Atsinaujinom iš VB 4.1.2 į 4.1.4

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  • Daan

    • 1998 10 30
    • 176

    Atsinaujinom iš VB 4.1.2 į 4.1.4

    Atsinaujinom iš VB 4.1.2 > 4.1.3 > 4.1.4


    Editor related items fixed

    CMS HTML Editor Buggy as Hell
    WYSIWYG Editing not available for Opera browser users
    Switch to Editor Mode Causes Article Text to Disappear
    Retrieve remote image fails.
    insert table not working
    Cookieless browsing issue for Apply in CMS editor
    insert table not working
    IE6 RTL: Tags field in text editor is in LTR mode.
    Carriage Returns being added/removed on article save
    Firefox: Buggy Paste of Forum-Links
    Standard Editor does not support Add an Image from URL
    Firefox: Buggy Paste of #3-Links
    Add the same table code that is in CMS to forum.
    Insert All missing from Attachments Paper Clip Drop Down (Regression from vB3)
    Thumbnail and Image Editing/Resizing
    Font Drop Down Box not showing its font in the font type
    Tab Key Function with tables
    Pasted Articles Not Formatted Correctly in CMS
    Can't edit image properties of thin images using the WYSIWYG editor
    Users Cannot Use "Insert Table" Button In The CMS Editor If "Forum Active" Is Set To "No"
    Center text new thread

    General Issues rectified

    What's New not available in Mobile Application
    Malformed Query Causes Loop Through Every User
    Anyone can change the thumbnail size of any attachment
    Slow Query In forumdisplay.php
    Too Much Memory Used To Generate online.php
    XMLsitemap does not generate correct URLs for blog and article content when using domain/blogs and domain/content
    Handling "Canceled Reversal" Transaction
    Can't drag uploaded attachments (IE9)
    Change API newtop to get threads, articles and blogs that have been posted [to] last.
    After approving moderated album pictures, "recently updated albums" and album display on user profile are not updated
    Old YUI version failing vBulletin in numerous places on IE9
    Lastpost Data is incorrect for threads.
    Typo in Skimlinks package
    Today's Posts - give it back to us
    Multi-quote sticking around for next reply with quote
    Measures to stop the loss of QR, QE content/changes loss
    StyleVars Are Not Properly Mapped into User Profile Customization Colors, Resulting in Unreadable Areas
    Query to determine first post in thread can take 60 seconds and is unnecessary
    Some characters double html encoded when using quick reply and iconv not present
    header_background changes font colors
    NONOTICES for ajax.php
    [Blog] Date to Publish
    Group Quick Reply doesn't show error messages
    Pencil icon appears below or next to attached image
    [Maximum Custom Page Characters] ignored
    Posting a reply to a blog entry in cookieless mode logs the user out
    Parse links in text fails on links with trailing )
    Deleting a CMS grid doesn't delete the associated grid template
    IE6: Can't add tags in CMS article editor
    Unnecessary HTTP Request on every page if YUI is loaded from Yahoo
    Style Generator: default setting behaves quite differently in 4.0.8 than 4.0.7
    BBCode [quote] not handled correctly if username contains special characters
    Stylevar "vbcms_article_mid_fontSize" is missing
    Code Review includes/class_api.php
    Hook template_register_var not working correctly
    Error in error handler for message too long: 'null' is null or not an object
    Blog admin changes needed for Impex blog to blog importer
    Missing '=' in a JS file
    Reply With Quote has cursor starting at wrong location
    New Youtube Share Links Not Parsing Via BB Code



    Text of CMS comments not visible in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode
    Database error when CMS is disabled
    vbcms_content_article_page Template
    After deleting a cms comment you get redirected to the comment thread, instead of the cms article
    Empty sessionid added to all CMS home url's
    Time is wrong in Recent Articles Widget
    Putting textarea into static page breaks edit display
    CMS Widget "Tag Cloud" always saves "Most Used" - You can't save "Most Searched"
    CMS displays Sections and Category titles incorrect (& instead of &, etc.) in AdminCP
    Double HTML escape for multi-page articles dropdown
    vbcms_widget_categorynavcurrent_page, heading mismatch

    Code Errors/Optimization

    Filecache datastore does not work on PHP 5.2.14 and later versions. (var_export handles negative integer array keys incorrectly)
    construct_quick_nav() is slow
    20 additional SELECT node.nodeid queries on showthread.php due to class_postbit
    Hold Memcache Connection
    Unnecessary query executed on every page
    CSS not cached as efficiently as possible: Cache-Control header issues
    Missed index on user table, email field
    Code Review includes/class_dm_picturecomment.php
    unnecessary code in packages/vbcms/content/section.php
    False variable used in vb/db/query.php
    Some changes requested for ajax.php
    false variable usied in packages/vbcms/widget/myfriends.php
    false variable in includes/blog_function_online.php
    false variable in packages/vbcms/comments.php
    false variable in vb/cache.php
    4x include of framework in inlinemod.php


    PNG images need to be optimized 31 votes
    Blog Comment Header aligment incorrect if "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?" is activated 8 votes
    Stylevar issue
    Little styling issue
    Remove images about PT from vBulletin package
    Border-radius for Opera 10.50
    If you change the padding stylevar, the collapse image on forum home is not positioned correctly
    Styling issue - profile / profile field categories
    Wrong sessionurl used for online.php
    "Posting permissions" isn't a moveable blog block


    [vB 4] Member List: $userinfo[lastvisit]
    FORUMDISPLAY conditional change for no-thread-list catagories
    detailed thread rating can'T be found anywhere?
    If there is no titleimage then a broken image link is shown on the page
    Recurring Event Selector Resets Upon Editing
    Datepicker template not working
    W3C Valiadtion errors in FAQ template
    Wrong variable order in Template vbcms_content_section_type3
    Templates postbit and postbit_legacy - title="{vb:rawphrase reputation} has to be {vb:rawphrase add_reputation}


    Facebook Like it "forgets" who has liked articles 20 votes
    Facebook Auth: Linking a Facebook Account after registration with Required Fields Does Not Allow Connection to be Made 15 votes
    Search results posts per page is limited at 20 9 votes
    Unable to post a non-English thread to facebook via the publish to facebook button 7 votes
    When tag cloud on search page is turned off in admincp, query still runs
    Missing Options When Viewing a User Profile in Mod CP (Compared to Admin CP)
    No Option in Mod CP to Edit Signature Pictures for Those Who Have Permission to Edit Signatures
    No Select All Option For Inline PM Tracking Checkboxes (Regression from vB 3)
    Prisegti failai