Ninja. You fight with speed, and quickness. You're very lethal and sometimes it's hard to tell whether you're a Ninja or an Assassin. Ninjas used many weapons. And forms of martial arts. They keep to themselves and do things very quietly.
What kind of fighter are you?
Ninja. You fight with speed, and quickness. You're very lethal and sometimes it's hard to tell whether you're a Ninja or an Assassin. Ninjas used many weapons. And forms of martial arts. They keep to themselves and do things very quietly."I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
- Woody AllenComment
Ta pati gavau ^^,Nzn ka pasakyt,bet kazkiek tiesos yra XD.Gal xD.Comment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
Hehe, prisijungčiau.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
Punk. You're a person who fights very blindly. Punks are often not very bright. You don't care who you're fighting, just as long as they're smaller than you and you can kick their ass. Sometimes you have no reason to fight. You just want someone to bully around. Punks are sometimes obnoxious and they never come to realize how stupid they look in public.
Seip cia nesamone, paspaudziau, kad ten loving person ir pan. listening to the orders, o sita ismete Ai..Comment
Assassin. You're a cold blooded killer. You fight with no feeling and kill with no regret. Sometimes it is for money, which relates you to a bounty hunter. Other than that, you fight with only one thought on your mind. To kill.
Assasinus visada ir ant rpg renkuosi.Comment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
That's me xDDDComment
Samurai. You're a noble person who fights with skill and swiftness. You fight for what you know is right and you fight with great honor. You are a very respectable person.
Hmm, nicePriklauso Klaipėdos Japonų Animacijos KlubuiComment
Assassin. You're a cold blooded killer. You fight with no feeling and kill with no regret. Sometimes it is for money, which relates you to a bounty hunter. Other than that, you fight with only one thought on your mind. To kill. smagus zaidimukasComment