Ultimate guide to kawaii smiles
Kodas:(^_^)/ Hi! (^^)// (^0^)/ (^o^)/ (^O^)/ (-o-)/ (^-^)/ (^^/ ( ^^) smile (^_^) (*^^) (^.^) (*^^*) (^^) (^.^) ('-'*) (#^_^#) (*^.^*) (*^^*) (*^_^*) (*^o^*) (^^)(^^ )(^ )( )( )( ^)( ^^)(^^) turn by smiling (^O^) Being glad! (^o^) (^o^; (o^v^o) ^)_(^ smiley oldman (>_<") Ouch! (>_<) (><) (>_< (x_x) (><) (>_<") (>_<) (><#) (>o<") (';') a baby (~o~) a yawn (;^_^ be in a cold sweat ^-^; (^-^; (^-^;) (^.^; (^^; (^^;; (^o^; (^^;) (^^;; (^^;;; (^_^; (^_^;) (^_^;;; (^_^;;? <^_^; - embarrassed, scratching one's head ( ;^^) (^^; (^o^; (^O^; f(^_^) (;^_^A with a handkerchief (-_-;) (O.O;)(oo;) (@_@;) (°°; (°°;)? (-_-;) (-o-; (^_-;) (~_~;) (O.O;) (/--)/ Oh no! (/_;)/ Why? (?_?) (-)_(-) ET d=(^o^)=b yeah v(^o^) victory (^^)v (;_;) cry and sob (ToT) (T_T) (T0T) (;O;) (T.T) (/_;) (;_:) (;o;) (T-T) (TOT) (T^T) endure by crying (;_;)( ;_)( ;)( )(; )(_; )(;_;)(T-T) turn by crying (-.-)y- smoke a cigarette (-¡-)y-~~~~ (-¡-)y- (>.<)y-~~~ (^_^)y- (>.<)y-~~~ (>,<)y-~~~ (-.-)y- (-.-;)y-~~~ (;_; )( ;_;) no no, I don't want (shake his head) (T.T )( T.T) ((+_+)) ummmmh (*_*) (+_+) (-"-;) (+o+) (-_^) wink (^_-) (^_-)---Wink (-_-) zzz... (-.-) zzz (-.-)Zzz (__)... (+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zzZZ I can't stand any more to be awake… o(^o^)o being cheerful (`O`) sing a song (..)(^^)(^¡^)(*^o^) I'm very glad! (--)(__) yes yes(nodding) ( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _) (@_@) What??? (~^~) I'm proud ('_') silence... m(._.)m Bow his thanks politely m(__)m m(_ _)m <(_ _)> _(..)_ _(^^)_ ( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _) o(^-^o)(o^-^)o o(^-^o)(o^-^)o dancing q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p ('-') a small glad ('-'*) (^_^)/~~ bye~~ (^-^)// (@^^)/~~~ (;_;)/~~~ (^.^)/~~ (^.^/)))~~~ (^^)/~~ (^o^)/~~~ (ToT)/~~~ (^-^)/~~ (;_;)/~~~ (**)/ (^-^)/~ (^.^)/~~~ (^0^)/~~ (^^)/~~~ ((((((^_^;) leave sneakingly (((((((^^;) ...((((( ((;^^) ......(((^^; (*_*) no goodÅ (dameda...) (+_+) (x_x) (x_x)~ _(++)/ It isn't good at all... (^0_0^) a face with glasses (^_^X) yakuza(japanese mafia) ( ..) look down below (>_< )( >_<) no no o(><;)(;><)o ( ^_^)(^_^ ) good friends (nakayoshi) p(^^)q fight! e(^ ^)g (p^-^)p q(^-^q) p(^-^)q (`_') glare at you ( --)//~ being frustrated ( ^)(^-^) kiss! (*^3^)/ (^3^)/ )^o^( ( ^3^)/ o(^^o) (o^^o) (o^^)o I'm very pleased! ('' )( '') look around restlessly but curiously )))))))))))(^^;)/ being startled(a surpris when someone ask you somethiing that you don't want to be asked) (*_*) without emotions (+_+) (+_<) (@o@) feel dizzy (^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ ) turn and feel dizzy (^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(@_@) (^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(^_^)¸ o^) (^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(^_^) (^-^)g good! (^O^)g d(-_^) good!! (^^)d (/_;) I'm sad (_ _,)/~~ I'm beaten / you win/ hold a white flag (^_^;)))))) hide oneself secretly <(-_-)> ))) walk like a crab p(._.) it's here <+ ))))><< a fish <+ )))><< <+ ))><< 8(*^^*)8 sazaesan {{ (>_<) }} It's cold (°°; (--)/~~~ punishment (--)/~~~~~~~ (-_-)/~~~~ o(><;)(;><)o strugle/wriggle (^O^)g stone---the game of stone-paper-scissors (^O^)y scissors---the game of stone-paper-scissors (^O^)W paper---the game of stone-paper-scissors ........ ( ..) dejectedly {[(-_-)(-_-)]} sleep together (T.T ) ( T.T) help me~~ (* ^)(*^-^*) kiss (^( ) (*^3^)/ (^3^)/ (^^)/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((((;^^) I catch you! (^_^)-c<^_^;) I catch you by pinching (;^^)===C
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
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I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
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(_._) - rodo subine
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