Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person
What kind of fighter are you?
Witch. Do you study witchcraft? If not, maybe you should start. You'd be good as a witch. Witches can cast spells and make potions and cures. They are not social and they are usually very horrid creatures. A witch does not take well to people and often finds pleasure from torturing humans and animals that trespass over her property. They usually live alone unless accompanied by a crow or a black cat. Otherwise they live by themselves, usually seeking refuge in a nearby bog, cave, or old house located deep in the woods.
that is way not me :PComment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
nu visai apsidžiaugiau;DDDsigpic
-kodėl dramblys turi straublį?
-nes idiotiškai atrodytų su pirštinių stalčiumi.Comment
Punk. You're a person who fights very blindly. Punks are often not very bright. You don't care who you're fighting, just as long as they're smaller than you and you can kick their ass. Sometimes you have no reason to fight. You just want someone to bully around. Punks are sometimes obnoxious and they never come to realize how stupid they look in public.
Didesnės nesąmonės gaut turbūt labiau ir nebuvo įmanoma: DDDDDDDComment
Punk. You're a person who fights very blindly. Punks are often not very bright. You don't care who you're fighting, just as long as they're smaller than you and you can kick their ass. Sometimes you have no reason to fight. You just want someone to bully around. Punks are sometimes obnoxious and they never come to realize how stupid they look in public.
Visiska nesamoneComment
Assassin. You're a cold blooded killer. You fight with no feeling and kill with no regret. Sometimes it is for money, which relates you to a bounty hunter. Other than that, you fight with only one thought on your mind. To kill.
yeh as zudike Linksma pasidare kotaiSpoileris:Comment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
krc man tas pats isejo dar nuejau i kitus Quizus ir tipo pasirinkau koks gyvunas esu tai gavosi:
a tiger not afraid to stand up for what is right, or to stand up the people who annoy you But don't be afraid to listen to some people's opinions so that you can reach a better understanding of people.
krc.All I Want To Do... is kill Somebody SomeoneComment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
Your Result
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person. Yup ^^Comment
Juokiuosi iš šito testo, kad ir ką kad ir kaip sumaigytum, vistiek visuomet duoda Magic User. Ar galbūt jis tiesiog mane perprato ir nesileidžia apgaunamas, nes žino, kad aš esu apsigimusi magė ir kito rezultato pamatyti man nelemta?Comment