What is Your Soul?

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  • DrXII
    • 2009 03 01
    • 13

    Lost- Your soul is lost. Youve lost yourself, your soul, your essence. You may have changed or are maybe just rethinking yourself, but not matter what it is you dont seem to understand yourself. You are also confused since your unsure of yourself. Your unsure of who you are, what you are, why youre here, your purpose, even sometimes why your even alive. Your just so unsure it hurts sometimes, your soul is just lost, wandering aimlessly through life.

    niu.. matyt arti tiesos, nes paimciau visas isskyrus angry ir content xDD v.v


    • CemyCemy
      Rimtas forumo narys

      • 2009 06 25
      • 141

      Content- Your soul is content. Your happy with yourself and life as it is. You take what you get and are happy with it, you are social and outgoing, maybe not with everyone but for sure with friends. Your type of person that looks for the good in a bad situation and tries to stay upbeat. You love to do fun stuff and are a fun person, your happy just being you!

      ogo atitinka


      • Alex Sugar
        don't worry, be happy ;)

        • 2009 02 23
        • 466

        Content- Your soul is content. Your happy with yourself and life as it is. You take what you get and are happy with it, you are social and outgoing, maybe not with everyone but for sure with friends. Your type of person that looks for the good in a bad situation and tries to stay upbeat. You love to do fun stuff and are a fun person, your happy just being you!

        Nu maybe, something like that ^^
        Nuostabus gyvenimas prasideda nuo nuostabių minčių
        Everything is awesome!


        • SiLeNcE...
          PaKvAiŠūŪūS ;}}
          • 2009 03 15
          • 14

          Dreamlike- Your soul is dreamlike. You spend life in a haze, always daydreaming about one thing or another. You have a good imagination and use your fantasies to escape the cruelties of reality. You may even look forward to going to sleep because you can dream and your soul is at ease. Your just a dreamer, your head is in the clouds all the time and you only wish that you could live in your fantasy worlds. You may have a short attention span which is why you end up day dreaming all the time.


          • Toxiz

            • 2009 10 25
            • 13

            Content- Your soul is content. Your happy with yourself and life as it is. You take what you get and are happy with it, you are social and outgoing, maybe not with everyone but for sure with friends. Your type of person that looks for the good in a bad situation and tries to stay upbeat. You love to do fun stuff and are a fun person, your happy just being you!
            As kiets kaip always pakiets (joke) xD


            • Dei Dei
              damn it
              • 2009 10 26
              • 22

              Creative- Your soul is creative. Your very expressive, be it through art, music or prose. Your very artistic no matter what medium you choose to reflect it through. You think of things other people may never have thought of, youre an idea person, whether its good or bad. You are also a funny person and do well in classes like english, art and music. You have an eye for detail as well. Your just really good at expressing your self through your own blend of whatever it is you do!


              • Shinpi
                • 2009 11 21
                • 8

                Creative- Your soul is creative. Your very expressive, be it through art, music or prose. Your very artistic no matter what medium you choose to reflect it through. You think of things other people may never have thought of, youre an idea person, whether its good or bad. You are also a funny person and do well in classes like english, art and music. You have an eye for detail as well. Your just really good at expressing your self through your own blend of whatever it is you do!
                I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.


                • Kalavijas
                  • 2009 11 19
                  • 27

                  Dreamlike- Your soul is dreamlike. You spend life in a haze, always daydreaming about one thing or another. You have a good imagination and use your fantasies to escape the cruelties of reality. You may even look forward to going to sleep because you can dream and your soul is at ease. Your just a dreamer, your head is in the clouds all the time and you only wish that you could live in your fantasy worlds. You may have a short attention span which is why you end up day dreaming all the time.


                  • Kuroi Tsubasa
                    Department of Inquisition

                    • 2009 09 09
                    • 391

                    Lost- Your soul is lost. Youve lost yourself, your soul, your essence. You may have changed or are maybe just rethinking yourself, but not matter what it is you dont seem to understand yourself. You are also confused since your unsure of yourself. Your unsure of who you are, what you are, why youre here, your purpose, even sometimes why your even alive. Your just so unsure it hurts sometimes, your soul is just lost, wandering aimlessly through life.
                    No one can restrain me with logic


                    • shigofumii
                      cruel man
                      • 2008 07 05
                      • 137

                      Trapped- Your soul is trapped. Your stuck in a never ending cycle of pain. Your held captive by your pain, that familiar hurt is all you know and it keeps you stuck in it. You want to be happy but no matter how hard you try you just end up trapped in sadness. Very much like a sorrowful soul only you are trapped within you continuing agony with no escape, your soul is determined to be sad without any end. Youre a very sad person and are afraid to try ew things, your also very shy and hide yourself from the world. Your true being is held deep within you somewhere but youve trapped it within, afraid what others may think of it.
                      Nesamone ,puse ne taip.
                      Destiny is waiting ,lets move foward to it.


                      • Esquisse

                        Dreamlike- Your soul is dreamlike. You spend life in a haze, always daydreaming about one thing or another. You have a good imagination and use your fantasies to escape the cruelties of reality. You may even look forward to going to sleep because you can dream and your soul is at ease. Your just a dreamer, your head is in the clouds all the time and you only wish that you could live in your fantasy worlds. You may have a short attention span which is why you end up day dreaming all the time.

                        Tikra tiesa


                        • rosario2vampire
                          Room sized logic
                          • 2009 02 08
                          • 33

                          Dreamlike- Your soul is dreamlike. You spend life in a haze, always daydreaming about one thing or another. You have a good imagination and use your fantasies to escape the cruelties of reality. You may even look forward to going to sleep because you can dream and your soul is at ease. Your just a dreamer, your head is in the clouds all the time and you only wish that you could live in your fantasy worlds. You may have a short attention span which is why you end up day dreaming all the time.

                          Tiesa... ;;
                          100%: WEIRD
                          100%: LOVED
                          100%: EUROPEAN
                          100%: STOOPID
                          100%: INDEPENDENT
                          100%: FILLED W/ WATERMELON JUICE 8D


                          • witkus
                            Take it easy

                            • 2009 11 21
                            • 261

                            Dreamlike- Your soul is dreamlike. You spend life in a haze, always daydreaming about one thing or another. You have a good imagination and use your fantasies to escape the cruelties of reality. You may even look forward to going to sleep because you can dream and your soul is at ease. Your just a dreamer, your head is in the clouds all the time and you only wish that you could live in your fantasy worlds. You may have a short attention span which is why you end up day dreaming all the time.

                            taip cia as


                            • RayYuka

                              • 2009 11 02
                              • 206

                              Muted- Your soul is muted. Youre a melancholy person. You feel numb and cold inside, you just cant feel. But when you do feel it is overwhelming and painful beyond words. Your soul numbs you to the pain to save you, but when you feel you really feel. You go through life trying to ignore the sadness all around you because if you notice you have a hard time handling it. You close yourself of to things to save yourself from the pain.

                              Manau ignoriuosiu šitą testo atsakymą... ~~
                              Geriau siaubinga pabaiga, nei siaubas be pabaigos.


                              • Dzei_
                                • 2009 08 04
                                • 11

                                Angry- Your soul is angry. Your not a happy person, your very easily angered. Youre the type of person that can get very angry very fast, you may also be the type of person that gets drastic mood swings. You get mad at people frequently, and it makes you feel good, but you regret it later. You tend to bottle things up as well which is why these bursts of anger tend to happen. Your soul is just mad at everything which results in you getting mad regularly. But really you just have a hard time coping with things and use anger to cope, you may even be really sad.

