Accidental Kiss

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  • Dark-Tarou
    I'm a woman on a mission

    • 2008 07 14
    • 486

    Accidental Kiss

    ******WARING LIGHT YAOI XD******

    Čia mano sesės kūryba. Ji tingi regintis į anime zoną, tai aš pagalvojau įdėti jos kūrybos ^^
    Bleach fanfiction, ByakuyaxRenji
    Nors nesu aš per didelė Yaoi fanė, bet šitas pasakojimas yra labai mielas ^^
    Tekstas yra anglų kalba, nes buvo rašomas dideliai skaitytojų audiencijai. xD
    ENJOY ^^

    It was a typical day in Soul Society. Renji was rushing with his usual “Shinigami” business down the hallway in the 6th Squad. He had to deliver some papers to Byakuya and then he would have a free day. So it was natural that he was in such a hurry.

    While planning his free time, Renji finally approached Byakuya’s office. “A few more steps and I’m free for the whole day” he thought to himself. Suddenly, he tripped on something on the ground. At the very moment when Renji started falling, Byakuya opened the door, so it happened that Renji fell directly on Byakuya, what resulted in them accidentally kissing each other. Both men were startled. Renji quickly let go of the kiss, blushing from embarrassment.
    - Yuk, gross! – He yelled and jumped back.
    Byakuya raised an eyebrow.
    - I don’t think that I’m that gross to kiss, - he said offended.
    Renji stood in shock. He quickly bowed and started apologizing.
    - I…I’m sorry, Kuchiki Taichou, - he said humbly, - it…it was an accident…I…- suddenly he remembered his task, - I brought you some papers…
    Byakuya looked at him coldly and said:
    - Put them on my desk.
    Then he turned around and went down his way. Renji was still standing in the same spot, clearly shocked.

    That night Renji couldn’t sleep. He was thinking about what happened that morning. “Why did I say it was gross? It wasn’t gross at all, it was quite…good.” Renji didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t deny that the kiss felt very good. Although it lasted for merely few seconds, he actually enjoyed it. And what’s more – he wanted to do it again. He wanted to feel the touch of Byakuya’s lips on his own, wanted to feel his warm breath. Renji was going insane. He couldn’t sleep. All he could think of was that kiss. “It’s wrong…” he thought to himself. “Kuchiki Taichou is a man! Rukia’s brother! It’s not like I’m in love with him or something. This is absurd! Then why do I feel this way? Why do I want to…kiss him?”

    The next morning Renji was feeling really tired, because he didn’t sleep well last night. Apart thinking about the kiss, he was also creating a strategy how to get that kiss. “Ok…” he thought to himself, “I’ll just run straight at him and kiss him and kiss him, without giving him a chance to dodge. Hm…Great plan! Almost like a battle plan!” A cunning smirk appeared on Renji’s face. But strangely he didn’t think about how he will explain himself to Byakuya afterwards, or what he will do, if this “battle plan” fails. Well…Renji stays Renji…

    Suddenly, Byakuya came out of the corner. “Now’s my chance” Renji thought. He was ready to run at Byakuya any moment now, but something was holding him, he just couldn’t move! Byakuya approached Renji.
    - God morning, Renji, - he said calmly as usual.
    - Goo…good morning, Kuchiki Taichou ! – Renji replied shaking and blushing.
    “He’s standing so close to me! Why can’t I move?!”
    Meanwhile, Byakuya continued walking away, until he disappeared from Renji’s sight. “Kuso!” Renji though to himself, “I had a perfect chance! Why am I such a coward?!” He stood grinding his teeth angrily. Then he kicked a vase with flowers, knocking it out, and walked away.

    Renji attempted a few more “attacks” on Byakuya later on, but they all ended up the same. In fact, it became even worse, because Byakuya started looking at his lieutenant like he was a total freak. Renji thought of giving up on his new ambition, until one day he was given a task to deliver some papers to Byakuya. “It’s the same task as last time! What if I act exactly like I did last time? I’ll just have to pretend that I tripped and I’ll get my kiss! But wait…won’t it look suspicious? “ Renji stood for a while, a little confused. “Neh…Who cares?” he grinned cunningly and went towards Byakuya’s office.

