If you were an anime girl, what would you look like?Tinka ir vaikinams:}

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  • Miglaja
    Cute potato ~

    • 2007 12 16
    • 551

    If you were an anime girl, what would you look like?Tinka ir vaikinams:}

    Stai testas: http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/1160...-anime-picsJei butumet anime mergina tai kokia butum ? Tikrai tinka ir vaikinams sis testas.... Vat kas man gavosi...Mazdaug tiesa...
    Soft Beauty: Your the lovely young girl that everyone loves within the story. You don't have to be just a sub character, alot of the time you are featured as the main girl because your just so sweet and nice. Everyone loves you because your so soft and nice to everyone else.
    Clothes: A nice shirt, tee probubly and a long flowing skirt.
    Eyes: Brown or dull honey.
    Ambition: To help as many people as you can, you don't want to be in the way though so your more likely to leave cookies on their dorrstep or something like that.
    Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Miglaja; 2008-08-18, 13:09.
    Anime & Manga// Knygos // Muzika // Filmai
  • mariux9998

    • 2008 06 20
    • 434

    Nors as ir ne girl, bet jei jau galima bernams, tai w/e.

    Intellectual main girl: You are the character that can almost see into the future. There are the dumb blondes all around you pointing out the odvious, the ditzy lead girl, the sorcoress warning them all, yet only you seem to get it. In the story you warn everyone almost subconsiouly of impeeding danger but they never seem to notice.
    cloths: normal school girl cloths, your not the darkest one, but you would be wearing darker cloths then most of the regular blonde characters... or deeper colored.
    eyes: dark brown or hazel.
    ambition: to be a kid and live your life, but it never turns out that way. You always know more then everyone else but no one gives you the time of day.

    Whoa..... Panasu i mane, tiktai, kad as bernas xDDDD


    • Hellsing_lover
      Purinsesu no Darukuneso

      • 2007 02 15
      • 1318

      Man, atleiskit, kažkokia nesąmonė gavosi, but whatever...

      Soft Beauty: Your the lovely young girl that everyone loves within the story. You don't have to be just a sub character, alot of the time you are featured as the main girl because your just so sweet and nice. Everyone loves you because your so soft and nice to everyone else.
      Clothes: A nice shirt, tee probubly and a long flowing skirt.
      Eyes: Brown or dull honey.
      Ambition: To help as many people as you can, you don't want to be in the way though so your more likely to leave cookies on their dorrstep or something like that.

      Prieina Alucard'as su savo plačiakrašte skrybele prie Raudonkepuraitės ir sako: So, who's the the Little Red Riding Hood now?


      • Remorseless
        ~Wu pO~

        • 2008 08 13
        • 13

        gryna teisybė...;}

        Vilian: Your the antagonist. You don't hate the world you just want to controll it and you'll do what you want when you want. You're the evil woman in the dark with all the minions at your beck and call.
        Clothes: Dark long dresses or cloaks.
        Eyes: Black, yellow or red; something evilily angry
        Ambition: To controll the world and everyone with it.
        Be susidomėjimo kitų gyvenimais.
        Net jų pačių.
        Kažkas nepriklausomas.
        Tu nesisaugotum net savo mirties,
        Ar nenorėtum pamatyti jos?


        • Usotsuki

          • 2007 04 20
          • 67

          Vilian: Your the antagonist. You don't hate the world you just want to controll it and you'll do what you want when you want. You're the evil woman in the dark with all the minions at your beck and call.
          Clothes: Dark long dresses or cloaks.
          Eyes: Black, yellow or red; something evilily angry
          Ambition: To controll the world and everyone with it.

          he he. kinda awesome. suits me.
          Grant my enemies a long life. So they can watch my victory.


          • Exotic Anime Girl
            Ima firin mah lazah!!!
            • 2008 07 04
            • 67

            Autorius Miglaja
            Stai testas: http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/1160...-anime-picsJei butumet anime mergina tai kokia butum ? Tikrai tinka ir vaikinams sis testas.... Vat kas man gavosi...Mazdaug tiesa...
            Soft Beauty: Your the lovely young girl that everyone loves within the story. You don't have to be just a sub character, alot of the time you are featured as the main girl because your just so sweet and nice. Everyone loves you because your so soft and nice to everyone else.
            Clothes: A nice shirt, tee probubly and a long flowing skirt.
            Eyes: Brown or dull honey.
            Ambition: To help as many people as you can, you don't want to be in the way though so your more likely to leave cookies on their dorrstep or something like that.
            man tas pats gavosi Soft Beauty istikruju esu jauna mergina tokia kaip parase (bet mano plaukai ne tokios spalvos jie sviesus o akys melinos)


            • Witch_666
              • 2008 06 30
              • 51

              Jubiliejus - tai tuomet, kai daug gėlių, o tu dar gyvas.


              • Silvestras
                Rimtas forumo narys

                • 2008 04 18
                • 162


                Soft Beauty: Your the lovely young girl that everyone loves within the story. You don't
                have to be just a sub character, alot of the time you are featured as the main girl because
                your just so sweet and nice. Everyone loves you because
                your so soft and nice to everyone else.
                Clothes: A nice shirt, tee probubly and a long flowing skirt.
                Eyes: Brown or dull honey.
                Ambition: To help as many people as you can, you don't want to be in the way though
                so your more likely to leave cookies on their dorrstep or something like that.

