wich monster are you?

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  • nejiten
    3;2;1; click boom cicaboo

    • 2007 11 19
    • 65

    wich monster are you?

    Huh... So... Wich monster are you?
    <--- sorry nezinojau kaip grazau parasyti?

    cia as;
  • Hellsing_lover
    Purinsesu no Darukuneso

    • 2007 02 15
    • 1318


    you are: Demon Dragon!!!you live in your birthplace... A volcano!!!you get angry very fast, but when you are in a good mood, you... well ...do nothing special. :Pyou usually stay in your own territory, you don't hate humans, you only want them to leave you be.you have the power to enchant every thing with fire damage, also you can summon imps to fight for your cause [they are quite loyal ^^]but when you are in extreme danger you can call up to your pet; 'pyro'which is a powerful red dragon.other powers are; burn flash, fire eyes, burning skin, fire claws, dragons jaw, and the 2 last and most powerful spells are; 'Inferno' and 'dragons meteor'.inferno causes a giant pyro explosion that makes the surrounding land to burn and turn into ashes. and dragons meteor is, well... a meteor which falls down from the sky :Pyour standard weapons are a; fire whip and a million year old short-sword which is created in an ancient volcano -the volcano you where born in too-.

    Prieina Alucard'as su savo plačiakrašte skrybele prie Raudonkepuraitės ir sako: So, who's the the Little Red Riding Hood now?


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      • 2000 02 22
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