AMVAZAR 2011: Anime Music Video Contest (finish)

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    AMVAZAR 2011: Anime Music Video Contest (finish)

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    AMV – AZAR 2011: Anime Music Video Contest

    » Geras AMV - tai ne labiausiai patikusi daina ar anime, o muzikos ir anime video / manga medžiagos pagalba sugebantis harmoniškai perteiktį originalų autoriaus sumanymą ar visai kitą siužeto / dainos / istorijos mintį. Labai ačiū visiems dalyvaujantiems ir sėkmės jums tolimesnėje kūryboje.

    AMV is not just a mixture of your favorite music and anime, but a way to express your original idea/concept/story using the given mediums. Thanks to everyone for participating, good luck and keep up the good work!

    AMV – это не только сборка любимого аниме с музыкой в единое целое, но и возможность представить свой оригинальный подход к исходнику в виде собственного концепта, сюжета или же выражения некой авторской мысли. Благодарим за участие и желаем удачи как на конкурсе, так и в дальнейшем творчестве!

    Registration and rules:

    Balsavimo taisyklės / Voting rules:
    • Kiekvienas vartotojas gali balsuoti už tris labiausiai patikusius darbus.
    • Balsuoti galintys vartotojai - kurie užsiregistravo iki Konkurso paskelbimo.
    • Dalyvių ir rėmėjų balsas lygus trims balsams.
    • Balsai bus anuliuoti, kas nesilaikys pirmo ir antro punkto.
    • Dalyvis už savo darbą balsuoti negali.

    • Every registered user on the website can vote only for 3 videos.
    • Only those who registered before the contest's announcement can vote.
    • Participants' and sponsors' votes give 3 points.
    • A vote from a voter, who will not meet the first 2 requirements will be disqualified.
    • Participants cannot vote for their own video.

    • Каждый зарегистрировавшийся пользователь имеет право проголосовать за 3 понравившиеся работы.
    • Право на голос имеют лишь те, кто зарегестрировался на сайте до начала конкурса.
    • Голос участника и спонсора сайта приравнивается к трём голосам обычного пользователя.
    • Голоса проигнорировавших первые два пункта будут анулированы.
    • Участник не имеет права голосовать за собственную работу.

    Atnaujinimas / Update:
    P.S. Kadangi Orion nepilnai atitinka taisyklių (naujas anime, bet ne 2011, o 2012 metų pradžios) buvo nuspręsta, kad jis dalyvaus kartu su visais, bet neturės teisės kovoti dėl pirmosios vietos ir pagrindinio prizo. Manome taip bus sąžininga.

    P.S. since Orion does not exactly meet the rules of the contest (the anime is new, though not from 2011, but from 2012) it was decided, that he will participate as a normal contestant, but won't be able to get the main prize if he wins the contest. I think that way it will be fair towards everyone.

    P.S. так как Orion не совсем соответствует правилам конкурса (новое аниме, но не за 2011, а за 2012 год), то было решено что клип будет участвовать на равне со всеми участниками, но не будет иметь права забрать главный приз в случае победы. Думаю таким образом будет честно по отношению ко всем.

    Laimėtojai ir rezultatai / Winnders and results
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    Administratorių, rėmėjų, organizatorių ir dalyvių balsas lygus 3 / Administration, sponsors, organizers and participants votes are equal to 3 votes: Abalys, BlossomOfTheFuture, diegao94, mdgzmustang, Myata, Shurpik, Double_ego, S.A.Robert, zio, Daan, bithuthe, airiz, slickrox, squall, Knives.

    Balsų rezultatai tokie / Votes results:

    • 1) Reverse - by Shurpik (50 votes) (Lithuania)
    • 2-3) Erien - by diegao94 (48 votes) (Italy)
    • 2-3) Orion - by S.A..Robert (72 votes) (Russia)
    • 4) You-He-It - by Abalys (19 votes) (Lithuania)
    • 5) Dreams to reality by Double_ego (17 votes) (Germany)
    • 6) Bento-licious - by mdgmustang (16 votes) (Lithuania)
    • 7) Dont tickle the dragon - by BlossomOfTheFuture (13 votes) (Lithuania)
    • 8) Crazy dream - world domination - by Miyata (6 votes) (Lithuania)

    Sveikinu nugalėtojus, Shuprik su pirma vieta, kuris tik miniamlia persvara laimėjo prieš svečią iš Italijos diegao94 ir svečią iš Rusijos S.A.Robert. Ačiū visiems dalyvavusiems, visiems kas padėjo ir rėmė, be kurių šis konkursas nebūtų įvykęs! Norėčiau sulaukti pirmų trijų vietų nugalėtojų adreso bei vardo ir pavardės ( PS: Dėl pagrindinės konkurso tematikos buvo laikomasi kelio ir siekti plėstis ir tobulėti, auginti publiką, kadangi gali apimti labai platų ratą. Tačiau dėl kur kas mažesnio dalyvių ir žiūrovų susidomėjimu konkursu šiais metais, buvo nuspręsta kitais metais konkurso neberengti. Sėkmės visiems tolimesnėje kūryboje!