                Tikrai jau ne,aš per visą gyvenimą nebuvau tox meulutis,gerutis,visiems padedantys,spinduliuojantys energija..vistiek testas per daug neliečia manęs,visgi aš vaikinas ir į tai reikėtų atsižvelgt.Dar šiek tiek paofftopinsiu:"Ir taip jau visi nuo senų laikų žinome,kad vaikinų gevnimas lengvesnis ir su mažiau rupesčių" +kas antras pervertas..ir nereikia gėdytis,nes bent jau išdalies tai tikrai .


                • Dream Eater
                  Let's start a Riot!

                  • 2008 01 22
                  • 85

                  Soft Beauty: Your the lovely young girl that everyone loves within the story. You don't
                  have to be just a sub character, alot of the time you are featured as the main girl because
                  your just so sweet and nice. Everyone loves you because
                  your so soft and nice to everyone else.
                  Clothes: A nice shirt, tee probubly and a long flowing skirt.
                  Eyes: Brown or dull honey.
                  Ambition: To help as many people as you can, you don't want to be in the way though
                  so your more likely to leave cookies on their dorrstep or something like that.

                  Įdomus tuo, kad sužinojau, kokia aš būčiau mergina, jeigu nebūčiau vaikinas
                  Teisingai atspėjo mano akių spalvą

                  Out of my mind... Back in five minutes


                  • chibi_nemiga
                    Rimtas forumo narys

                    • 2008 08 01
                    • 117


                    Intellectual main girl: You are the character that can almost see into the future. There are the dumb blondes all around you pointing out the odvious, the ditzy lead girl, the sorcoress warning them all, yet only you seem to get it. In the story you warn everyone almost subconsiouly of impeeding danger but they never seem to notice.
                    cloths: normal school girl cloths, your not the darkest one, but you would be wearing darker cloths then most of the regular blonde characters... or deeper colored.
                    eyes: dark brown or hazel.
                    ambition: to be a kid and live your life, but it never turns out that way. You always know more then everyone else but no one gives you the time of day.

                    na, iš dalies gal ir tiesa, bet ne visur radau man tinkamiausius variantus...>.>


                    • Rikka
                      Push The Limits

                      • 2008 07 12
                      • 91


                      Vilian: Your the antagonist. You don't hate the world you just want to controll it and you'll do what you want when you want. You're the evil woman in the dark with all the minions at your beck and call.
                      Clothes: Dark long dresses or cloaks.
                      Eyes: Black, yellow or red; something evilily angry
                      Ambition: To controll the world and everyone with it.

                      Cho cho cho...lyg mane simta metu pazinotu


                      • greysandman
                        Chaoso dainius

                        • 2008 01 02
                        • 67


                        Vilian: Your the antagonist. You don't hate the world you just want to controll it and you'll do what you want when you want. You're the evil woman in the dark with all the minions at your beck and call.
                        Clothes: Dark long dresses or cloaks.
                        Eyes: Black, yellow or red; something evilily angry
                        Ambition: To controll the world and everyone with it.

                        tas pats... o gaila...
                        juodas teisingas keistuolis


                        • Haji
                          Horror and Mystic lover
                          • 2008 07 04
                          • 116


                          Vilian: Your the antagonist. You don't hate the world you just want to controll it and you'll do what you want when you want. You're the evil woman in the dark with all the minions at your beck and call.
                          Clothes: Dark long dresses or cloaks.
                          Eyes: Black, yellow or red; something evilily angry
                          Ambition: To controll the world and everyone with it.

                          seip as bx


                          • Renata

                            • 2008 05 25
                            • 715


                            Intellectual main girl: You are the character that can almost see into the future. There are the dumb blondes all around you pointing out the odvious, the ditzy lead girl, the sorcoress warning them all, yet only you seem to get it. In the story you warn everyone almost subconsiouly of impeeding danger but they never seem to notice.
                            cloths: normal school girl cloths, your not the darkest one, but you would be wearing darker cloths then most of the regular blonde characters... or deeper colored.
                            eyes: dark brown or hazel.
                            ambition: to be a kid and live your life, but it never turns out that way. You always know more then everyone else but no one gives you the time of day.

                            na tiesos gal tik 40%, as nesirengiu kap mokinuke , kokausi poprashchiai, o mano akys betono spalvos.
                            gal galit kas nors pasakyt ka reiskia hazel? ( zodune neradau)
                            AnimeList // Last.fm // DeviantArt


                            • Miss.Sin
                              • 2007 10 09
                              • 17

                              Sexy Friend/Random temptation: Your not the main character but you show up alot in the story. You would be like the hot best friend that all guys can't wait untill you come into the show the next time. You generally don't think too much, you flirt alot and enjoy the men who fawn after you in your personal world, forget whatever your friend is doing.
                              Cloths: Typical school girl with flash of sex appeal outfit.
                              eyes: blue or green, equally sexy
                              ambition: to just have fun with life, forget later on.

                              Love me or hate me.

