Na už nieko ypatingo mano akis neužkliuvo, tačiau manau neblogas turėtų pasitaikyti Ultraviolet (manau daugumai aišku kodėl ) ir gal dar nieko bus The Sky Crawlers
Nauji Anime: 2008 Vasara
Va, jei ką domina, biški daugiau info apie Ryoko's Case File, mat nekaži kaip rast lengva:
Spoileris:The series is light-hearted and the perpatrator in the case are monsters from various folk-lores, often with detailed research background on them which made the series that much more interesting.
Ryoko herself is awsome, she is talented, bossy, beautiful, egotistic, and loves crisis, think of Haruhi Suzumiya minus god-power but plus social standing and resources. She is a portrait as a genius and is good at whatever she do with cooking being the only exception. In one book, her reason for saving Tokyo was because if Tokyo is destroyed then there won't be a Tokyo for the future crisis. She often purposely make the porblem bigger to serve her own amusement before closing a case down, and given a choice, will always pick the over-the-top action over conveinent wisdom. She also holds at least one secret on everyone of her superiors as well as most politicans and is not afraid to used them toward her advntage, similar to Hiruma from Eyeshield 21. In addition, she is the only daughter and heir to the JACES international [a mostly security-for-hire company] , one of the largest company in the world, and the perfered place of work for most law-enforcement after retirement in the fictional Japan. This title pretty much solidifies her unique position in law-enforcement world and is the reason why she was given a pass no matter what she do and reason no one dares to say no to her. She is a firm believer that laws are created to be broken, take advantage of, and be abused [by her and only her], and that power are aquired only meant to be used.
Muromachi Yukiko is Ryoko's rival in the series, they are from the same class in the University and has opposed each other since then. Yukiko is the complete opposite of Ryoko, responsible, sensitive, no-nonsense, righteous, etc. She is the perfect soldier and ideal officer. Being the only daughter of the former Pirme Minister of Japan and a long-standing political family [similar to the Kennedy] she has her connections and background, however, instead of abusing them like Ryoko does she rarely uses those connections nor her background to her advantage, perfer to work hard by herself. Everytime she and Ryoko met, it always went from arguing to elementery-school bickering and name-calling. She is also sympathetic toward Junichirō and showed admiration toward his sense of duty and actions.
While Junichirō disagree with Ryoko's method [mostly during his monologues] he still follows her order to the dot and consider himself to be the last defense for the rest of the world and is his job to minimize the damages done by Ryoko. He, himself is an elite non-CAREER officer by being an Assistant Inspector [Keibuho] at his age but is still often complain about the in-equality between a CAREER [Ryoko and Yukiko] and non-CAREER. Despise being fairly intelligent with good detective skill, he is very dense when it comes to women. His girlfriend split up with him just right before the series when he commented on her diet. Throughout the series both Ryoko and Yukiko shows interest in him through their actions and speeches, but Junichirō always interpertate those as either jokes or trickery or even nuisance, when it obvious to the readers that both women have feeling for him, especially Ryoko, who often going into a jealous rage when Junichiro is acting nice to other female in the story. Junichiro often dismiss these responses as simple reaction from Ryoko's possessive personality toward her servent and slaves.
Aišku daugiausia dėmesį tai patraukė įvairūs scan'ai pakeitimas nuo Sable; 2008-05-20, 20:52.Comment
Nėr ką balsuoti. Nusimato itin geras sezonas. Itin geras ir dosnus. Nesausai prasiėję nauji metai, kuo toliau, tuo geresni.
Ką, galiu pasakyti, toks skonis.Comment
Peržiūrėjus visus ateinančios vasaros anime aprašymus, tai bent jau man visai geras sezonas nusimato. Visų pirma, į akis krito Ryoko's Case File - turbūt dėl sužeto? ir turbūt dėl nuotraukos, kur pagrindinė veikėja pavaizduota ^^. BotI!!! Džiaugiuos, kad kuriamas, bet nenoriu leisti sau labai tikėtis, kad pamačius pirmą epizodą nebūtų didesnis nusivylimas. Norisi, kad istorijos ir kovų perkėlimas į anime būtų adekvatus. Bet gal toks ir bus? The Sky Crawlers. Jau nuo slicKrox naujienos esu laukimo režime. Tikrai vertas laukimo projektas. Ir Detroit Metal City. Manau, kaip taisyklė, anime susijęs su muzika yra jau garantuotas reikalas.
Tik už ką dabar balsuoti, jau nebežinau . Pasiliksiu prie to anime, kurio kūrimas sukėlė didžiausius jausmus - Blade of the Immortal ^^Comment
Balsavau uz Ikkitousen: Great Guardians, nes zinau, kad tikrai ziuresiu, o dar aki patrauke: Ultraviolet: Code 044, Tetsuwan Birdy Decode, Blade of the Immortal, School Rumble: San Gakki, The Sky Crawlers, Ryoko's Case File, Linebarrels of Iron.Comment