    Congratulations to the winners, Shurpik, who won against our guest from Italy duegao94 only by few points and guest from Russia S.A.Robert. Thanks to all who participated, our guest's who decided to support our young contest, everyone who helped and supported! I would like to receive the first three places winners address and name ( PS: The main competition have interesting theme, thats why we were puling it forward and trying to expand contest worldwide and grow our young audience. However, because of much smaller contesters and audience interest in competition this year, it was decided to discontinue the competition next year. Good luck to everybody and I hope to see more nice AMV from you in future!

    Update: 11:23 20.03.2012

    Šį rytą dar kartą patikrinus balsus, buvo pastebėta klaida ir taisyklių pažeidimas. Nors diego94 ir buvo pranešęs jog jis prabalsavo už save, tačiau jo balsas per klaidą buvo paskaičiuotas ir jo balsai nebuvo anuliuoti. Atsiprašau už nesklandumus ir sukeltą dramą. Viršuje ir pagrindinėje temoje visi balsai ir taškai bus atnaujinti.

    This morning after votes recheck, we found mistake. Although diegoa 94 informed that he voted for himself, but his voice was erroneously calculated, and his votes have been not canceled. Sorry for inconvenience and drama. Above and in main post all voices and points will be updated.

    Dalyvių darbai / Participants:

    You/He/It / Genre: Psychedelic
    Music: Celldweller - The stars of orion Anime: Deadman Wonderland

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    <hr>Dreams to reality / Genre: Psychedelic
    Music: Requiem for a Dream (Andy's iLL Dub fix) cut version) Anime: Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica

    About AMV: I reject the reality and constitute my own. Dream exactly is the rejection of reality made by our mind, but what if this dream is something different. What if it is more real that I can imagine? Dream made into nightmare by our fears and emotions. Fighting back to maintain stability, fighting to maintain peace for everyone. Is it even worth to try? Who knows wheather it is dream or not? It is up for us to decide and make actions based on which path we choose.

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    Don't tickle the Dargon / Genre: Fun
    Music: The Warrant - Cherry Pie ir Jet - She's a Genius Anime: Beelzebub

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    Erien / Genre: Romance
    Music: Jonsi - Go do Anime: Hoshi o Ou Kodomo

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    Bento-licious / Genre: Action
    Music: The Prodigy- run with the wolves Anime: Ben-to

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    Crazy dream - world domination / Genre: Action, Fun
    Music: Ash - world domination Anime: Beelzebub

    About AMV: The idea of such storyline for my AMV was born from a dream I had one late summer night. That night, after waking up from a crazy dream where I tried to become the strongest in the world, I have written down everything I could remember on the scrap of paper. The title was already decided at that point, “Crazy dream – world domination”. After making the storyline come together, I had to find a suitable anime and music. It was a long journey, but I think it was worth it. At that stage Beelzebub didn’t have many episodes, it wasn’t yet at the point where I could use it for what I have planned, so I decided to wait and believe that everything would be ready in time for this contest. And sure I got what I was waiting for!

    2 brothers united by 1 dream, aiming for the same place – top of the world. In that dream, they engage into 3 fierce battles, against those who share the same dream of conquering the top. It is already not on the scale were mere humans are involved; demons and superstrength rival stronger than demons themselves are aiming for a complete world domination. On a journey to the top, brothers meet a girl who is worth of the title Queen, to be a woman of the man who is at the top. But who shall prevail at the end of this crazy dream? Will it be 2 brothers? Or perhaps a destined rival who is on par with Lucifer?

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    Orion / Genre: Action
    Music: She - Coloris Anime: Nisemonogatari

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    Reverse / Genre: Psychedelic
    Music: T.I. feat. Christina Aguilera - Castle Walls (Dubstep Mix) Anime: Steins;Gate

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    You/He/It /
    Dreams to reality
    Don't tickle the Dargon
    Crazy dream - world domination