          The girl quickly turned around the bazooka on her back and shot at him. Dante got on the rocket and again started to show off. He jumped of it and the rocket hit the ceiling. He looked at the hole there. Dante looked proud of himself. The girl finally gave Dante a look. She had mixed eye color. Her right eye was blue, and the other red. Dante noticed that.
                          She started her bike and drove forth with an aim on Dante. She jumped over him and landed somewhere on the other side of the hole in the ceiling. Dante looked that way.
                          This just keeps getting better and better!
                          He and Sayo went to the next room.

                          Pagaliau ilgai lauktas pirmas skyrius XD


                          • Light
                            Rimtas forumo narys

                            • 2007 03 31
                            • 161

                            Sulaukėm,neblogai ,bet kovas galėtum smulkiau aprašyt..Kiek atsimenu Cerberus stiprus buvo ir jį užmušt nėra taip lengva kaip pavaizdavai.


                            • Izzo
                              one vs all, DIE AZ!

                              • 2007 02 25
                              • 1530

                              joks čia ne fan fic. Tiesiog aprašytas žaidimo procesas, net dialogai identiški -_-
                              SCREW YOU, PEOPLE!

