Nu žmonės,
I've done a little research about YGO and duel masters:
This show is often portrayed as a rip-off or parody of similar animes such as Yu-Gi-Oh since they use similar plots, characters, and terms. However, neither are probably true considering the large amount of card battle related anime and manga in Japan.
By wikipedia
Tai va duel masteriai nėra nei parodija, nei rippas.
Eikit į darželį, arba išmokyt naudotis internetu, grįsdami savo nepatikimus ir neatitinkančius realybės faktus.
I've done a little research about YGO and duel masters:
This show is often portrayed as a rip-off or parody of similar animes such as Yu-Gi-Oh since they use similar plots, characters, and terms. However, neither are probably true considering the large amount of card battle related anime and manga in Japan.
By wikipedia
Tai va duel masteriai nėra nei parodija, nei rippas.
Eikit į darželį, arba išmokyt naudotis internetu, grįsdami savo nepatikimus ir neatitinkančius realybės faktus.