    When Renji reached the door, it suddenly opened. Byakuya came out of his office. Renji took his chance and fell forward, pretending to trip. Unfortunately, Byakuya grabbed his shoulders and stopped him from falling. Renji opened his eyes wide from astonishment. His plan failed.
    - What do you want, Renji? – Byakuya asked calmly.
    Renji stood in silence, covered in sweat. He didn’t know what to say. He was looking at Byakuya, who was still holding his shoulders.
    - If you want to get something, you have to ask for it first, - Byakuya said with a strange blink in his eyes.
    Renji was startled. He wasn’t sure whether he should say that or not, but it seemed his lips had spoken for him.
    - Kuchiki Taichou, I…I want to kiss you… - Renji blushed and turned down his eyes.
    He couldn’t believe he just said that. Before he even realized what happened, he felt a warm touch of Byakuya’s lips on his own. Byakuya gently wrapped his hands around Renji’s neck and pulled his face closer, deepening the kiss. Renji was enjoying every moment of this. It felt like heaven.

    When the two finally separated, Byakuya removed his hands of Renji’s neck and fixed a flock of his hair.
    - It wasn’t that gross, now was it? – Byakuya asked with a small smile on his face.
    Renji didn’t say anything.
    - Put those papers on my desk, - Byakuya added and went away.
    Renji smiled. “I should get tasks like that more often.”
  • Light
    Rimtas forumo narys

    • 2007 03 31
    • 161

    Blogai aš čia ką supratau? Abu shininigamiai vyrai? Tema verčia vėmt.,Bet parašymas gramatiškai ir rašyba gera.Sekmės tau gal ką ir lietuviškai įmesi?


    • enjutsu
      Rimtas forumo narys

      • 2008 08 19
      • 131

      o ko tikėjais juk pana rašė tai ir parašė tai kas jai patiktų


      • vilkduobe

        • 2008 07 22
        • 30

        Ką gi mes matome, shounen ai fanfiction animezonoje apsireiškė. xD
        Ką gi, Bleacho mačiau labai nedaug, tad ir su šiais personažais man susipažinti neteko. Dėl šios priežasties paties darbo nekomentuosiu - negaliu girti ar peikti dėl gerai ar neįtikinamai perteiktų veikėjų.
        Bet linkėjimai tavajai sesei, pralinksmėjau, kai šitą darbą išvydau. Chacha, gan.. nuotaikingas. ((:
        Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo vilkduobe; 2008-09-22, 19:10.


        • Nakviša

          • 2008 09 03
          • 180

          Wow. pirma kart gyvenime skaičiau Yaoi fanficą, bet man patiko ;D Anglų kalba tikrai nepriekaištainga, bent jau aš neradau prie ko prikibt . Na, mano manymu, veiksmas kiek per greit ėjo (man labiau patinka kai veiksmas rituliojasi lėčiau) bet gal taip dar ir geriau. Trumpai Drūtai.
          Šiaip aš esu Bleach fanė, tai kaip ir drįsčiau prisikabint prie Byakuyos perteikimo. Gal jis ir tinka tam visam Yaoi reikalui, bet bent, mano akimis žiūrint, jis taip skubotai nesielgtų. Aišku, čia yra tik skirtingų žmonių skirtingos interpretacijos (kaip sakant, kiek žmonių tiek nuomonių). ;D
          Šiaip skaitėsi tikrai smagiai.
          Tęsinys bus???

          noriu daugiau


          • Dark-Tarou
            I'm a woman on a mission

            • 2008 07 14
            • 486

            Aciu visiems uz komentarus Ot bus palaiminta mano sese xD Na, del anglu kalbos nepriekaishtumo tai cia viskas aishku, zmogus busimas anglu filologas xD

            Ash galiu ideti dar viena jos darba, bet ten jau bus oral tematikos xDD Taigi laukit ;D


            • dattebayo
              random fangirl syndrome

              • 2007 11 18
              • 207

              Patiko ^^ go Shounen Ai go go! nu ka, sulaikom kvapa ir laukiam tikro Yaoi Action!

